Gov Schwarzenegger veto’s AB 2531 non-blighted redevelopment activities

Another defeat for CRA/LAOn a few occasions I am able to find a positive act by our governor.  Today represents one of his positive decisions.

Governor Schwarzenegger just vetoed Assembly Bill 2531.
 In his note “to the members of the California State Assembly” he writes:

“I am returning Assembly Bill 2531 without my signature.”

Redevelopment funds are to be used solely for the purpose of eliminating blight in urban neighborhoods in California cities. This bill would authorize the use of redevelopment funds for projects that are not necessarily blighted as well as for projects outside the redevelopment area, and as such would violate the primary purpose of redevelopment law.

For these reasons I cannot sign this bill.


Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

Without cutting and pasting from the bill text here is a short recap of the CRA/LA agenda in promoting this Bill that was introduced by Assembly Member Fuentes and principal coauthor Assembly Member Bradford on February 19, 2010.

If the governor had not vetoed AB 2531 it would have expanded “the ability of the Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Association (CRA) to acquire property through eminent domain by removing the restriction that the CRA can only exercise its eminent domain authority within designated redevelopment areas.   In other words, if AB 2531 becomes law, the CRA could condemn property anywhere within the City of Los Angeles.  

Expand the CRA’s bases for asserting eminent domain to include eminent domain motivated by pure economic motives (essentially, the very conduct that created all the controversy when the Kelo opinion came down in 2005).  If you think this sounds like a significant change in the law, you’re not alone.” 

Several commentators have reacted negatively to AB 2531, including:
In a September 28 post on, “Dangerous New Bill About to Become LA Law,” Ziggy Kruse summarizes AB 2531 as follows:  “AB 2531 expressly unleashes CRA/LA to roam city wide and take any piece of property and give it to one of its developer cronies.” 

Timothy Sandefur, writing for the PLF Liberty Blog, titled his September 28 post, “Gov. Schwarzenegger ponders expanding the abuse of eminent domain in California.”

 Note: Ziggy Kruse was an active member of the property rights team that successfully blocked CRA/LA from taking Bernard Luggage in Hollywood as part of the massive “W” hotel and 1600 Vine Street apartment complex redevelopment project. We represented property rights activists in a meeting with representatives of the Government Accountability Office in addressing abuses we experience in southern California.  In addition Ziggy has been one of our MORR/CURE conference speakers.

Tim Sandefur is one of our property rights attorney’s who participates in our annual conference on redevelopment and eminent domain abuses where we network to assist those who are victims and compare notes with winners in abusive eminent domain activities.

The above report can be found at the following eminent domain report link:

About Larry Gilbert