Lay it on thick, boy. Then add some more.
A cynical person said the other day that when he was born, OC District Attorney Tony Rackauckas’ mom pushed him out along with a can of white paint and a four inch bristle brush.
It’s common knowledge around town that T-Rack, as he is fondly known, rarely, if ever, pursues political miscreants, but in the case of the OC Fair Board and its odd behavior in the summer of 2009 he had no choice. See, the State AG refused to handle the issue due to a conflict of interest and dumped the investigation back to OC, where Rackauckas was waiting with paint and brush to work on his next masterpiece.
Read the rest of “Another DA Whitewash. Rackauckas A Bit of An Artist.”
Yeah. So much bullshit going on, and only a handful of us plucky bloggers paying any f-ng attention.
T-Rack’s whitewash investigation of the Fair Board’s miscreance was notable thus: His “investigators” spoke to everyone on the Board except for the one guy who strenuously disagreed with all their maneuvers to buy the Fair for themselves: Dave Padilla. They conveniently ignored the one guy who would have spilled everything.
Another thing you should have brought up yesterday, Todd Spitzer, in your list of T-Rack whitewashes and miscellaneous crimes – although it pales in comparison to the innocent folks he has kept in jail for years knowing they were innocent, just to avoid embarrassment.
I’ve tried to dub T-Rack – and I wish this were catchier – the “As-Good-As-No-DA DA.”
I highly recommend OJ readers to click thru and read the rest of this story until I have the time to do my own.
This District Attorney is incompetent and corrupt. He does not prosecute powerful politically connected people and releases reports on innocent people to his lackey Matt Cunningham to post on the internet.
Comrade Vern, you can be huffing and puffing about T-Rack and it does not matter!
Do you know why?
Because you are doing same as he does in your sphere of influence.
And so does next guy….
And next…
It is much easier to destroy rather than bud!
Look what you have accomplished at this blog…… Nothing!
Ah but you are wrong Comrade Stanislav!
I have helped to create a monster named … Fiala!
I hate to burst your bubble comrade Vern, but a monster Fiala already existed (as the Czech saying goes) when your father was still wee-wee with you against the wall.