O.C. Supervisors reject plans for a lobbyist registry

I almost never agree with anything that comes from Supervisors Bill Campbell and Janet Nguyen, but today they fought to establish a new County ordinance that would have created a lobbyist registry, and the other Supervisors overruled them, according to the Voice of OC.

Supervisor Pat Bates argued that the problem with establishing any kind of registration requirements is how to make them even-handed and truly transparent instead of just window dressing.

Bates and other supervisors questioned aloud how to best define what lobbying means. For example, some elected officials lobby supervisors for issues in their respective cities; are they lobbyists? Or are entire staff lists of large companies, like Southern California Edison, required to register?

Yet the majority’s vote to terminate all study of the issue will leave those questions unanswered for now. And it was unmoved by Dunn’s threat to go straight to the voters.

“I don’t fear the public putting forth an ordinance,” Supervisor Shawn Nelson said.

Moorlach echoed Nelson and made sure to note the Orange County Employees Association’s support of the ordinance. “I’m not afraid of the unions or Joe Dunn to do signature gathering.”

Orange County is the only large county in California without any kind of registration requirements for lobbyists.

Obviously the Supervisorial majority is covering up for OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh and other powerful Republican lobbyists, such as Curt Pringle and John Lewis.

I hope that former Senator Joe Dunn does lead an effort to put this on the ballot.  We deserve to know who the lobbyists are in Orange County.  This should not be covered up.  I am very disappointed in particular by Nelson, whose supporters in Fullerton do support a lobbyist registry.  This smells like more of Bilodeau’s B.S.

About Art Pedroza