Goldie Web Award recipient…Cutting Edge-a talk show, On the Road.. proudly announces the release of our latest program entitled; “Take Tea and see…”
Friday/Saturday, Oct. 15th/16th, the Cutting Edge team attended the Sixth Annual Western CPAC – with a theme of “Catch the Wave, Conservatives 2010.” This years Western Political Action Conference was held in Newport Beach.
The objective was to investigate the future of the Republican Party and the various impacts of the TEA Party movement.
Interviewed guests included: Rep. Tom McClintock, Rep. Darrell Issa, LA Activist; “Bill” Saracino, Human Events Editor; John Gizzi, Conservative (Icon and Direct Mail Guru) Richard Viguerie, Rep. Brian Bilbray and Rep. Duncan Hunter, Jr.
Our distinguished guests covered the future of the Republican Party, the impact of the Tea party movement, government oversight, election predictions, upcoming lame duck congress, the war in Afghanistan and immigration to the “four legged” stool.
Get the inside view; hear and view what you don’t on major media outlets.
We invite you to view our 90 minute “cost and commercial free” program at any time of your choosing by simply visiting our web site: and clicking on: “Take tea and see…”
While you are visiting don’t forget to review our five major web divsions and of course our Archive link, from the Home Page where you will find a wide array of other cost free enlightening interviews.
Cutting Edge – a talk show, and Parker Longbow productions takes Spam seriously.” We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this Press Release. If, for whatever reason, you do not wish to be included in this list, and/or do not wish to receive further announcements regarding our programs, please contact us at We will immediately remove your email address from the distribution list. Thank you.
As we strive to provide excellence in programming, your feedback is encouraged.
Larry Gilbert, Investigative field reporter, the Cutting Edge-a talk show
cc: Ron and Anna Winship, producers, Parker-Longbow productions
PO Box 9964
Newport Beach, CA 93658-9964
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