Christine O’Donnell got her baptism into national politics when CNN and Wolf Blitzer narrated a debate with Democratic opponent Chris Coon. [SIC – ed.] We were well prepared for a bit of witchcraft and a cauldron of bubbly…..but instead found a cogent candidate smarter than Sarah Palin and certainly much better prepared. Her position on Cap and Trade was right on!
Bill Maher has been beating up Christine for the last month, saying how ill prepared she was to serve in government office. His sound bites from 10 years back had here mentioning her foray into folks she met that were into covens and such. Well, Christine has come a long way baby! She accounted for herself deftly….her answers were spot on and she dealt with the best that Harry Reid’s Pet – Chris Coon could muster up. He continuely tried to debase her questions and responses, with a sniggering that resonated to mean spirted hardball. Coon was elitist and less than attractive!
All in all, if Christine O’Donnell respresents ” The Tea Party”….we may have to take another look at the phenomenon. She was too cool, cute but serious and we could find no fault with her presentation. We could argue a few positions….but not many. All in all….Christine O’Donnell has set the bar for Tea Party candidates. She was impressive enough to say” She could win!
We will be watching the returns from Delaware on election night. Good Luck Christine….you are doing real good! Win this election and Christine O’Donnell could be a force in the Republican party in the future!
She could win? No, she won’t win.
The moment that had me scratching my head; when asked if she believed that evolution was a “myth”, she got around to saying that her views on the topic were not “relevant”.
Now, we’ve had a couple decades, at least, of right-wingers parading around preaching how important it is that our public schools be able to teach creationism as well as evolution, and she wants to cop out and tell us her views are not relevant? Give me a break…are you telling me that answer goes over well with someone like, say, James Dobson? But will we hear folks like that, or folks like the Winships call her on that cop out? Apparently not.
Oh, and smarter than Sarah Palin? Do you realize how easy it is to be that?
Talk about a disingenuous, dopey candidate.
* dearest anon,
Stepping on the ants while the elephants (no pun intended) get away….or using the
“Look…Halley’s Comet” routine will not change the harshest of realities: Are you going
to elect a dedicated bureaucrat that bases every vote on how many dollars come in the
door for their re-election campaign…or to someone who actually would try….win or lose
to do a common sense job of fixing government – anyway they can?
In any event, we were the first ones to say that the “Tea Party” was coming from Mars….
but little Christine O…..seems like a real deal. She is luckily no Sarah Palin….pandering
to people with disfunctional families and waving an American Flag with 13 stars. She
talks straight….like McCain was supposed to do…and never did. We wish her good luck
and hard work. That over-priced clown Coons was too mean spirited for words. He sort
of reminds us of Elliot Spitzer…..a bad Elliot Spitzer that is. If he had been debating a
man….someone would have handed him his head on a platter. Coons is a real demeaning
jerk – and too self consumed at that! But you probably already knew that.
How does ducking her evangelical activist past amount to “talking straight”. How does that amount to being the “real deal”?
These words actually came out of her mouth last night (did you hear them)…”What I believe is irrelevant”.
Go ahead, remain in denial. Give her a pass.
anon, I am agnostic and the got fearing religious people do not scare me.
However, the environment fearing religious people do!