On Wednesday, November 24th, the National Inflation Association released a shocking and stunning video entitled, ‘The Day the Dollar Died’, which shows the world exactly what could happen to the U.S. economy in the very near future during the first 12 hours of a U.S. dollar collapse. Although the video itself is fictional, NIA believes a U.S. dollar collapse is inevitable and there is a strong likelihood that the U.S. will experience an outbreak of hyperinflation this decade. ‘The Day the Dollar Died’ is a wake up call for Americans who aren’t yet stocking up on gold, silver and food supplies. The U.S. dollar’s day of reckoning is coming and only Americans who prepare now will survive.
In just 42 hours since its release, ‘The Day the Dollar Died’ has already been viewed over 145,000 times on YouTube. It is currently YouTube’s #1 top favorited news and politics video. Approximately 1,200 people have commented about the video on YouTube alone, with thousands of more comments having been made about the video on hundreds of Internet blogs that have featured it. An amazing 93.5% of those who have watched ‘The Day the Dollar Died’ have given it a thumbs up.
All of the discussion about ‘The Day the Dollar Died’ comes hot on the heels of NIA’s October 31st release of its latest critically acclaimed full length documentary ‘End of Liberty’, which shows how Americans are rapidly losing their liberties and freedoms, and how our country is headed for a complete societal collapse. ‘End of Liberty’ has already received about 1/2 million views in less than one month.
On November 5th, NIA released a report with its projections for future U.S. food prices based on the recently announced $600 billion in quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve. Several days later, NIA’s food inflation report was featured live on Fox News by Glenn Beck, who was recently ranked by Newsweek as the #2 most influential political figure in the country. On November 12th, NIA’s President Gerard Adams was a guest on the Fox Business Network, where he spoke about the potential for food inflation to take over as America’s biggest crisis in 2011.
NIA is not a political organization and does not support Republicans or Democrats. NIA exists solely for the purpose of educating Americans to the truth about the U.S. economy and inflation. Americans live in a country where 99% of those who studied economics in college were taught voodoo Keynesian economics.
Keynesian economists have the mistaken belief that all recessions are bad and must be suppressed by government interference in the free market. They believe that by the Federal Reserve manipulating interest rates to artificially low levels and printing trillions of dollars of fiat money out of thin air, they can create jobs, economic growth, and wealth. They believe that a little bit of inflation is good for an economy.
Keynesian economists fail to realize that when price inflation breaks out, it becomes impossible to contain unless interest rates are immediately raised to a level that is higher than the real rate of price inflation. Unfortunately, due to the current size and scope of our national debt and unfunded liabilities, NIA believes it will be impossible for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates higher than the real rate of inflation. Real interest rates are likely to stay negative until the U.S. dollar collapses and is officially declared dead and worthless.
Gas and grocery bills for all Americans have been rising substantially in recent months. The average American has been seeing health insurance costs spiral out of control on an annual basis. Students have been suffering from college tuitions rising like there is no tomorrow. Massive price inflation is all around us, yet the mainstream media continues to ignore the truth and reports the government’s phony CPI numbers as gospel.
Politicians in Washington from both sides of the aisle have been colluding with the media in order to brainwash Americans into believing inflation is not a problem and that their real fear should be deflation. Deflation is a good thing for middle class Americans because it means their money is worth more and their incomes and savings have more purchasing power. Inflation is only good for the politicians because it allows them to steal the wealth of middle class Americans and redistribute it to their banker friends on Wall Street who don’t produce anything of real value.
There is no reason for a lawyer or banker to make more money than a farmer or factory worker. This is only made possible by the system we have today, where Americans get suckered into electing representatives who promise entitlements that the government can’t afford without printing the money to pay for them. When the dollar bubble bursts and the system collapses, the free market will allow farmers and goods producers to become wealthy while lawyers and bankers go broke.
