Kring for Senate volunteers walk over 150 precincts since the Primary Election

I know that State Senator Lou Correa has been working hard.  His campaign has been walking precincts for months.  But his Republican opponent, Lucille Kring, is also working hard.  Below is a press release from her campaign announcing that her volunteers have walked over 150 precincts since the Primary Election.

CONTACT: Randy Terrell, (714) 590-9886

Kring for Senate Volunteers Walk Over 150 Precincts Since The Primary

Garden Grove, CA—Over the past 18 weeks, quietly but determinedly, volunteers for State Senate candidate and Anaheim Councilwoman Lucille Kring have been getting up early on Saturday mornings and spreading her message of fiscal responsibility to voters. With over 20 more precincts walked following the Garden Grove Tea Party on Saturday, Kring for Senate volunteers have walked 151 precincts, translating into a door-to-door contact for nearly 23,000 voters.

“Given the amount of union money flowing into my opponent’s war chest, I knew we needed to start early,” said Lucille Kring. “The response has been amazing; voters are tired of business-as-usual Sacramento politicians like Lou Correa.”

The Kring for Senate campaign has benefited from the excitement over the battle in the 47th Congressional District between Van Tran and Loretta Sanchez. 98% of the 47th Congressional District lies within the 34th State Senate District, which extends beyond the 47th to include Buena Park, Stanton and the Little Saigon portion of Westminster.

Although the volunteer precinct walkers have varied weekend to weekend, some have walked more consistently than others, including David Quiroz, an unemployed marketing manager from Anaheim.

“I’m tired of politicians like Lou Correa who say one thing and do another,” said Quiroz. “I want change and so I think that getting out and talking to voters is one of the most effective things I can do to help Lucille.”

Lucille Kring has also been walking the district herself everyday, mainly in areas rich with swing voters like Garden Grove and Buena Park.

“That’s how I won my two elections to City Council, and even though it’s a much larger area than Anaheim, I am going to keep making contact with voters through and past November 2nd,” said Kring.

Find out more about Lucille Kring’s campaign at .

Paid for by Lucille Kring for State Senate 2010
12135 Brookhurst St., Suite B, Garden Grove, CA 92840

About Art Pedroza