Excerpted with permission from Eddie’s Corner, the blog of Eddie Rose, at www.eddierose.org
We’ve all heard of “Take Your Daughter to Work” day. Now, at the Orange County Board of Supervisors, it’s going to be “Take Your Lobbyist to Work” day!
At its November 2010 meeting, on a 3-2 vote, the Orange County Board of Supervisors voted down an ordinance proposed by Supervisor Bill Campbell that would have required lobbyists to register with the county.
This should come as no surprise when you consider the troika that voted down the proposed ordinance consists of the ‘holier-than-thou’ phony John Moorlach, Pat Bates (the Marie Antoinette of Laguna Niguel), and Shawn Nelson (the newly-elected darling of the OC Republican poobahs).
It’s not that this ordinance was anything new or unique. Lobbyists are required to register when dealing with the State of California, as well as with numerous other cities and counties, including Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco counties. But not Orange County, thanks to the OC Supes. Obviously, they like their free hockey and baseball tickets and Disneyland passes, as well as all the other perks and freebies the lobbyists fork over so the Supes will do their bidding.
The Orange County Grand Jury has recommended a registration system for lobbyists that would include registration fees, mandatory reporting, and fines and penalties for violations. This seems like a reasonable and prudent first step. But, of course, the Supes want to keep the public in the dark; they do not want anyone to know who is buying their votes!
It is abundantly clear that this troika (Moorlach, Bates, and Nelson) does not represent their constituents, but rather the moneyed interests to whom they are indebted. The City of Bell has nothing on this bunch. They need to be recalled—NOW!!!
The Honorable Eddie Rose
Former Laguna Niguel City Councilman
“A Voice—Not an Echo”
Badges? We don’t need no steenking badges!
Is that Cunningham in the picture?
Well that reminds me, there has been a noticable absence of Matt “JUBAL” Cunningham in the blogesphere lately.
Perhaps he is inking his paretnership agreement with Lapband Dan, or busy hiding out from the Whitman debacle.
But, I would like to know where the “Church Defender” is on the Santa Ana BOND issue?
What about Ann “Trannie Annie” Coultler’s transgenderism at the Nixon library?
Maybe Matt got a real job and is taking tickets at Knott’s. That would be a step up from sponging off the tax payers and outing RAPE VICTIM’S for free tuition for your own kids!
Yes, that is contemptible Matt Cunningham in the photograph.