You just can’t beat candor at the public podium.
Here is Anaheim community leader Amin David at Kurt Pringle’s public going away party letting Der Pringle know that not all of the Anaheim Volk are happy Volk. Specifically he slams Pringle for his latest Platinum Triangle do-over and deficient EIR.
Did you enjoy the shot at Sidhu as Pringle’s puppet-monkey and Hernandez as a dim-wit? I did.
Read “Der Pringle Gets Swift Kick In Ass On Way Out Door” on FFFF
Hitler: wallpaper hanger
Pringle: Drapery hanger
Hitler: Volkswagen
Pringle: High Speed Train
Anaheim: settled by Germans
Germany: settled by Germans
Perhaps your readers can help us connect more of the Hitler/Pringle dots! Maybe Vern could update Spike Jones hit with some Herr Pringle appropriate lyrics.
My hat is off to guys like this – hard working, concerned citizens that stand up to voice their concerns. This is not easy to do in this type of forum. At least here in Anaheim, they give you the courtesy to speak your mind within the limits, unlike Santa Ana where they turn your microphone off or escort you from the building if they do not like what you are saying (or they just have their meeting from behind the secrecy of closed doors). I too am glad to see this profiteer ride off into the sunset to fill his pockets with the seeds he has sowed as our mayor for the last 8 years.
..uncalled for speech by a hater. let the guy just ride off, why do this when he has no more power on council? poor taste
An asterisk of “affordable housing” touted while otherwise being a lobbyist mayor….now where have I heard that before…
It shows how Bushala’s obsession with Pringle is personal not principled when he treats left-wing, anti-free market, race activist like Amin David as a credible critic.
LMAO – have you read FFFF? They’ve been GREEN friendly unlike other blogs.
This guy RULES!!
He just called out the biggest crook in town!
I loved watching “JUBALITO” behind him trying to defend his boss when he spoke of the “PT”.
HMMM I wonder if that that kid……….lives in Mission Viejo and his mom gave CP a thousand bucks a few years back!!!! Somebody outta look into that. I’m sure it won’t be Wiskol!