Most Americans are naive enough to believe that because the U.S. has survived for so long with such a huge national debt and continuous budget deficits, the country will be able to continue down this path forever without any consequences because after all, this is America we are talking about. The truth is, our national debt has grown by 70.7% over the past five years, compared to 41.8% during the previous five years, and 14.3% during the five years before that. Meanwhile, our GDP has grown by 17.9% over the past five years, compared to 27.5% during the previous five years, and 32.9% during the five years before that. We have gone from our GDP growing more than twice as fast as our debt, to our debt growing at nearly quadruple the speed of our GDP. A train wreck is getting ready to happen and this train wreck is literally unstoppable.
To watch ‘The Day the Dollar Died’ for free please visit the NIA video page at: http://inflation.us/videos.html
It is important to spread the word about NIA to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, if you want America to survive hyperinflation. Please tell everybody you know to become members of NIA for free immediately at: http://inflation.us
I had move the following to this proper thread.
Stanislav Fiala
Posted November 26, 2010 at 6:50 AM
I believe that this blog does not covers the international events but it is scary out there now.
Two ultra socialist countries in Europe Spain and Hellas and their economical rescue is BKing Germany.
USA is already BKed bud FEDS are pumping money in the Wall Street so market goes up giving false illusion of recovery to rescue socialist Obama but it will not work.
Russia and supper power China are departing from dollar.
You should be more scared of socialism than anything folks.
Art Pedroza
Posted November 26, 2010 at 7:42 AM
I have read Stanislav that the Euro could be abandoned as Germany is not happy about this at all. That would be interesting. I believe they should not have allowed so many struggling economies into their cabal.
Stanislaw Fiala
The problem is Art that Spain was not struggling economy until the socialists took over. You can’t have 14 monthly paycheck per year and in same time hate corporation who is paying you. etc. etc. etc.
I do not know when people like comrade sub. Vern will learn simple math.
I can help but Liberalism is mental disorder….. There is no other explanation.
There are so mane examples out there.
Please any liberal out there name one single socialistic economy which is prosperous.
Unfortunately we all will pay for these retards soon!
After watching the video and hearing al the references to gold, I have to wander if the producer of this video was trying to educate us or profit from us. Check out this link, http://www.finance-insurance-loans.com/finance/banking/national-inflation-association-using-fear-to-push-investments/
Also check out the following link:http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/
Thanks. I will have a look. Gold traditionally is a hedge during times of inflation, but a lot of folks have lost money investing in gold too.
You can’t eat gold or silver.
Invest in some long term food and weapons to protect your investment.
Learn how to grow your own food out of the ground, and for the meat eaters, how to kill and prepare animals for your dinner table.
Supermarkets were not invented to supply food, they were invented to make sure the government got its cut, its slice of every pie that you buy.
I have read that buying seeds now is a good idea as their cost may go way up.
The best thing is to buy at least 3 Month supply of the dry food for whole family. There are outlets which will sell you balanced dry food.
There never will be complete melt down because corporations must produce to survive themselves but there will be riots and danger on the streets and you do not want to be there shopping.
Thanks to Liberals people have no guns but gangs do.
Be friendly with your local gang because the gang may be the only law enforcement entity.
But do not fear this period It is necessary cleansing to eliminate all Liberal lunatics, stop their pensions and salary, and to restore rules of the normality.
I should add that gold may not be the best investment because the government will declare gold ownership illegal. If you remember it was Nixon who legalized the ownership of the gold.
Since you have allowed government to search your penis and vagina and environmentalists to search your home for non green energy usage, without a warrant, they will bust into your home and take your gold and save deposits boxes in the bank will be confiscated.
It is time to learn not to vote for psychopath like Brown or we all will be equally poor.
Balance is probally best. Learning how to fix things yourself and grow some of your own food might be wise.
Nobody can really tell for sure what is going to happen, but a collapse is possible. I know a couple of very well off people who are buying metals of all kinds precious and regular as a hedge. They are also in vested in some bonds and stocks.
Panic decisions are usually the worst, perpare for anything and hope for the best.