Holtzman cleared by D.A.; plans to take legal action against those who libeled him

I just got a call from Mission Viejo community activist Joe Holtzman.  He spoke to the lead investigator at the Mission Viejo Sheriff’s department this morning about the charges made by unhinged City Council candidate Rick Sandzimier, that Holtzman had run into him with his car.

As we related here at the Orange Juice in an earlier post, Holtzman was parked at the time, and Sandzimier ran into his car of his own crazed volition.  Moreover, Sandzimier was caught trespassing on private property, by Holtzman, as he was putting up his campaign signs illegally during this incident.

Holtzman was told by the investigator that the Orange County District Attorney is rejecting Sandzimier’s allegations and the case has no merit.

Holtzman said  “I will go full bore after all those who libeled and slandered me.”  Those miscreants include Dan Avery, Trish Kelley, Sharon Cody and Susan Sellers.  All of them have libeled Holtzman repeatedly on local blogs.

Click here to read Kelley’s ridiculous assertions.

About Art Pedroza