This story is not about the 1979 film with Jack Lemmon, Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas about a meltdown at a California Nuclear Power Plant.
No, this is about the World Economic Meltdown of 2011 created by the great and greedy bankers of the world! To be brief, it all started because Bill Clinton caved to world banking in 1998, Ken Lay and others sold the powers that be, that they could make wealth out of invisible cloth. If one dollar was great, how about multiplying that number by 300 and calling it something else like – Leveraging, IPO’s, Mergers and Acquistions, Hedge Funds, Derivatives, Credit Default Swaps and about 100 more “inventive instruments of financial mass distraction and destruction”! It sounded like a pretty good idea at the time, because of the meltdown of the “Asian Tigers”, “Russian False Market Economy and the Mexican Crash”….hey, times were desperate and the likes of Jeff Skillings sounded like the veritable “quick fix” that was required to save Western Democracy! Logic had nothing to do with it. It was pure panic in a world of limited resources! Just expand…how could that hurt?
What should have been said was: “British Mercantilism” is back in vogue and dumping Glas-Steagal and other protections against avarice and greed has created 1000’s of new market realities…run by the rich, for the rich and and greedy….while making sure the the world “underclass” lounged in the false hope of never-ending employment, great retirement parachutes and wonderful pension plans that would continue to grow like topsy, with no top in site. As the rich and greedy prospered, the lowly worker bees that held bureaucratic small time jobs soon were soon opting for the same perks as Firemen and Cops; 3% at 50 Retirements, guaranteed and paid for by the taxpayer…who of course was profiting in magnitude by rising real estate prices and having foreign rich people jump on board the sinking financial ship….that appeared as if it was floating high and dry. The Electeds gladly went along, afraid of a labor backlash if they failed to deliver!
In the meantime, the Asian Giants of China and India, were slowly biding their time – bringing in manufacturing systematically and geometrically from the British Empire, France, Germany, the United States…as well as stealing markets from places like Japan, Mexico, the Phillipines, Malaysia and South Korea. Little things happened along the way, like China taking back the financial capital of Asia – Hong Kong! In the meantime, China continued to act like the good pal to Ameria by buying all the worthless Treasuries that the U.S. wanted to sell – while stealing every technology that we also gladly handed them. The dirty secret of course was that the more U.S. Treasuries they bought….the more that China de-valued their own currency. China looked at the world and simply said: “Look at all this worthless U.S. Debt we have….how can our currency be worth much?” In the meantime, China had growth rates in the high double digits!
U.S. Companies like Boeing, Ford and GE were the quick ones to move their manufacturing facilities to China and India. Because of course, that is where they think the “new Market for their products” will be in future. The “Build it and they will come!” philsophy was and is fully “de rigueur”. Remember General Motors, the company the U.S. Treasury bailed out of Bankruptcy to save thousands of U.S. jobs. Well, they are now being bought out by the Chinese Government entities that own everything in China. The GM Manufacturing Facilities are now headed to the Far East! The jobs they were supposed to protect and grow – will now be provided to Chinese workers! Not such a nice “Double Dealing” move by those again who will only profit from the top.
The Government of China is now on the cusp of taking over the world economy. The America we knew….is now considered both a “Toothless Tiger” as well as a “Paper Tiger”. China has our debt and that means that unless we print another $10 Trillion dollars in phony Fed money….we owe a huge chunk of cash that we have no current available chance of repaying. The new China Syndrome places us now on the verge of a great Western Global Financial Meltdown. Without buyers from around the world buying our Commercial and Residential Real Estate….we are like a wife with four kids and without any visable means of support.
Forget how it happened, who got paid off or what Rules and Regulations were thrown away in the process…in order to make it a reality. After the election, there is now a stampede to make some pretty stupid moves “to make the appearance” that our reponsive government is actually doing something. For once – America doesn’t have to think about 50 years from now. For once we need to think in terms of five and ten years! How to create, grow and make new jobs for folks. Republicans and Democrats are all on the same page – sadly! The present Lame Duck Congress is more than dangerous! What happens now could be catastrophic!
We don’t need to wait 10 more years to collect Social Security. We don’t need Toll Lanes on our Freeways. We don’t need more Red Light Cameras. We don’t need to soak the poor with a terrible VAT or equivalent. We don’t need to take away all the reasonable “IRS write-offs” in the Tax Code. We do not need a Single Payer Healthcare Plan. We do not need a Flat Tax! We do not need to allow “EPA Cap and Trade Credits” – that only benefit International Companies and create no new jobs. We do not need to try and back-fill our economy with huge amounts of Fed cash into small banks, because the Giant World Banking System is hanging on to every one of their bucks…dreadfully afraid of the Great China Panda…waiting around the corner to eat every root or shoot available.
So, where is Jack Lemmon, Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas now that “The China Syndrome” can happen at any moment. Is anyone out there aware? Could our Government or any members of our Electeds, maybe the Great Thinkers of the World; be finally not so so willing to adopt their typical “Quick, Cheap, Greedy or Lazy” responses to our major catastrophies around the Globe? Afterall, how could they not when they already have theirs? Or, because of their intrepid concept of “British Mercantilism and Cronyism”- firmly enscounced to supplant them?
