From the Phu Nguyen campaign, Oct. 18:
Local Police & Firefighters Urge Vote for Phu Nguyen for State Assembly
Cite Nguyen’s track record bringing community together, opponent’s fiscal irresponsibility
(COSTA MESA) Local Police & Firefighters today announced Phu Nguyen is their recommendation for the 68th Assembly seat at a press conference in Costa Mesa. Today’s endorsement for Nguyen, a small businessman and entrepeneur, is the latest in a string of endorsements his campaign has received in this highly contested race.
“Phu’s hard work during this campaign and commitment to public safety won us over – but we also know his opponent extremely well – and we know that he is not fit for service in the State Assembly,” said Wayne Quint, Jr., President of the Association for Orange County Deputy Sheriffs.
“Nguyen knows the issues facing the district and thinks outside the box to solve them,” said Tim Visian, President of the Costa Mesa Firefighters Association. “Quite simply, he gets it.”
“I’m honored to stand beside the leaders of the brave men and women who keep our communities safe – and to have earned their support for my campaign,” said Nguyen. “The most basic role of government is to keep its citizens safe and that means locking up offenders with stiff sentences.
“As the next Assemblymember for the 68th District I’m going to make sure these brave men and women have every tool they need,” Nguyen continued.
The election is on November 2. For more information about Phu’s campaign, please visit
This has to be a joke. Police and fire endorsing crooked Vietnemese currency broker Phat Phuey (Phu Nguyen) over tough on crime Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor? Mansoor is a former deputy sheriff who took grief for his tough stance on crime. I guess Phuey has some sort of public safety record as a currency broker? Come on guys, this about 1 thing: union payola. Scratch our backs Phuey and we’ll scratch yours. Too bad the unions popularity this election is about as high as Robert Rizzo’s. The public safety unions are corrupt and care only about their bottom dollar, not your safety. Disappointed in my Costa Mesa Police, but I’m not surprised. Good thing Mansoor has got this election in the bag.
Thanks for your input Philly! Although I’m sure you can’t back up calling Phu “crooked” one iota. Here, you might enjoy some excerpts from other local media:
from the Daily Pilot:
“What a statement that no sworn public safety employee is backing up a former deputy sheriff, [Mansoor]” said Sheriff’s Association President Wayne Quint. “We see through him. This guy — he’s a hypocrite.”
Nguyen said he’s endorsed by an array of organizations throughout the district and the state, including small businesses.
“I don’t think Mr. Mansoor is objective himself,” he said before the news conference. “Just attacking everybody that’s a public employee is not objective. I’m not running to blame anyone; I’m running to solve the issues and try to find solutions and bring people together instead of blaming and scapegoating anyone who’s a public employee.”
and from Norberto:
The union leaders say Mansoor, like so many other Republicans, is trying to have it both ways. He can’t, they say, stand next to the heroes in the midst of disasters and then not be there for them in terms of pay and benefits.
“Public safety doesn’t happen in a vacuum,” said Tony Bedolla, political director for the Orange County Professional Firefighters Association. “You can’t say you support public safety without supporting public safety employees.”
And Mansoor is a “hypocrite to the highest degree” for accepting the pension benefits — as a retired sheriff’s deputy — won in hard-fought negotiations and then criticizing them, said Wayne Quint, President of the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs.…
With four public safety labor groups this revved up, the real impact of these endorsements means that those of you living in the 68th Assembly District should expect to see a lot of mail arriving very soon.
When a peace officer does not even know that Burglary is considered to be a violent crime as Mayor Mansoor stated in his press Conference on April 28 at 31:25 to 32:00 minutes” Burglary is not a violent crime”. I can only say that I do not what him to represent me in Sacramento or to have him patrolling the streets.
I gather he was guarding prisoners not patrolling streets anyway.
If you have any doubt that Burglary is legally a violent crime please refer to California Penal code 667.5 subsection 21.
Any reasonable person would think a Competent Officer of the Law would know this basic fact. Any Security Guard that pays attention in basic security training knows which crimes are violent and which are not under California Law.
“I’m honored to stand beside the leaders of the brave men and women who keep our communities safe – and to have earned their support for my campaign,” said Nguyen. “The most basic role of government is to keep its citizens safe and that means locking up offenders with stiff sentences.”
He does mean locking up offenders that commit violent acts (i.e murder, rape, etc.), fraud and other crimes that directly affect people through their actions, right? As opposed to the non violent crimes that people get locked up for (drug possession, prostitution, etc.). And will he go as far as taking the initiative to repeal the abysmal “Three Strikes” law that is in the books? Not that I live in his district, but I am always very wary of those who wave the “law and order” flag and pound their chests on how they like being “tough on crime.”
You’re right, I didn’t like how that quote came off either. I’ll make sure he reads your comment; I think he agrees with you.
You’re in my district now?
I am in the 70th AD with Taliban Don Wagner.
By the way, check out David Whiting’s latest column in the OC Register online.
Yeah that’s what I thought. So you’ve got TWO good choices with Melissa and Debbie. Problem is Debbie hasn’t been campaigning much, we were hoping she was going to take some Republican votes away from TaliDon. So the only way to hopefully keep him out of office is vote for Melissa.
And I KNOW she opposes the Drug War and Three Strikes – even though she’s a cop’s daughter!
Fox just shot herself in the foot today with an online post asking voters to support inept and corrupt Irvine Mayor Sukhee Kang. No bueno Fox!
I was considering a write in campaign for the Irvine City Council on one issue. Introducing a bill to repeal the ban on the sale and use of legal fireworks in Irvine. Why should a generation of kids be denied the fun experinece of sparklers and Piccolo Petes? Once it was passed into law, I’d resign. But that would mean working with the likes of Larry Agran and Christina Shea.
You’ll notice I didn’t re-post that one. I’m agnostic regarding Irvine city politics.
most clear thinking people would agree that a union, or association, backs the candidate who will give them the most dollars. this is the case here. if you think the pay and benefits are fine, vote for Phu. If you think they are out of line, vote for Mansoor. pretty simple when you take away all the garbage being spewed. thanks to both of them for running for office.
That’s the simpleton equation…..dwm……I surprised you didn’t resurrect the “Government is broken” carcass.
The fact is ….as long as the republicans can keep killing the economy , the minimun wage will go away,small businesses will suffer, unions will die, and corporate profits will soar.
Then when we are “truly” living in a third world country…’ll gladly want comprehensive immigration reform…….to keep those wages low. Woo the latino vote and keep destroying this country….
Then again ……I’m becoming a “law and order” democrat because it seems no one else will support these guys and they hold our communities together.
As long as you’re on the other side of me……I know I’m right.
“Mansoor is a former deputy sheriff who took grief for his tough stance on crime.”
Don’t you mean a former deputy who couldn’t make it on patrol and became a JAILER?
That’s right he sat on his ass in the jails apparently afraid of doing police work.
The guy gladly takes his pension and then criticizes it.
And Mansoor is a “hypocrite to the highest degree” for accepting the pension benefits — as a retired sheriff’s deputy — won in hard-fought negotiations and then criticizing them, said Wayne Quint, President of the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs.