We do have a lot to be thankful for, despite the tough times we are in


Mi Familia!

A good friend texted me yesterday, to see if my family needed any food for the holiday.  It has been that kind of year.  But my family is here today and everyone kicked in for food. I just put the turkey in the oven at 10:30 am, with the homemade stuffing that my mother-in-law, may she rest in peace, taught me years ago.

My son Joey spent all day yesterday helping to feed the needy, at the Salvation Army Temple on Edinger, in Santa Ana, along with many of his friends from Godinez High.  Awesome!  We who are fathers will all one day be judged by how our children turned out.

I spoke to a volunteer at the Salvation Army yesterday, as I wrote about their event, and she said she was astounded to see people coming from south Orange County, sometimes in luxury cars.  They too lost their jobs.

That inspired me to post an article with information on local charities that need our help this Thanksgiving and Christmas.  You can read that by clicking RIGHT HERE (link fixed – Ed.)

Despite the hard times we do indeed have much to be thankful for.  I personally am thank for:

  • My family – My wife woke up sick today, so I had to get cooking without my partner of twenty three years.  My sister did show up though and she and my niece have been helping me.  I cannot believe how tall my nephews are!  They just took off to the park with my sons to play football.  My mom and my stepfather just arrived too.  We are going to have family here today from my wife’s side too, which is great.  There will be many children in my house today!
  • Our health – I lost a cousin many years ago when he was only twelve years old.  He had some sort of medical condition and he could not survive it.  Those of us who have healthy children are so lucky!  May God bless all the children at CHOC, up the street from my house.  My heart goes out to their families too!
  • My friends – I cannot believe how many text messages, Facebook messages and emails I have received today.  Thank you all and please do have a Happy Thanksgiving!  You all mean so much to me…
  • I am grateful for my bloggers – in particular our stalwart Editor Vern.  Bless you all for doing what you do for our community!
  • I am grateful for my clients and for the opportunity to help keep workers safe every day.
  • I truly appreciate our readers and commenters.  Without you this would be a dead blog indeed.
  • I am so happy that Meg Whitman lost!  I think Jerry Brown is actually going to do a damn good job.
  • I am glad the Republicans lost every statewide race this year here in California.  Maybe now they will finally learn to stop hating Mexicans and gays!
  • I am thankful that we still live in a free country, where we can still speak our minds, for the most part.

I am not a fan of the pilgrims or the other Euro invaders, including my own Spanish ancestors, but I understand the sentiment behind Thanksgiving.  May all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

About Art Pedroza