Having been involved in every Mission Viejo election for the past 20 years I can report that our city is now “blighted.”
Where to begin. Councilman Leckness or his volunteers nailing yard signs to trees as reported in the Mission Viejo Dispatch www.missionviejodispatch.com
A first for me was blight observed in driving past a high rise. No, not a housing project in Irvine or Anaheim. I refer to triple high yard signs on a single stake by planning commissioner/candidate Sandzimier who previously worked for the Irvine Company and probably wants to promote high density housing in our built out bedroom community.
Instead of simply placing one sign at various locations around the city Rick has blanketed the area or should I say blighted Mission Viejo with his 2,000 yard signs.
Dave Leckness has not been idle in the sign wars as he installs multiple signs in the same locations so that challengers have limited space for their signs.
Drive along Marguerite Parkway and you can’t miss examples of this excess. What the candidates fail to realize is that having a dozen signs together while motorists pass by is a total waste or time, effort and expense. We will never have time to safely drive by and read your message.
In reviewing the candidates #460s this week I can report jobs being saved or created in Santa Ana where COGS South has been busy printing all these signs.
A former HOA Board member and myself observed a Sandzimier’s banner that was installed on a HOA tree where he obviously was trespassing and could have fallen.
The sign has a hand written message that the tree containing his banner is installed on his property. Not true. It was quickly removed by the landscapers.
We all hear of yard signs being stolen every election. One of Brian Skalsky’s banners was recently stolen from a high profile Alicia Parkway corner, in the back yard of a homeowner one block from Sandzimier’s home. Just a coincidence I am sure.
In 24 days this will all be over. Let’s see if the candidates remove their signs after Nov 2nd.
Let’s keep it simple. Reject all council incumbents.
Signs Larry? Really? How awful. How about reporting that Francis Holtzman assaulted Commissioner Sandzimier with his car last night and was taken into custody. Or wouldn’t that qualify as important news?
LBM. You are deranged. I saw Mr. Holtzman early today. No one was taken anywhere
Custody–hardly. He spent the night and today with friends and family!!
As I understand it–Commissioner Sandzimier was TRESPASSING–something he does frequently in his feverish planting of his signs.
Come on Larry,
for the love of all that is holy and what the majority of us consider sacred please pay more attention to your Stormtrooper Francis and make sure he’s taking his meds three/four tImes a day. The beautiful trees along are streets are much more vulnerable to Francis and his assault vehicle than from a few over
zealous campaign workers…..what is with you and your minions…?…are any of them capable of following the most basic of our States vehicle code……get a license?…register your car?….and don’t run into pedestrians.
After witnessing first hand the sign wars during the Measure D election in which supporters of Measure D would prowl the night trespassing on property to REMOVE “No on D” signs, the hypocrisy here is hilarious. Whether it is trespassing on private property or illegally putting up signs in the public right of way, supporters of the tragically written and soundly defeated Measure D including Mr. Holtzman have done them all.
My only conclusion is that the City of Mission Viejo is so soundly run that attacking sign placement is the best those opposing the current administration can come up with.
By your comment I see that you have joined the rest of the Sandzimier defenders.
Answer the question. Do we have signage blight in Mission Viejo this election?
This post is not about Meaure D. Get over it already.
You just accused Mr. Holtman of putting up signs in the public right of way?
Did you personally witness it or are you lowering yourself to running with third party hearsay?
Do you have any witness or photos to confirm your accusation?
As a partner in a large law firm I am disappointed to see you stoop to the level of some in our city.
Most of the dozen candidates have placed signs around the city promoting themselves. I am not objecting to their actions. Rick S and Dave L are over the top.
Larry, this so quickly devolves to pettiness it is sad.
Are you advocating abridging First Amendment rights by limiting the ways candidates can campaign or place signs? As a conservative, I am firmly against abridging First Amendment rights EVEN when I find the form of speech annoying or objectionable.
Are you saying that ONLY Mr. Leckness and Mr. Sandzimier have a plethora of signs around town? I have seen signs all around town in relatively equal in proportion. I have also seen plenty of elections where candidates backed by you had the majority of signs.
Do you have any pictures of either Mr. Leckness or Mr. Sandzimier either placing signs or directing placement of those signs? Larry, when you devolve to this level of silly finger pointing when you lack equivalent proof it is simply counterproductive. As a matter of fact, during the Measure D campaign (which I am more than willing to move past since my position was overwhelmingly supported by the electorate but Cathy Schlicht supported by you continues to flaunt her disregard for the will of the electorate by continually attempting to revive this terrible idea), I did have the experience of legally placing signs only drive back by a few minutes later to find the sign replaced and an SUV in the general description of Mr. Holtzman leaving the area.
