Nativo Lopez says “legalization or no re-election!”

October 28, 2010


We Really Meant It!

The slogan that gained great popularity during the mass MAY DAY marches of 2010 nationally was “LEGALIZATION OR NO RE-ELECTION.” The real question before the many organizations and individuals that adopted this slogan as a declaratory refrain directed at the political party in power, the Democratic Party, is did they really mean it?

Traditionally most organizations tied to or close to the Democratic Party are politically challenged when it comes to addressing issues of non-compliance by the elected officials of their party of preference. Did they comply with their promises made prior to the election? And, if they did not, what are the consequences?

At this stage, no one can question the role of the Latino vote in the 2006 and 2008 primary and general elections nationally. The Democratic Party made no bones about promoting their slogan of “today we march, tomorrow we vote” immediately after the “Great American Economic Boycott” of May 1st, 2006, which mobilized millions to the streets in favor of progressive immigration reform. The 2008 elections were a repeat of the former if not on a grander scale led by the co-opted slogan and campaign of “Si Se Puede – Yes We Can.” The Democratic Party majorities of both houses of the U.S. Congress can be directly attributed to the Latino vote in both mainstay and swing-states and districts, nationally.

Today, Latinos are experiencing a higher rate of unemployment than the national norm, cascading foreclosures in all barrios and decreased home-ownership rates, exclusion from the president’s healthcare reform, higher incarceration rates, and a disproportionate death rate to our population figures in the never-ending imperial wars against the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan.
We have nothing to be happy about and everything to feel disdain and disillusionment with the political power-brokers in Washington, D.C. and the White House.

Well, yes, we meant it! NO re-election for the elected officials and their party in power until we secure LEGALIZATION for our families. We will not be talked down to by President Obama or held hostage to his dismissive declaration that things will be worst with the opposition party, the Republican. We too participated in the historic civil rights movement alongside our African American brothers and sisters in every barrio of consequence in the U.S. during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.

Detentions and deportations of our families are up 30 percent above the previous administration; the border wall has expanded; national guard troops are stationed along the southern border with Mexico; the Secured Communities Program – collaboration between Homeland Security and local police – has been expanded to historic levels; fees for immigration processing are on the rise; no-match social security investigations have been expanded nationally as never before. Every immigration enforcement indicator directed against immigrant workers and their families has increased under this administration, with absolutely no relief in sight.

There must be consequences for bad policies and even worst actions, Mr. President. Contrariwise, no one can speak with any seriousness or authority about political accountability. LEGALIZATION or NO RE-ELECTION is most appropriate at this election juncture of November 2010.

Join us in this prolonged campaign for driver’s licenses and visas for our families. The first step in making change is to join an organization that pursues the change we desire. We welcome you to our ranks.

Other organizations leading this movement include: Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana, Mexican American Political Association (MAPA), MAPA Youth Leadership, Southern California Immigration Coalition, Liberty and Justice for Immigrants Movement, National Alliance for Immigrant’s Rights, and immigrant’s rights coalitions throughout the U.S..


Nativo V. Lopez, National President of MAPA (323) 269-1575


Mexican American Political Association
phone: 323-269-1575

About Art Pedroza