Only 34% of the voters in Orange chose Dumitru for Mayor

Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche was the top vote-getter in Orange last Tuesday, in the general election.  Her opponent, Councilman Jon Dumitru, was soundly thrashed.  He got only 34% of the vote.  Cavecche got over 22,000 votes while Dumitru barely cleared 12,000.

Cavecche made headlines today today as news emerged that she quietly asked for 5 percent to be cut from her $690 monthly stipend, when city workers lost five percent of their salaries to furloughs, according to the O.C. Register.  The rest of the Council Members had no choice but to follow suit.

In related news, Democratic Council Candidate Robert Johnson, who we caught making anti-immigrant comments on his campaign website, came in sixth out of eight candidates.  Good riddance!  What sort of Democrat condemns immigrants?  The losing kind obviously!

The Council winners were Dennis Bilodeau and Fred Whitaker.  Of the two only Whitaker can be considered to be a conservative.  Bilodeau is a quadruple-dipper who also works for the government as Chief of Staff to Supervisor Shawn Nelson.  Whitaker is a member of the OC GOP Central Committee.

The new Council will have their hands full dealing with a big budget deficit.

About Art Pedroza