A reader asked me recently for information about the purchase of the old Masonic temple in downtown Santa Ana, by the Church of Scientology. I did not know much about it at the time, but can now say that this is indeed a story worth visiting.
Developer Mike Harrah sold the building, after turning it into the Santa Ana Performing Arts Center. It is a beautiful building, but if you go by there it is still essentially empty.
What I found out was that the Church of Scientology had the money to buy the building, but has since been unable to raise enough money to do anything with it.
In 2006, Church spokeswoman Marie Murillo said the building was being purchased for an undisclosed price because the 1,500-member Orange County church was growing and needs more space, according to the O.C. Register. Murillo also said that the building would be used for classes, counseling sessions, weddings, Sunday services and other church events, and it would be made available for community events. None of that has come to pass.
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Why don’t you get the people from the church on your radio program?
The Church of Scientology normally avoids the media…
I don’t understand why the people in Europe are so opposed to them. This is the kind of videos they put out over there. Does anyone know much about them?
Madison Alexander, who recently abandoned it’s 112 SQFT closet on main street would like to have rented some space in thi “trendy” area.
But it’s much cheaper to use a daughters bedroom in Irvine.
Then you can pretend to have an interest in Santa Ana. Instead of really having one!
It is known fact that the Masons are highly secretive organization related to the legendary Knights Templars and are gatekeepers of their treasures. Many times the treasure gatekeeper would unexpectedly die taking the secret of the treasure burial site with him to his grave. There is great interest by the Scientologists to find these treasures. (Similary as the Nazis in the Indiana Jones flick). Some believe that the previous owner of the Santa Ana Performing Arts Center [“SAPAC”] learn that a treasure my be located near by on a site of the1BP and is using the project only for a purpose of the excavation for the treasure without actualy build 1BP. When the Scientologists learned that the treasure secret was removed from the SAPAC they became disinterested in the building and are now blocking the excavation at the 1BP via the city council and their Scientology members aka “usual suspects”. This of course influenced the outcome of the SA election in favor of the incumbents.
Do your own research.
Stanislav, I think your tinfoil hat is a little to tight! 🙂
The building in question was purchased by the Co$ in order to serve as their “Ideal Org.” for Orange County. It was a boondoggle purchase right from the get-go and people like me wrote about it at the time. Scientology is in a decline that has nothing to do with the failing economy. Scientology is a failing, fading fast “religion” that is more accurately described as consumer fraud.
I live near the Tustin Org. that this building was supposed to replace. The Tustin Org. is often empty or nearly empty, it’s parking lot hasn’t been resurfaced in 30 years. Scientology is NOT expanding, it is in steep decline and is bringing in almost NO new customers.
The building in Santa Ana will NEVER be properly finished and occupied… thanks to people like me! hehehe Soon it and Scientology’s other real estate boondoggles will be seen for what we critics and activists knew all along it would be: an albatross around David Miscavige’s neck.
Great article, BTW.
Interested in the truth about Scientology? Read:
Read both sides of the Scientology story and decide for your self.
Best Regards,
“Stanislav, I think your tinfoil hat is a little to tight!”……. and I thought it was too loose, thanks for a tip.
A subject of my comment Ron, was the Scientology’s ever ending search for the Knights Templars’ acquired artifacts including the Ark of the Covenant.
Thanks for your links Ron, however, there is nothing there to suggest a true Scientology’s ambitions.
Good research.