The video above involves a grandmother, a 28-year-old mother and a 9-year-old girl.
Last week the family was driving to a clinic, because the young girl had a high fever. But the girl’s mother, Minerva Santos, 28, ran a stop sign on Mission and Fig Street, in Escondido, according to NBC San Diego.
According to Lt. Mike Cea from the County’s Sheriff’s Department, Santos almost crashed into the car of a deputy sheriff who was passing by.
So yes, the cops had a reason to pull over the vehicle, but they they jumped the shark. They patted down the sick little girl. And then they had her deported.
Yes, Zorro is gay. Zorro is gay in San Francisco, black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single woman on the Metro at 10pm, a peasant without land, a gang member in Santa Ana, an unemployed worker, an unhappy student and, of course, a good government advocate in Anaheim.
Zorro is all the exploited, marginalized, oppressed minorities resisting and saying `Enough'. He or she is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He or she is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable -- this is Zorro.
must be a slow day in illegal alien lover zorros world.. so all illegals now get sick . run a stop sign . and if you cause a accident . god forbid you dont kill someone . because if you do and the police deports you zorro will have your back . and call the police BASTARDS FOR DEPORTING YOU .
GEE ACCORDING to zorro we should have maybe called a ambulance taking the little girl to the hospital . have her CUT IN LINE THERE (cut in line a word that they are used to hearing .)give her top medical cure . drive her back home . toss a parade . ALL AT TAX PAYER COST . oh and hold a rally sponsored by maldeff , la raza , calling the cops racist for trying to deport her .
F**k you all … Hope your kids don’t get sick you bunch of bastards..
MQ says:
Well at least its one less illegal immigrant to bring their kids to the ER for a cold!
I hope no one’s kid gets sick in Orange Country who is a citizen, your going to paying up the ying yang and waiting in long line of illegal immigrants with their Caloptima Card…Sucks to be an American with a sick kid; not so bad if your a Proud Mexican!
And really if your so proud of Mexico why are you not there??? I would never be proud of a country that exports it’s people like pork!!!!! Just saying!
Details are missing,such as what about the mother’s legal status – was it checked and was she deported too? Hard to fathom how a 9 year old could be here illegally, but her mother not. Was the mother a licensed driver or driving without a license? Insurance? What’s the rest of this story with regard to mom, a dad if there is one in the picture, etc.? As presented, this story is incomplete.
This is truly upsetting, I understand the laws should be in-forced but there was no need to have a young child put in handcuffs as if she was a criminal. Legal or not it was not necessary, this was far more than absurd. There are many citizens out there that commit crimes that puts us at risk on a daily basis and the only thing people we worry about now is immigrants with no legal documents. Most of these immigrants are here for a better future working there but off day and night, while the so called AMERICAN CITIZENS ARE EITHER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY BEGGING FOR MONEY OR ON THEIR ASS BEING LAZY SLOBS COLLECTING WELFARE,UNEMPLOYMENT, MEDICAID AND CHEATING THE SYSTEM. THe people with the stupid comments are nothing but low life,self-centered, uneducated pigs. Its best that all of you keep your comments to yourself, because no matter what happens there will always be immigrants in this country. This goes to the one complaining about immigrants spending their tax money, I pay taxes yearly myself that ranges from 35,000-50,000 a year and I much rather have immigrants spending my tax money, than criminals such as ( murderers, rapist, robbers, ect.) that we also support with tax money. Yes, I am a hispanic and, very proud to be one, that has been able to succeed in the US, I laugh at American Citizens that have the opportunity to engage in a better society, but much rather wipe their axx full of sxxx with their legal status.
Yes, I am a hispanic and, very proud to be one, that has been able to succeed in the US, I laugh at American Citizens that have the opportunity to engage in a better society, but much rather wipe their axx full of sxxx with their legal status.
You were able to succeed in this country because of American Citizens and because of their ideology. Try doing the same in Mexico!!!!
Let me, let you in on a little secret; the drop outs in most of California schools are not the Children of American Citizen’s! If they are they are 1st and 2nd generation hispanic (Mexican). If the cops put the kid in handcuffs they obviously are just a product of a very thick state!
I would not waste my time laughing at American citizens, but crying when a kid is born into a Mexican home!
The kids are not doing so good, if you have not noticed!
Of course you have not! YOU are Just ONE more proud to be completely blind Mexican!
My success did not come from Americans Citizens, as you may not know success is an inner motivation that inspires you and allows you to achieve your goals and desires in life. Success is a CHOICE! I chose to succeed, my success was not passed on by an American Citizen, but with my hard work and dedication.
LOL ! Its pretty sad had your ideology of a hispanic = A MEXICAN! FYI: I know many MEXICANS that are assets to the U.S. and are doing it as you say in MEXICO.
