Baugh and the OC GOP opted to help Agran after Schott questioned party finances

Is Scott Baugh now an Agranista?

Now we know why the OC GOP did not endorse Irvine Council candidate Lynn Schott.  According to a new article in the Voice of OC, Schott’s endorsement was opposed by Scott Baugh, the Chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County.  Executive Committee member Mark Bucher also opposed her.  Both even made phone calls against her endorsement.

Now only one Republican Irvine candidate has the endorsement, Jeff Lalloway..

What this means is that Larry Agran and his Agranistas could end up with a 4-1 City Council majority.

Why did Baugh and Bucher oppose Schott’s endorsement?  Apparently she rented a room at the OC GOP’s Central Committee’s January meeting at the Hyatt Regency Irvine.  She hosted a bunch of tea party activists who were mad at Baugh for not following his own rules, which call for an audit of the party’s finances every two years.  The last audit was performed six years ago.

Republican activists Allan Bartlett and Tim Whitacre were also involved with the Tea Party faction.  Both are now questioning why the OC GOP is effectively helping Agran.

How stupid can the OC GOP get?  Agran and his goons are going to end up wasting a half a billion dollars on the Great Park and the ill-fated Irvine city bus system (that no one will ride).  And now Agran will have a super-majority on the City Council, to pave the way for all of his schemes.

Baugh should be dumped as soon as possible.  If he had any honor he would just resign.  He is by the way a highly paid lobbyist.  “Late last month, the Republican supervisors voted unanimously to pay their political party’s leader more than a half-million dollars—about $5,100per week, plus expenses—in a two-year, no-bid deal to lobby for the county in Sacramento,” reported R. Scott Moxley in the OC Weekly on Oct. 7, of this year.

About Art Pedroza