You have no comment on the late night physical altercation in which Mr. Sandzimier has alleged that Mr. Holtzman assaulted him with a deadly weapon? Unfortunately, instead of entering into substantative debate, I expect that you will continue your traditional tactic of simply ignoring solid arguments against your position and changing the subject.
Larry, you have a lot of good things to say most of the time. Stories like this neither help the cause you support nor advance the credibility of your position.
Geoff. I spend more time on this keyboard than you spend in the courthouse. We have a case of “he said, he said.” That being the case how are you, or myself, able to determine which of the two individuals is telling the truth?
Should we request a lie detector test and take some depositions? There were no witnesses.
.According to Joe he was not detained by the OCSD. Are you telling me that he was left alone after your bogus assault with a deadly weapon remark that you accept as gospel by a third party?
As neither of us know the truth, would you be happier if I draft a post and poll the readers as to which version they believe to be accurate? Hmm.
Ooh, a clash of the Mission Viejo titans. Who will prevail, Larry or Geoff? I know I can’t bet against my Juice Brother because, as has been said elsewhere, Blog Blood is thicker than water. But Geoff Willis seems like a pretty tough contender.
Brother Vern.
As Geoff has stated more than once I do my homework to avoid charges of misinformation. In this example I will not post a story that is not backed up by evidence.
I was driving through Mission Viejo yesterday and thought, who would want to vote for anyone who put that many signs out, it totally turned me off! Makes me happy I live in Aliso where we just have one of each candidate in high traffic areas. It’s nice, not a blight.
Glad it wasn’t just me who thought it was an eyesore.
Gilbert you are unreal. There is a police report. Holtzman hit Sandzimier with his car and Sandzimier is pressing charges. Where is that anti-violence rapid dog act you put on to hound MacLean from office? You are a moral coward, Sir.
Let’s cut to the chase. You are a liar. There is no police report. Get lost.
Case #10-189075 Assault & Battery
According to Joe he was not detained by the Deputy. Both he and Rick were told to stand apart from each other. When the dust settles we shall see what becomes of this episode which reminds me of the charges in the recall election that went no where.
According to the police blotter it reports an Oct 8th disturbance at Los Alisos Blvd & Marguerite Parkway at 10:51:57 p.m. There are no details as to who was involved in the disturbance or who was the guilty or innocent parties. A disturbance surely does not address Avery’s allegations of assault with a dangerours weapon, namely a vehicle.
Were you there? I wasn’t so anything you add is purely hearsay, especially if you in fact are related to Rick S.
Back to the theme of this post. Rick Sandzimier has created blight in our city.
While he has not nailed signs to trees like his running mate Dave Leckness he has gone overboard blanketing the city with his signs including those seen on city and HOA property without approvals.
For some reason the city manager and the Sandzimier’s ignore that detail in responding to this post.
Kim. Did you respond to the hanging of your banner on an Mission Viejo Enviro. Assn tree behind your house?
For some reason I do not recall hearing from either of you especially when your banner had a note that the tree was on your property which it is not.
Typical Larry.
So, there IS a police report, but Larry moves on and talks about sign blight. Now Larry goes after the candidate’s WIFE. You are unbelievable Larry.
So Larry, why not post the details of the POLICE REPORT?
Larry, the problem is that you really do a fantastic job of relentlessly tracking down every relevant fact when it helps you make your point. In doing this you have proved to be of great value to the community by keeping those running the City accountable. However, if you are going to focus on every tiny detail that helps your cause, you should reasonably be expected to uncover LARGE and CRUCIAL details about something as important as a alleged violation of US Voters Rights Act laws (which has occurred if the reported facts are true) as well as Assault with a Deadly Weapon. You will continue to lose credibility if you continue to blindly defend Mr. Holtzman if it turns out that he is guilty of the alleged crimes.
If you are referring to the episode between Joe and Rick I must begin by asking a simple question. This for you as an attorney is easy. Were you a witness to that event?
As stated previously I was not there. Our city manager has questioned some of my prior posts relating to my following the Trust, But Verify, saying of Ronald Reagan.
I have had a few calls with Joe to learn his side of the story and read Dan Avery’s. I would argue that Dan was not there so anything he blogs is purely third party hearsay.
According to the police blotter the police report states a “disturbance,” not assault with a deadly weapon (referring to an automoible).
Did Joe hit Rick with his vehicle? Can you produce any witnesses or DNA as proof?
An attempt to kill someone with a motor vehicle surely is not a disturbance.
US Voters Right Act? Are you serious?
Pick me up so that we can drive together to Home Depot to purchase some tar and feathers for the hanging.