It seems to me that your brain capacity of a hispanic ethnicity is only wired with Mexicans. A hispanic consist of Spain,Ecuadorian,Peruvians, Dominicans, P. Ricans an so on I’ll let you expand your knowledge about Hispanics.
If you are so concerned about drop outs in the area. Join the Community like A GOOD CITIZEN ! instead of making unnecessary comments.
And like i mentioned before I laugh at Americans Citizens with no knowledge.
Again Im a PROUD HISPANIC <——-. Thats all you need to know!
I wish all of the damn illegals would leave. They are the down fall of this State. They have kids they cannot afford and the rest of us have to pay for them. Close you legs. Stop crowding our hospitals and collecting welfare.
“My success did not come from Americans Citizens,”
This country was built by Americans and immigrants with the same values!
” as you may not know success is an inner motivation that inspires you and allows you to achieve your goals and desires in life.”
Believe it or not! This is an American belief because this country allow’s you the chance achieve with hard work! You can work your butt off in Mexico and never have the chance to succeed!
And you are right in this country success is a choice! So, can you explain why the hell so many of you’re hispanic youth are failing in schools though out this country?
“A MEXICAN! FYI: I know many MEXICANS that are assets to the US and are doing it as you say in MEXICO.”
I would love to know them too? I call it as I see it!!!
The pregnancy rate in young hispanic girls is through the roof! Crime rates, drop outs and dead beat dads are an epidemic in the hispanic community! Not to mention the fact that a large amount of hispanic families are on welfare!!!!
“A hispanic consist of Spain,Ecuadorian,Peruvians, Dominicans, P. Ricans an so on I’ll let you expand your knowledge about Hispanics.”
America has a problem with illegals from south of the border. Most of them are without a doubt Mexican. Gangs like MS13 are from south of the border not from Europe!
Nice try to pass the buck! The elephant in the room is Mexico!
Speaking up is much more effective, that is why in this country we have freedom of Speech!!!
I would love to have a conference with hispanic parents in Santa Ana. But it would not be their usual pep talk…RA RA RA MEXICO! It would be more like a kick in the ass!!!!
Get up in the morning and make your kid lunch and school is not a day care center for free! Santa Ana has lots of nice non-profits all serving and helping the needy. What Santa Ana needs is a leader not a social worker!
“And like I mentioned before I laugh at Americans Citizens with no knowledge.”
I think American Citizens have enough knowledge about Mexico’s rejects to last them a life time.
The fact that you are proud of a country that gives its own people a map and a bottle of water to leave and cross the border to another country speaks volumes!
I am not laughing at you at all! You keep being proud of your country! I speak only from observation…It’s a nice looking country, but land does not make the country the people do!
Its sad to see how many Citizens seem to hate illegals, but they are blind to realize that this country is made up of immigrants. You guys are pathetic and complete idiots! Immigrants will always remain here regardless of how many times you try deporting them, They’ll b BACK!!!
“Its sad to see how many Citizens seem to hate illegals, but they are blind to realize that this country is made up of immigrants.”
Well, since I am an immigrant, I think it should be obvious that I would not be against immigration. I am however against the fact that illegal immigration from south of the border is causing a lot of very good people a lot of grief. The fact that American Citizens are forced to leave the homes they might have grown up in because their local school has become infested with gangs is pretty bad; don’t you think?
No one hates immigrants coming here to prosper! Citizen’s including immigrants like myself have a real problem with other immigrants being “quite frankly” a complete pain in the ass in OHHHH so many ways!
I think deportation is stupid! I think cutting off welfare and strict labor laws are the key! Also I think NAFTA needs to go bye bye!
I also think legalization all drugs is a must! The only reason Alcohol is legal is because too many like this drug and Alcohol is a drug!
yaz your take is from the la raza pedroza playbook . for the 100th million time . we are not against IMMIGRANTS . we are against ILLEGAL . IMMIGRANTS .
Hey, it’s ILLEGAL that we are against. we have only been saying that for a few years now. How the hell can we make any progress until the word ILLEGAL is heard and recognized? Geez, it’s like flammable vs. imflammable .
Illegal is not illegal, y’all need to quit with your ignorant lies. Immigration is not that simple. How about y’all actually read the laws and realize that the system is broken.
From the "Fear and Loathing / Closer to the Edge" substack blog : Senator Jeff Merkley walked into the…
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?
Daniel DID do drugs. Report below shows he had METH in his system and an extensive criminal history that included…
Greg, You can think what you want. Criminals, illegal immigration and neighboring countries can all erode countries sovereignty. But war…
My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
But maybe you did mean (1) "Completely independent" and (2) "authority over its borders" as two separate things. In that…
I'll presume that you meant to write: "Completely independent authority over its borders." OK, by that definition, is the USA…
Completely independent and authority over its borders. That sounds about right. Not wrapped in tin foil.
