[Hat tip to our old friend Francisco “Paco” Barragan, who we hope will be back here blogging any day now…]
The Dream Act: Get the Facts and Take Action!
Making the Dream Come True
Dear Francisco:
We are getting closer to making the dream a reality for the thousands of deserving youth who would qualify for the DREAM Act’s benefits and we need your help to make these dreams come true. Join us in letting Congress know that this is important by joining our DIPLOMAS FOR THE DREAM ACT campaign.
Click here to add your name to a diploma.
LULAC will hand deliver your diploma and a letter to your Representative and Senators. Help us overwhelm your Representative’s offices by spreading the word and getting your friends, family and colleagues to send a diploma of their own.
Get the Facts & Take Action Today: Call your Members of Congress and let them know why the Dream Act is important for our youth. It stimulates our economy, it adds qualified recruits to the ranks, and it is a good first step in moving us in the right direction for fixing our broken immigration system.
Before you call your Member of Congress, be sure to take some time to get the facts. Dispel the myths that are going around and empower yourself with knowledge
The Dream Act:
- Is not amnesty: eligibility requirements for legal status are strict and legal status must be earned: Students must have entered the U.S. at age 15 or younger and must have been living in the U.S. for at least the 5 years before the act’s passage. The bill benefits students 35 and younger, but to be eligible individuals should have entered the U.S. at age 15 or younger. Only “eligible” immigrants with good moral character are eligible for the DREAM Act relief.
- Strengthens our military readiness and national security – thousands of high school graduates and highly qualified recruits will be eligible to join the ranks of the armed force. The DREAM Act is included in the Department of Defense’s FY2010-12 Strategic Plan to help the military “shape and maintain a mission-ready All Volunteer Force.” One of the steps kids could take to obtain permanent residency under the DREAM Act is to serve in the U.S. armed forces for at least two years.
- Moves us in the right direction for fixing our broken immigration system- 825,000 young, undocumented people who involuntarily came to the U.S. as children before age 16, will have an opportunity for a path toward citizenship
- Contributes to the U.S. economy and society – 60,000 undocumented high school graduates will have the opportunity to obtain higher education degrees and fill the gaps in the science, math, engineering, technology, and medical fields
- Recognizes that immigrants are an integral part of the U.S. labor force – once they obtain both documented status and a higher education, they move to higher paying occupations, earn higher wages, and pay more taxes, which increases tax revenues for the US government.
You can your support for the Dream Act by calling your member of Congress at the following list of numbers or you can CLICK HERE TO FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE AND SENATORS:
- Senate English: 866-996-5161
- Senate Spanish: 866-961-4293
- House English: 866-967-6018
- GOP Targets English: 866-587-6101
- GOP Targets Spanish: 866-956 3902
NALEO Educational Fund has prepared talking points for your outreach efforts: – Click here .
And a description of some of the more common myths about the DREAM Act and factual responses to them. – Click here for English / Click here for Spanish.
Make sure you receive email from LULAC. Add info@lulac.org to your approved senders list.
This email was sent to: barraganfj@yahoo.com
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LULAC National Office, 2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610 Washington DC 20036, (202) 833-6130, (202) 833-6135 FAX
Is not amnesty: eligibility requirements for legal status are strict and legal status must be earned:
MQ says:
If you did not lie about it, most likely it would be passed! But because everything about the hispanic (Mexican) empowerment movement reminds us more of a Racial takeover; it will absolutely not pass!
Did you see the ridiculous meeting at the Mexican Center (non-profit) put on by a kid (girl) around 20 who is without a doubt as bigoted as they get! The face book page that they had for an event called the “anti-thanksgiving” which really was an anti European/white event! Some of the most racist people “No joke” I have ever seen! Spewing nothing but hatred for the invasion of the white man and this is our continent! (God could you imagine if it was?).
Hispanic (mainly Mexicans) have become their own worst enemy! In one hand asking to become a citizen with the other hand a fist of hate!
I would not let these people enter my country and I don’t think they should be allowed here either and absolutely not a head of people who actually want to be apart of this country and be proud to be an American Citizen!
I know that there are good people from Mexico, but sorry you have a lot of really racist ones in your mix too! They don’t belong in this country! They belong in a forest with the rest of the tribes!
I did not give her name out because I am hoping her hatred is short lived and only ignorance of youth!
The picture you show above is a picture of a lovely girl! Most of the Dream Act advocates/students looked more like Mexican gang members! And they were not pretty in oh so many ways!
The Facebook page did not do them any favors!
Just the truth nothing less!
No freakin’ way this happens. Elections have consequences.
You would hate that, wouldn’t you, hater? Elections have consequences, Obama is president, and we have one more month of good people in the majority. I will love to rub your malevolent face in this.
By the way, two Republican senators helped write the bill – Lugar and Hatch.
Yeah, and the republicans are just as bad as the demorats!
No one hates anyone! It is called: self perseverance!