Geoff. “If the reported facts are true?” Nice. Typical attorney backpedalling. You left yourself a huge area for wiggle room as you have no back-up to your assumptions.
Thanks for acknowledging my in depth research of Juice stories.
Larry, real simple here. Ask Joe how long he followed/stalked Rick. Ask him if Brian Skalsky was there to video the action. Ask him if he hit Rick with his car.
Pretty easy, can you do it?
MV Watcher.
From my polling Rick is trailing and is desperate for media attention. Stay on point.
Little Big Man–I also have seen how the Signs People have destroyed our city.
So many Sandzimier and Dave signs it is ridiculous.
You also are off base on your many comments on Larry Gilbert who is a leading citizen of the city and a very good neighbor of mine.
Please just go away LBM !!
I am all for reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on sign placement. I find it funny that the “naysayers” only raise a stink about the number of signs placed around town when they are losing the battle. It is either an issue that needs to be dealt with uniformly or the naysayers like Mr. Gilbert should stop their whining.
Geoff. Are you calling me a naysayer?
If spending between $300,000 to $400,000 for a float during this recession with MV residents losing their homes I will proudly wear that badge.
Did you also know that Dennis Wilberg, our city manager, is part of the Tournament of Roses Organization? Just a bit of trivia for you to chew on.
And you gripe about staying on topic? So Larry, how does the rose parade float relate to signs?
As I have said, you are beyond incoherent……
MV Watcher.If you are so unhappy with my policy violations and reports why are you constantly coming back for a fix?
I’m calling foul on this one. While I agree that nailing signs to trees is a problem, your attempt to single out Dave Leckness and Rick Sandzimier as “blighting” the city for sign volume is totally without support. For example, on a 0.2 mile stretch on Los Alisos between Santa Margarita and Marguerite, there are no less than 11 Brian Skalsky signs, including 3 or 4 within a few feet of each other (I counted personally because I, like you, believe in getting the facts right). It’s pretty clear that both “sides” are guilty of oversaturation, so let’s give all the facts and let the people decide on November 2 for themselves who they want sitting on the Council.
Email from Mission Viejo council candidate Bill Barker that clearly defines our city signage rules
“From: BB
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 5:16 AM
Subject: Election Signs on City Property
How can one not notice all of the election signs about our city!
Question; what does the law say about placing signs on City Public Property?
Every Candidate has an Election Handbook from the City Clerk with a tabbed section titled “Political Signs“. There is a letter stating Mission Viejo Municipal Code 9.29.315(i), no posting of signs upon Public Property, accompanied by a City property color highlighted map identifying these areas.
So one has to wonder after taking a Sworn Oath to uphold our City Ordinances can Mayor “Trish”, Mayor Pro Tem ‘’Dave” and Planning Commissioner “Sandzimier” allow their signs to be posted on City Property? Just saying my Campaign Workers did it is not an excuse for a shoddy endeavor.
If City elected and appointed officials Cannot Uphold this Simple Municipal Law how can one expect them to Govern on larger issues?
In my case I am proud to say I am in compliance.
Candidate BILL BARKER ”
Note: I have previously notified our city manager of Rick’s signs at the end of LaPaz Road that is two minutes from Dennis’s city hall office. Now I drive by and see the slate together. Trish, Dave and Rick’s signs in that same location on city property.
Dennis. Did we lay off everyone in Code Enforcement?
The city manager told candidates that those signs on city property will be removed and not returned.
Question. Dennisd. Do we have a dual standard with incumbents getting a free Code Enforcement pass??
Now you got it, of course the staff has stacked the deck. Not only with signs. But them being returned and the when and how of being picked up. The fact that there is a city law that provides for the square footage of signs, and their multiples of signs on one stick is violating the spirit of what all candidates were given, rules.
Lets try this one, when Mike Ferrall ran and used a photo of himself next to the city seal, the city attorney sent him a cease and desist letter. When asked to do the same thing when Dave used the same illegal use of the city seal, he instead got a memo from the city clerk.
You betcha red rider. There are two sets of standards to follow, one for the majority who can control the city manager and ca, and another set for everyone else, especially if they think they can get some ink on the subject.
No Whining,
This is not a fair and balanced site, nor does it profess to be (as far as I know). It has a decidedly liberal slant and Larry is one of the few conservative/libertarian bloggers. And that’s fine, because it’s Art’s and Vern’s website. It’s also ok for Larry to advocate for his group in Mission Viejo. I am free to call him out when I think he’s overstating the issue (like on the signs issue) by posting a comment. You imply that Larry has edited or failed to post comments on his articles, and I don’t know if that’s true, but I have never had a comment edited, rejected, or removed by Larry or anyone else (and I disagree with these guys a lot!), and I think that shows integrity on the bloggers’ and owners’ part. If you would like to present a different viewpoint, I suggest you ask Art or Vern if you can do a guest blog, and see what their rules and requirements are.
