Scott Baugh, the Chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County, sent out an email this week accusing the OC Weekly of lying about his “no-bid” contract with the County of Orange. Here is Baugh’s message:
Many of you have inquired about the OC Weekly article that asserts he County of Orange recently gave me a “no-bid” contract for $30,000 per month. The story is false.
When I was a partner at the 1,500 lawyer international law firm of Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw, our firm represented the County of Orange. In 2006, I left that firm and started my own practice. In addition, I ceased all work for the County of Orange in 2006 – four years ago. My current law practice receives zero compensation from the County of Orange or any other governmental agency for that matter.
The article also asserts an absurd claim that I work for the labor union called the SEIU. This is also false. In short, the article makes numerous false claims and cast aspersions on our current board of Supervisors as well as our delegation to Sacramento based upon these false claims. Should you have any further questions about the article feel free to contact me.
You can email Baugh at
Here is what R. Scott Moxley reported in the OC Weekly, about Baugh:
For the past six years, Scott Baugh has served as captain of Orange County’s dominant Republican party. All five members of the county’s Board of Supervisors are Republicans. Those supervisors rely not just on getting the GOP endorsement each election to remain in control over billions of dollars in annual local government spending, but they also rely on Baugh to lure wealthy contributors to their reelection campaigns.
That scenario places Baugh, an attorney and lobbyist by trade, in a potentially unique position of influence. A weak man might be tempted to take advantage of that status, but we all know that Baugh—a self-proclaimed Christian conservative of unswerving principles for thrifty government—isn’t weak, right?
Well, late last month, the Republican supervisors voted unanimously to pay their political party’s leader more than a half-million dollars—about $5,100per week, plus expenses—in a two-year, no-bid deal to lobby for the county in Sacramento.
I have no doubt that Moxley has evidence to back up what he wrote. Moxley is the reporter who brought down Baugh’s Republican pals, Mike Carona and Mike Duvall. He is not to be messed with!
And Moxley is right about Baugh and the SEIU too:
There is evidence that Baugh—who comes from the powerful Dana Rohrabacher/Mike Schroeder contingency of the local GOP—continues to have personal ties to labor interests. Platinum Advisors, a lobbying firm for which he is “special counsel,” lists as a client the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the nation’s most-liberal employee unions. Glenn Beck of Fox News fame has called SEIU members “the mob” that practices “intimidation tactics.”
Let’s see how Moxley responds to Baugh’s comments…
Scott just posted a response on Navel Gazing!
Scott, as a republican retired public employee, how does it feel to be lied about and treated as a villian in the media. You are reaping what you sew, so how do you like it. Nice work, you and all your chorines are turning more and more repub.s into Independents as we speak! Good luck on your next election.