Just what part of ILLEGAL doesn’t this little girl and her parents understand?
YEah! Stoopid little girl.
Law & Order, you’re a Nativist and a fool. Now get backkk to your AM Hate Radio, I think the viagra commercial is OVER.
must be a slow day in illegal alien lover zorros world.. so all illegals now get sick . run a stop sign . and if you cause a accident . god forbid you dont kill someone . because if you do and the police deports you zorro will have your back . and call the police BASTARDS FOR DEPORTING YOU .
adios senorita
Lets put it this way Zorro.
At least they did not soot her mother as would SAPD13 condoned by Chief Walters.
Law is law……. Huh?
Ok Zorro,
Send the family money down in Mexico, if you are so worried about them!
The cop only did his job, that most cops are not doing that is why Ramos was able to take the lives of three American Citizens!
Like most Mexican Activists like yourslef you just full of Sh&^!
GEE ACCORDING to zorro we should have maybe called a ambulance taking the little girl to the hospital . have her CUT IN LINE THERE (cut in line a word that they are used to hearing .)give her top medical cure . drive her back home . toss a parade . ALL AT TAX PAYER COST . oh and hold a rally sponsored by maldeff , la raza , calling the cops racist for trying to deport her .
I should add ZORRO did you investigate a reason for the deportation.
How about if she was kidnapped by family for ransom or divorce dispute or who know what ZORRO?
The COPs do not deport children willy nilly.
So print why too!
F**k you all … Hope your kids don’t get sick you bunch of bastards..
F**k you all … Hope your kids don’t get sick you bunch of bastards..
MQ says:
Well at least its one less illegal immigrant to bring their kids to the ER for a cold!
I hope no one’s kid gets sick in Orange Country who is a citizen, your going to paying up the ying yang and waiting in long line of illegal immigrants with their Caloptima Card…Sucks to be an American with a sick kid; not so bad if your a Proud Mexican!
And really if your so proud of Mexico why are you not there??? I would never be proud of a country that exports it’s people like pork!!!!! Just saying!
Details are missing,such as what about the mother’s legal status – was it checked and was she deported too? Hard to fathom how a 9 year old could be here illegally, but her mother not. Was the mother a licensed driver or driving without a license? Insurance? What’s the rest of this story with regard to mom, a dad if there is one in the picture, etc.? As presented, this story is incomplete.
This is truly upsetting, I understand the laws should be in-forced but there was no need to have a young child put in handcuffs as if she was a criminal. Legal or not it was not necessary, this was far more than absurd. There are many citizens out there that commit crimes that puts us at risk on a daily basis and the only thing people we worry about now is immigrants with no legal documents. Most of these immigrants are here for a better future working there but off day and night, while the so called AMERICAN CITIZENS ARE EITHER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY BEGGING FOR MONEY OR ON THEIR ASS BEING LAZY SLOBS COLLECTING WELFARE,UNEMPLOYMENT, MEDICAID AND CHEATING THE SYSTEM. THe people with the stupid comments are nothing but low life,self-centered, uneducated pigs. Its best that all of you keep your comments to yourself, because no matter what happens there will always be immigrants in this country. This goes to the one complaining about immigrants spending their tax money, I pay taxes yearly myself that ranges from 35,000-50,000 a year and I much rather have immigrants spending my tax money, than criminals such as ( murderers, rapist, robbers, ect.) that we also support with tax money. Yes, I am a hispanic and, very proud to be one, that has been able to succeed in the US, I laugh at American Citizens that have the opportunity to engage in a better society, but much rather wipe their axx full of sxxx with their legal status.
Yes, I am a hispanic and, very proud to be one, that has been able to succeed in the US, I laugh at American Citizens that have the opportunity to engage in a better society, but much rather wipe their axx full of sxxx with their legal status.
You were able to succeed in this country because of American Citizens and because of their ideology. Try doing the same in Mexico!!!!
Let me, let you in on a little secret; the drop outs in most of California schools are not the Children of American Citizen’s! If they are they are 1st and 2nd generation hispanic (Mexican). If the cops put the kid in handcuffs they obviously are just a product of a very thick state!
I would not waste my time laughing at American citizens, but crying when a kid is born into a Mexican home!
The kids are not doing so good, if you have not noticed!
Of course you have not! YOU are Just ONE more proud to be completely blind Mexican!
My success did not come from Americans Citizens, as you may not know success is an inner motivation that inspires you and allows you to achieve your goals and desires in life. Success is a CHOICE! I chose to succeed, my success was not passed on by an American Citizen, but with my hard work and dedication.