We just know from sending our kids to American schools and going into American hospitals and from city to city that illegal immigration has brought nothing but crime, bad schools and decaying neighborhoods! Not to mention massive welfare dependence!
The Government cannot allow one population of people to get preferential treatment when the same people have been nothing but a complete disaster to many neighborhoods!
I really think this is the fault of Mexican leaders and advocates and republicans and demorats together serving and exploiting a population to further their own pockets!
From local to the top the poor Mexican/Central American mean’s more federal dollars to grow and expand all sorts of public and private institutions!
Michelle, you are right on in your comments about the radicals controlling the activities relating to immigrants from Mexico. One just has to take those fools with a grain of salt because they actually think they are going to retake California and the southwest which was stolen from Mexico. As far as Vern goes, he has been drinking too much of the kool aid dispensed by the Pied Piper of Chicago and is incoherent. Vern you really should get back on the wagon again, before it gets you in trouble again. .
As far as Vern’s comment about the good people being in the majority for one more month, I guess it depends on whose definition of “good people” you use. I will go with that of the voters, who spoke rather loudly in November. With Vern’s “good guys” out of control, at least in the House, the Dream Act will revert back to nothing but a fantasy.
I don’t think Mr. Obama is a bad man. I just think that from his crazy mother to loser father; he could only end up being completely nut’s!
For God Sake even his grand parents were whack jobs!
Take the above send the kid to liberal hell (American public institutions) and bobs your uncle: Barack H. Obama!
hey did anyone notice who posted that piece THAT RETIREMENT LASTED LONG DIDNT IT . . TOLD YOU .. BY THE WAY THIS CRAP DREAM ACT IS A PLOY OF HARRY REID .. its payback to the unions and hispanic hacks that got him he victory . IT IS AMENSTY .. MEANING more young democrat voters . then they bring their familes here Too a total invasion . illegals dont get ot jump the line .THEY SHOULD NOT BE HERE IN THE 1ST PLACE .. .THEY ARE TRYING TO RAM THIS DOWN AGAIN LIKE THE HEALTH CARE BILL .. BEFORE THEY GET KICKED OUT IN JAN . vern could not disagree with you more GOOD PEOPLE . . no those where the ones that VOTED THEM OUT . .hopefully i think they dont have the votes .
i joined the other side with a bunch of us letting our leaders know . =NO ON THE STUPID DREAM ACT .
The “Nightmare” Act will not and should not happen. Why are we prioritizing illegal kids over citizens kids. Isn’t that a seat a UCLA that would go to an otherwise qualified legal resident. It’s a sad day when America prioritizes illegal aliens over its own children. Not to mention the fact that this only provides a further attraction for illegals to come and live here. If you don’t stop enticing them, everyone will come here. We can’t handle that. Follow the legal path to citizenship like most legal folks do and stop breaking the law. This rewards law-breaking. I called my Congressman earlier to say No the “Nightmare Act”
philly right on . pedroza puts illegals over u.s citizens ..
Pedroza is gone. Long live Pedroza!
– Vern “Zorro” Nelson
IF HE IS GONE what is he doing writting this post ? if he did than he did not retire .. LIKE HE SAID FOR 40TH TIME .
Well, I imagine everyone except the Grate One has figured out who put up this post.
By Jove, I think he’s got it! Zorro is a legend, a mask worn by any OJ blogger who is sticking up for justice and human rights for Latin-American immigrants. Snap!
Yeah, I don’t focus on that word “illegal” all that much, because the system is broken and can’t keep up with reality – with the needs of both us and the immigrants who do our tough labor. It’s just a way to dehumanize them. So you don’t hear me say “illegal” that much, except in the context of we gotta deal with this problem of so much necessary immigration being illegal.
Great logic Vern, “The system is broken.” Guess you could also apply that to the Criminal Justice System since it is broken too. OK, so the voters didn’t buy into the argument regarding legal cannabis, let’s just look the other way like some do with illegal aliens. Now, how about that prostitution stuff, a victimless crime right? With unemployment being so high, can’t we just look the other way and let the ladies of the night work? Let’s do our share to put those bad Cartels out of business and raise some tax money at the same time. How bout we look the other way on possession of one ounce or less of cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine, since we should be able to do whatever we want with our bodies. Then there are all those wealthy people who have taken advantage of the downtrodden masses and accumulated material things and wealth. We could just kind of look the other way on thefts of under $1,000. I could go on and on Vern, but I think you get the point. If you don’t like the immigration laws, change or abolish them and open up the borders to all comers. Then we can all triple our taxes and southern California will look like “Little Tijuana.” As long as illegal is illegal, we need to be enforcing the law, rounding up the aliens and shipping them back to whence they came. To those immigrants who came here the right way and are legally in the country, welcome to America and in the words of the great Vulcan philosopher, Dr. Spock, “may you live long and prosper?”
Dunno what you’re going on about, I was only explaining why I don’t use the word “illegal” to describe people. Since I wrote that comment, my friend Gabriel has done an entire post on that particular question. Maybe you should comment there.
Well said! 🙂