O.C.’s scariest politicians, in 2010

When you stop to think about how many awful politicians we have here in Orange County, the task of listing them seems daunting, but here we go nevertheless:

Scariest O.C. Republican politicians

  1. Van Tran, Assemblyman and candidate for the 47th Congressional District – God help us if this guy wins.  He is a Mexican basher and a corrupt politician.
  2. Janet Nguyen, Supervisor – She was already awful, but her recent endorsement of Tran just made her that much worse.
  3. Allan Mansoor, Assembly Candidate and Mayor of Costa Mesa – Hater and weird loner.  Bad combination!
  4. Jim Righeimer, Candidate for Costa Mesa City Council – Riggy’s nutter values are simply out of touch with the people of Costa Mesa.  His attempts to bully current Council members are just ridiculous!
  5. John Williams – OC Public Administrator and South OC College District Trustee – Double-dipper, corrupt, and disgusting, plus a horrid toupee!
  6. D.A. Tony Rackauckas and his henchwoman Susan Kang Schroeder – Might be the worst D.A. in the state.  Won’t prosecute his crooked GOP pals.  As for Susan, she apparently is his heir apparent.  No bueno!
  7. Congressman Ken Calvert – corrupt and disgusting.  What a combo!
  8. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher – once a Libertarian, now just another pathetic immigrant-basher
  9. Diane Harkey, Assemblywoman – Hated by many in her own party, she has been quiet of late, as she watches her party crumble around her
  10. Charles Hart, candidate for Santa Ana Mayor – he hearkens for the Santa Ana of yesteryear, when Usual Suspects could burn down Chinatown and get away with it.  Just another immigrant basher…but a nutter too!
  11. Lance MacLean and Rick Sandzimier – Mission Viejo council candidates and two crazy peas in a pod…definitely a two-headed Halloween monster!
  12. Roland Chi – candidate for Fullerton Council – ask the FFFF boys.  He is a joke, but the joke will be on the people of Fullerton if he wins.
  13. John Leos, candidate for Anaheim Council and a complete union shill
  14. Don Wagner, Assembly Candidate and John Campbell, Congressman – More lame than scary, these two deserve the boot.  Will Irvine voters follow suit?

Scariest O.C. Democrats:

  1. Audrey Yamagata-Noji, SAUSD Trustee – She will make over $300K a year in retirement, at taxpayer expense, as a major double-dipper.  She sent her son to a high school in Irvine.  Why does she keep running for the SAUSD School Board?
  2. Alfredo Amezcua, candidate for Santa Ana Mayor – He is supposed to be pro-immigrant, but his sign is in the front yard of notorious Mexican-basher Debbie McEwen.  And when he drives, watch out!  So many tickets…  But worst of all is bogus tougn on crime stance, even though he has been mixed up with the Mexican Mafia.  Definitely no bueno!
  3. Jordan Brandman – AUHSD Trustee.  Supposedly a progressive, but recent anti-gay comments made at a campaign forum make you wonder if he is really just another Republicrat.
  4. Tom Daly, OC Clerk-Recorder – Sure enough, he got reelected in June and hasn’t been seen in his office since.  Waste of space!
  5. Helen Martinez, candidate for Santa Ana City Council – Supported by a gaggle of Mexican-haters, and she refused to talk about immigration while addressing students at Godinez High.  Sounds like a closet Republican to me!
  6. Robert Douglas, council candidate in Orange – why is a Democrat bashing immigrants on his campaign site?  The Republicans in Orange are awful, but this guy is just as bad!!!

I was going to include the Irvine Council Democrats, but they aren’t really scary, they just like to overspend on silly things.

About Art Pedroza