If you stay on topic we/I permit comments on our stories.
Personal attacking me does not win you any points nor do unsubstantiated statements not backed by verifiable facts.
You have no idea of the number of posted challenges I have dealt with over the past four years of my writing on the Juice.
Larry, I apologize if this is a bit off topic, but what are you thinking with your new house colors? All white with easter egg blue trim? Between your house color and the guy across the street from you with the HUGE solar panels the neighborhood is beginning to look like Sanford and Son. Is their a problem with “Earth Tones” and some stonework for exterior improvement?
Brice. Yes you are off topic.
All of our neighbors like the new colors as we do our part to improve the appearance in our part of town. In fact three of them signed off as part of the CC&R requirements.
Holtzman has always been a clown and a full-fledged douchebag, but now he is a violent menace to society. In his zeal to push his own political agenda, he assaulted someone with his car. I, for one, will call the District Attorney’s Office to push for prosecuting Holtzman for assault. He’s keeping his big yap shut right now because he knows anything he says can and will be used against him in a court of law….and to to think how he called Lance Maclean an out of control maniac. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I look forward to Holtzman’s perp walk. What a scumbag.
Did Hector get his script from Dan Avery–same words, same phrases, same foul language ???
Hector. You sound just like Dan Avery.
These signs are ridiculous! Realtors have to stay in compliance or their signs are removed. You and I both know that most of this blight will NOT be removed Nov. 3rd!
In the 2008 election Cathy Schlicht supporters picked up every one of her signs that we could find. Base on my estimate of 5,000 signs in this election the blight will be with us for some time.
I will break my own stay focused comment to report that my complaint to our city manager has been answered.
Dave Leckness has used the city seal in his mailings in violation of Mission Viejo Municipal Code section 1.04.020. The city clerk has sent a note to all candidates which reads: “Please do not use the city Seal in election materials(fliers. mailers, business cards, photographs, Etc.).”
I wonder if Dave Leckness will say that all my material has been printed. Throw it in the recycle bin.
You have to wonder if Dave Leckness’s violation of that Code section would have been addressed if I hadn’t complained to the city manager who apparently looks the other way when it comes to any of the three who can keep him in office.
Frances H is a troubled guy, Larry you need to get him off the streets before he does something more stupid than his latest. He’s probably the same guy who put his “can’t trust them” signs if front of every other candidates signs (except Skalsky) which is not just childish but also thwarts the free speech you claim to believe in.
Enough of the low down and dirty stuff.
Tom, you were not saying this when Mr. H was working for Ury in his campaign. If he actually has done what you say now. So too for past campaigns. But then, when he is doing it for one of yours, you are in the crowd clapping for your team.
Hey 30 year man
You dont get it – Larry likes Joe as they are the same. They think alike, act alike and when Joe is indicted Larry may be without Joe for a while and may have to buddy up with another retiree. But in all honesty, Joe will most likely only get probation but he will have to pay a lawyer and have a record (if he doesn’t have one already). Larry’s buddy Joe was so out of control that he risked his freedom and the embassasment in front of the community over signs and his hatrid for self and for loosing over and over again. one last comment WHERE IS JOE’S BLOGS AND COMMENTS DID HIS LAWYER TELL HIM TO SHUT HIS PIE HOLE BEFORE HE SCREWS HIMSELF FURTHER ? WELL LARRY!
30 year MV Resident.
As you claim to be a longtime resident of MV do you recall the signs opposing candidates Diane Greenwood and Bill Barker in the 2006 campaign? They were paid for by two incumbents.
As Mr. Willis has quoted our First Amendment rights we all have to endure these messages
In exactly 3 weeks this will all come to an end and the signs will eventually disappear.
Having driven through the heart of Anaheim and Garden Grove to do an interview yesterday I would opine that we are not the only city with “signage” blight on our main thoroughfares.
Yes Larry, you are correct. We drove through the city of Irvine which ALLOWS candidates to post signs a predetermined number of weeks before an election. Wish we could have something like that here again. Denying the posting of signs only helps incumbants.
I have been noticing that ‘dave’s signs are illegal. There is an FPPC requirement to put your campaign ID# somewhere on your campaign materials (and signs). Bet the city clerk and city attorney won’t process this one.
can you spell illegal?
madame mayor.
At this stage of the campaign we should keep our eyes on the prize and not lose any sleep or energy over diversions.
This is the same Dave who told me last Nov. that we spend too much money on sports yet in the Register today now says we should spend money to provide outlets for our kids to keep them out of trouble. Paraphrased.