We say to all those modern day Philip Nolans of the United States…….get on board the Carnival Splendor and leave this “God Fearing” country. GM is definitely a “Poster Boy” and a disgrace and should not be rewarded for moving one job or any of their operations to China!\
“No, this is about the World Economic Meltdown of 2011 created by the great and greedy bankers of the world!”…….. Hmmmm
You have gravely disappointed me Ron & Anna Winship. I was under an impression that you are highly educated and intelligent contributors to the OJ. Now, I have lost a role-model.
What about Obama’s socialistic economic policy? What about the Government workers making $500,000 per year with all benefits? What about the unions? I can go on and on.
You liberals cooked this economy you Liberals eat it. With Brown it will be lesson you never forget. You all so stupid, Chines fired missile 30 mile of the coast and Obama told you that it was an illusion. There is no help!
*Stanley…dear Stanley….we do love you greatly. Listen old friend…..understand that it
took “more than a village” to create this World Economic Disaster. President Obama
simply wants to be re-elected. We cannot fault him for that. Wisdom and history will tell
you that it was the Lloyds of London Mercantile Cartel that push the first domino…..and
the greedy young pretenders have followed like so many lemmings, jumping over the
clift…to make their house payments, pay for their kids educations and telling the next
door neighbor how he made it all in the Stock Market…..because of a great broker he
knew or was told about. The Bernie Madoff…..Bernie Ebbers……Ken Lay……Jeff Skillings..
George H.W. Bush and the entire Enron/Carlyle Junior Cartel flipped the next big domino
and went after India – their giant water and power project….that required Billions and Billions
of borrowed Fed Money to make the payoffs……and then they got discovered and had to
bring their game to the State of California to corner the energy market and beg everyone
to sell “Broadband” at Market rates…….whew! A long way to take control of the engine
of our economy? Nevermind, God has his way of getting even for serious social wrong
doing. The Bernie’s and the other high floaters are or will continue to pay the price…but
it is not enough. Their surrogates are still standing in the wings ready to take the next
We need a new Sheriff in town….and it really doesn’t matter whether it is Tea Party Partisan
or a Liberal/Progressive Democrat……or a Conservative/Moderate Republican. Just have
any of these people restore our society and bring back a modicum of social justice.
In case you didn’t notice GM has added 40% more stock to sell in their IPO….because
China had already cornered the entire offering – at the get go!
I still think sovereign immunity is a way to go.
Reincorporate the Federal government and states and reorganizes all the local governments.
The old debts and pay scales gone.
I am sure that you have done it in youth but do it again and re-read William Bradford journal (1620–1647), which was published as Of Plymouth Plantation. It will clearly show you why Liberalism and socialism does not work.
Your constant barking at rich and successful people is wrong. I would go more into it but I believe that there is a missing link which Darwin was looking for and it is hidden in the Liberal’s DNA.
*Stanley sir…..there are many wonderful, kind, caring and very generous wealthy people
that most might or would call rich. We have never faulted “the rich and famous” purely because they have more than others.
What we aim at – at every juncture……are criminal misuse of that wealth. Those that
would take the food from a poor child’s mouth….to buy another “Rich Boy Toy – Offshore Racing Boat”…or the like. Should we gently remind you of the Robber Barron Railroad
people at the turn of the 20th Century or of John D. Rockefeller and his tipping a dime….
no matter what the service? These are and were the strictly “British Mercantile Society”….
who restrict who they might let their children associate with and find elitism the greatest method of paying off the political class. When they abuse their power…..they become very unattractive….and expose what they really are – that is all we are saying. Bernie Ebbers
was a used car salesman gone bad. That does not necessarily mean every Used Car Salesman is rotten.
Everything you are pointing to above is none of your business Ron & Anna Winship. As Liberals you do not want to accept that: what is mine is mine! [Emphases added]
“criminal misuse of that wealth”…….. what a garbage statement!
The world is divided into two basic group of people, stupid and smart.
It is clear fact that smart people will have better handle on their prosperity than the stupid one. Because there is more stupid people out there there is more liberals, and Socialists, and Bolsheviks, and Communists etc. etc. etc. who believe that they have god given right to manage my life.
It is this phenomenon which got us into this crises.
Let people be free!
*Hegel was a pimp Stanley. The Russian Mafia thinks like the pseudo capiltalistic twisted
sister that says: What’s mine is mine and what is yours is mine! Smart? Sometimes…
like Bill Gates and other that offer that Social Contract of Jean Jacques Rousseau.
Extremes of anything do not create liberal thinking…..nay sir….rather revolution. Remember
“Let them eat cake!”? Louis the XV learned the hard way……As Mel Brooks said in History
of the World Part II. “What? not sensitive to the people – pull!!!!!!”
The argument you offer is pure Libertarianism. Freedom without rules or regulations or
restrictions of any kind. We fall on that side of almost any argument the same way you do.
Stanley, instead of fighting in the ethers….try challenging the “Command Pricing and the
charging of Tolls on Car Pool lanes!” Talk about Un-American!
Anyway Stanley, we will never begrudge you ability to make cash and create a “Three Bowl
Pea Game” on every corner…..or even “Pitching Pennies” for big bucks. Do anything you
like to make a buck. Use your smarts too. We are pulling for you.
However, never tell me that most Lawyers or Bankers are the nicest, kindest people that
you ever wanted to have coffee with…on the planet. They charge you for just breathing
in their presence. But, when you need one….you have to pay the price. The important
thing to remember is “its all about choice!”
What I like about your writings Ron & Anna Winship is that you take earthly delights like food, drugs, love, sex, partially digest them and than throw it all up to plate to be eaten. Good appetite!