Former Governor Jerry Brown & Meg Whitman, former E-Bay CEO
1) California has a significant budget crisis, which includes a significant gap in Pensions, because these pensions are severely underfunded.
“The $1 million to $2 million in annuity value that more than a million non-public safety employees in California will receive through their pension programs in their middle fifties to early sixties similarly makes most California public employees de facto millionaires by their middle to late fifties. Frequently, California public employees, particularly in public safety, pay less than half or even nothing toward the employee’s portion of retirement programs for the
benefits they will receive.
The California public employee compensation crisis will continue to cripple the state in the years ahead–and more so and sooner than most now recognize. As a result of inaccurate actuarial assumptions concerning
a) long-term return on investment,
b) the number of government employees in the future, and
c) longevity, both the short-term and long-term fiscal crises at the state and local government levels require change immediately. The status quo is unsustainable.” [from Executive Summary of Report]
CLICK HERE FOR “REFORMING PUBLIC EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION AND PENSIONS” report from California Center for Public Policy – dated October 6, 2010.
2) Jerry Brown campaign apologizes to Whitman for referring to her as a “whore” but also alludes to a incident where the unions may have cut a deal with Whitman if she fights AGAINST pension reform.
“…Do we want to put an ad out? Brown said. ‘That I have been warned if I crack down on pensions … that they’ll go to Whitman, and that’s where they’ll go because they know Whitman … will cut them a deal?’
At that point, what appears to be a second voice interjects: ‘What about saying she’s a whore?’
‘That response sounds a lot like sour grapes from the Brown campaign for their inability to garner a public safety union’s endorsement,’ said Whitman spokesman Darrel Ng.
Thus far, CSLEA is the only state employee union to formally support Whitman.”
4) “Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman cancel big KGO debate: Who was the bigger chicken?”

Race for Governor debate (Photo by Pool/Getty Images N. America)
California needs to institute a excessive pension excise tax at the source.
Interesting cook!
I hate taxes but tis would be probably the only tax I would like to see enacted.
Lets tax rich government workers and their pensions!
One more reason not to vote for Brown:
As shown on the picture above he is shaking his hand with the hand of his whore……
Stanly, are they shaking hands with the same hand they wipe with?
Hard to say cook….. Brown is leftist and Meg is rightist.
However, I believe that Meg has the bidet and Brown is using bare finger to safe forest.
Nice to know Jerry is NOT in the back pocket of the police union like Whitman. Interesting to hear Whitman yet again is a 2-faced liar, saying she will reform yet is caught making a secret backroom deal. Sort of like when she said her illegal alien maid stole the SSA fraud alert letter, then backtracked and said her husband “forgot” he signed the letter and gave it to her. Whitman is a complete fraud.