LOL ! Its pretty sad had your ideology of a hispanic = A MEXICAN! FYI: I know many MEXICANS that are assets to the U.S. and are doing it as you say in MEXICO.
It seems to me that your brain capacity of a hispanic ethnicity is only wired with Mexicans. A hispanic consist of Spain,Ecuadorian,Peruvians, Dominicans, P. Ricans an so on I’ll let you expand your knowledge about Hispanics.
If you are so concerned about drop outs in the area. Join the Community like A GOOD CITIZEN ! instead of making unnecessary comments.
And like i mentioned before I laugh at Americans Citizens with no knowledge.
Again Im a PROUD HISPANIC <——-. Thats all you need to know!
I wish all of the damn illegals would leave. They are the down fall of this State. They have kids they cannot afford and the rest of us have to pay for them. Close you legs. Stop crowding our hospitals and collecting welfare.
The illegals are not taking the welfare by force. It is being handed out to them like candy by your very own Government!
The American government has become corrupt from the local level to the top!
The American Citizen has become a liability!
“My success did not come from Americans Citizens,”
This country was built by Americans and immigrants with the same values!
” as you may not know success is an inner motivation that inspires you and allows you to achieve your goals and desires in life.”
Believe it or not! This is an American belief because this country allow’s you the chance achieve with hard work! You can work your butt off in Mexico and never have the chance to succeed!
And you are right in this country success is a choice! So, can you explain why the hell so many of you’re hispanic youth are failing in schools though out this country?
“A MEXICAN! FYI: I know many MEXICANS that are assets to the US and are doing it as you say in MEXICO.”
I would love to know them too? I call it as I see it!!!
The pregnancy rate in young hispanic girls is through the roof! Crime rates, drop outs and dead beat dads are an epidemic in the hispanic community! Not to mention the fact that a large amount of hispanic families are on welfare!!!!
“A hispanic consist of Spain,Ecuadorian,Peruvians, Dominicans, P. Ricans an so on I’ll let you expand your knowledge about Hispanics.”
America has a problem with illegals from south of the border. Most of them are without a doubt Mexican. Gangs like MS13 are from south of the border not from Europe!
Nice try to pass the buck! The elephant in the room is Mexico!
Speaking up is much more effective, that is why in this country we have freedom of Speech!!!
I would love to have a conference with hispanic parents in Santa Ana. But it would not be their usual pep talk…RA RA RA MEXICO! It would be more like a kick in the ass!!!!
Get up in the morning and make your kid lunch and school is not a day care center for free! Santa Ana has lots of nice non-profits all serving and helping the needy. What Santa Ana needs is a leader not a social worker!
“And like I mentioned before I laugh at Americans Citizens with no knowledge.”
I think American Citizens have enough knowledge about Mexico’s rejects to last them a life time.
The fact that you are proud of a country that gives its own people a map and a bottle of water to leave and cross the border to another country speaks volumes!
I am not laughing at you at all! You keep being proud of your country! I speak only from observation…It’s a nice looking country, but land does not make the country the people do!
Its sad to see how many Citizens seem to hate illegals, but they are blind to realize that this country is made up of immigrants. You guys are pathetic and complete idiots! Immigrants will always remain here regardless of how many times you try deporting them, They’ll b BACK!!!
“Its sad to see how many Citizens seem to hate illegals, but they are blind to realize that this country is made up of immigrants.”
Well, since I am an immigrant, I think it should be obvious that I would not be against immigration. I am however against the fact that illegal immigration from south of the border is causing a lot of very good people a lot of grief. The fact that American Citizens are forced to leave the homes they might have grown up in because their local school has become infested with gangs is pretty bad; don’t you think?
No one hates immigrants coming here to prosper! Citizen’s including immigrants like myself have a real problem with other immigrants being “quite frankly” a complete pain in the ass in OHHHH so many ways!
I think deportation is stupid! I think cutting off welfare and strict labor laws are the key! Also I think NAFTA needs to go bye bye!
I also think legalization all drugs is a must! The only reason Alcohol is legal is because too many like this drug and Alcohol is a drug!
yaz your take is from the la raza pedroza playbook . for the 100th million time . we are not against IMMIGRANTS . we are against ILLEGAL . IMMIGRANTS .
Hey, it’s ILLEGAL that we are against. we have only been saying that for a few years now. How the hell can we make any progress until the word ILLEGAL is heard and recognized? Geez, it’s like flammable vs. imflammable .
Illegal is not illegal, y’all need to quit with your ignorant lies. Immigration is not that simple. How about y’all actually read the laws and realize that the system is broken.
It works just fine at the Airports! They check your immigration status coming into the country! Try to sneak through Airport ICE!!!!