. . . and Now for Something Completely Different: The Musings of a Long Time Orange County Conservative.


I have been around the OC for a long time and my kids will tell you that I am old.  I went to Knott’s Berry Farm when there was no admission charge and the few rides that they had cost a quarter.   There was no freeway to drive from Orange County to Mt. Baldy.  My five mile run to my Northern Orange County high school went through farms and horse ranches and nothing else.  There were virtually no liberals. My how times have changed, and not always for the better.

Orange County used to be a solid block of Republican votes that would go a long way to diffusing the liberal votes of our more congested counterparts in Los Angeles and Orange County.  While most of the rest of the state races to the edge of the cliff of liberalism like so many lemmings bent on their own destruction in the name of conformity, Orange County still remains more balanced, more rational.  However, the conservative culture in Orange County is a bit faded and battered from its peak during the Halcyon days of my youth.

The various tea parties throughout the County are doing a lot to breathe new life into the Grand Old Party.  Yearning for a restoration of the concepts of “less is more” (specifically in terms of our government), the tea parties have rejected the big spending deficit creating politics of BOTH parties.  The message of less spending and less government intervention in all of our lives was sent loud and clear throughout the country, though it was muted in California which is teetering on the edge of that tipping point when the number of those solely supported by the government (through government jobs or sole government subsidies and support) exceeds the number of folks supporting themselves through private enterprise.  God help us if we ever cross that threshold.

In the coming weeks I plan to point out “fun facts” about abuse of power in many of our Orange County cities.  In addition, I plan to spend time with you discussing the impacts of lobbying on candidate selection, global warming and the myth of “green,” the emergence of racism in politics in Orange County, the liberal control of press, academia, the government and the failures of both parties in this state to be real leaders.  I don’t really care if you agree with me, I will consider it a victory if you simply think about what I say.

About Geoff Willis