Union workers in Orange County don’t have much to celebrate this Labor Day

The Labor movement in Orange County has stumbled under the leadership of the OCEA’s Nick Berardino

Labor Day started with the shedding of workers’ blood.  “It became a federal holiday in 1894, when, following the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the U.S. military and U.S. Marshals during the Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland put reconciliation with the labor movement as a top political priority. Fearing further conflict, legislation making Labor Day a national holiday was rushed through Congress unanimously and signed into law a mere six days after the end of the strike,” according to Wikipedia.

Today Labor Day marks the official end of summer, and the past abuses of union workers are a distant memory for most Americans.  In fact the abuses heaped on labor for so many years have been almost completely forgotten.  Here in Orange County, the County Democratic Party even named their top annual award after President Harry S. Truman – a union buster who caused a lot of grief for organized labor.

Organized labor has over the years lost a ton of jobs.  Today the public sector unions dominate what is left of the union movement.  That is certainly true here in Orange County.  I attended the Labor Day event at the Santa Ana Zoo, this Saturday.  Nick Berardino, the head of the Orange County Employees Association (OCEA) was strutting around like a peacock, but over the past few years he really hasn’t had much to celebrate.

This past June, in the primary, Berardino got royally punked when his handpicked candidate, Anaheim carpetbagger Lorri Galloway, stumbled out of the gate, as Republican Shawn Nelson easily won.  Now Berardino is all in with another Anaheim carpetbagger, Harry Sidhu, who is, like Nelson, a Republican.  Sidhu joined his GOP opponent for a State Senate seat, Mimi Walters, a few years ago in bashing the heck out of the same hard-wroking Mexicans who work for him in his El Pollo Loco restaurants.  I have not been a fan of his ever since.

Did the attendees at the OC Labor Day event know about Leos’ positions on gun rights and the death penalty?

Berardino has ignored two great Democratic candidates for the Anaheim City Council – City Commissioner John Santoianni and businessman Bill Dalati.  Instead he has been shilling non-stop for another Republican, John Leos – a guy who says he is a  Republican because he favors gun rights and the death penalty.

Berardino FAILED to recruit any candidates this year to oppose Supervisors John Moorlach and Pat Bates, and District Attorney Tony Rackauckas.

A few years ago Beradino got behind a truly horrible Republican, Stanton Councilman Dave Shawver, against Moorlach.  I spoke to Shawver and found him to be a Minuteman-style Mexican basher.  Moorlach wiped the floor with him.

Janet Nguyen won because Berardino got behind a carpetbagging adulterer instead of backing a Latina for the First District

And do you remember when Berardino recruited carpetbagger Tom Umberg to run against Janet Nguyen for the First District seat vacated by Lou Correa?  Umberg’s campaign flamed out when he got caught cheating on his long-suffering wife.  Berardino punked Santa Ana Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez, but in hindsight I think Alvarez would have beat Nguyen.  Umberg turned out to be an epic fail.

Can anyone remember when the OCEA actually won a political race?  How many millions have they wasted under Berardino?  When are they going to call him on the mat for his horrible record?

Chris Prevatt

Berardino has resorted to trying to control the O.C. blogosphere in order to push his agenda.  His underling, Chris Prevatt, said recently, over at his foundering Liberal OC blog, that they are not liberal, they are a labor blog, and that is why they are promoting Republican Leos for the Anaheim City Council.  Prevatt is also one of several Liberal OC bloggers who are suing me in an attempt to silence the Orange Juice blog.  I wonder if Berardino put him up to that too?  Do they even know that I am a member of the AFT/AFL-CIO?

And Berardino founded the new Voice of OC news blog, which breaks news once in awhile but more often than not is just a more polished version of the increasingly libelous and hysterical Liberal OC.

I stopped by the June primary party in downtown Santa Ana that Berardino organized with the DPOC.  They had so many cameras and news vans there, but it was all for naught.  In the end they lost every race they were involved in.

So happy Labor Day.  Americans have forgotten the past sacrifices of our working men and women.  And here in Orange County the labor movement has been co-opted by lame hacks who promote awful Republicans instead of backing true progressives.  Not much to celebrate after all…

About Art Pedroza