Santa Ana Masonic building bought by Church of Scientology still empty, after four years

A reader asked me recently for information about the purchase of the old Masonic temple in downtown Santa Ana, by the Church of Scientology.  I did not know much about it at the time, but can now say that this is indeed a story worth visiting.

Developer Mike Harrah sold the building, after turning it into the Santa Ana Performing Arts Center.  It is a beautiful building, but if you go by there it is still essentially empty.

What I found out was that the Church of Scientology had the money to buy the building, but has since been unable to raise enough money to do anything with it.

In 2006, Church spokeswoman Marie Murillo said the building was being purchased for an undisclosed price because the 1,500-member Orange County church was growing and needs more space, according to the O.C. Register.  Murillo also said that the building would be used for classes, counseling sessions, weddings, Sunday services and other church events, and it would be made available for community events.  None of that has come to pass.

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About Art Pedroza