
Willard principal Dennis Cole will strangle the cute little kitten if he doesn't get his way.
So long, Willard Intermediate Chess Club. Sayonara, Willard Gardening Club. Say good bye to the “Claws” Club at Willard, run by a security officer there, teaching the tougher kids respect for law and order and having them help with hall monitor-type duties.
What’s happened, at Wednesday’s staff meeting, is that Willard principal Dennis Cole, on learning that his “Jaguars For Jesus” teacher-led prayer/bible study club was unconstitutional and would likely result in a lawsuit, reacted by banning ALL of Willard’s student clubs.
As you can hear in the recording below of the staff meeting, Mr. Cole’s reasoning is that it’s “unconstitutional” for some kids to be able to have one kind of club and others not to be able to have another kind of club. What utter BS sophistry! It’s the Cole-initiated, teacher-led religious club “Jaguars for Jesus” that’s unconstitutional. There’s nothing unconstitutional about the chess club or the “Claws” club; banning those is theatrical and cruel on Cole’s part. (The first 8 minutes or so of this recording are relevant to this story.)
[Adding insult to injury, according to several witnesses, the teacher-led “Jaguars For Jesus” have met twice, even after the Wednesday announcement of all clubs being banned!]
It’s unclear what the “lies” are that Cole claims, in this recording, have been told about him. The facts are not in dispute – a while back he approached three or four similarly devout teachers and asked them to lead a prayer and Bible study group for students. The Supreme Court has ruled that public school students can lead their own religious clubs, and teachers can also have their own little prayer group, but for teachers to lead a student prayer group is a breach of the separation between church and state, giving the impressionable young people the idea that a particular religion enjoys the school’s (ergo the government’s) endorsement.
The horrible scary “atheist group” Cole refers to early on in the above recording is the “Freedom From Religion Foundation,” a national nonprofit representing 16,000 members and dedicated to preserving the separation of church and state. Here’s part of the letter they sent to Supervisor Russo and Principal Cole which prompted his passive-aggressive over-reaction; it’s got all the facts and legalese you could wish for :
…It is our information that Willard Intermediate School offers a religious club called “Jaguars for Jesus.” It is our understanding that this club meets during the lunch hour. We were informed that Principal Dennis Cole has approached teachers and other staff to lead this club. It is our further understanding that there may be some participation by persons from a local church.
First, it is a fundamental principle of Establishment Clause jurisprudence that a public school may not advance, prefer, or promote religion. See generally, Lee v. Weisman, Wallace v. Jaffree, Epperson v. Arkansas, School District of Abington Township v. Schempp, Engel v. Vitale… Therefore, a public school may not sponsor a Christian club. We are deeply concerned that “Jaguars For Jesus” is school-sponsored and not “student-initiated” or “student-run.” We are told that “Jaguars For Jesus” is teacher-led, and occurs on school property during the school day. A reasonable Willard Intermediate student would presume that this Christian club is sponsored by the school. This leads to the inevitable conclusion that the intermediate school, and therefore the SAUSD, endorses religion over nonreligion, and specifically Christianity over all other faiths.
Second, the involvement of school staff in the club raises grave concerns. Even if this club is truly student-initiated, it is grossly irresponsible for teachers, other public school employees or outside adults to actively participate in or promote these student-run religious organizations…
Now Cole has jumped the shark by banning all clubs. Maybe he expected to get sympathy by spreading out the pain, or thinks he’ll unite everyone else in his defense, but it sure sounds like a move that’s bound to backfire. For months now our SAUSD corruption thread has been overflowing with various grievances against this mercurial autocrat – see here, here, here. SAUSD Supervisor Jane Russo should immediately order him to re-instate all the non-offending student clubs.
NOTE: This story will be updated today (Monday 12-13) as I attempt to contact Principal Cole and Supervisor Russo for their perspectives on this mess…
I cannot find anything written regarding SAUSD’s guidelines regarding religious participation in schools either.
It’s beginning to look less like a God issue and more like a Get Out The Vote issue.
The financial and political benefits in an election year must be substantial.
The law is clear. If there were no other issues other than complying with the law SAUSD would have called Mr. Cole in and said, “What are you thinking? You simply can’t do that.”
Who out there knows more about Willard’s choir director?
Meeting with Principal Denis Cole discussing shutting down all clubs at Willard because of Jaguars for Jesus:
Wow, blast from the past…
I wasn’t sure what happened to the link at the top of the page.
Vern Nelson,
The District
Jane Russo
Dawn Miller
Juan Lopez
Camile Boden
Cathie Olsky
Have a long running record and internal unwritten policy to never interfere with school site based management! They are 100% supportive of school site Administration, regardless of the ill based policies, directives, guidelines, or misdirection they are taking the school. District Management will never question Dennis Cole, on his decision to cancel all clubs.
Dennis Cole will never respond to you.
The District will never respond or talk to you either, but if for some miracle, lol, they do.
Their answer will be something like this.
They will tell you that Dennis Cole did what he thought was in the best interest of his school.
They will also tell you, that their attorneys are reviewing the legality or ways to be in compliance with state and federal law.
They will not,
I say again,
they will not, say anything that sounds like they are being anything but supportive of their Principal, regardless of how wrong he is.
The District also will never admit, directing Dennis Cole to cancel only his religious club and not all clubs because of the letter from the attorney. They will never question his decision.
The District will do what-ever it takes to protect their Administrator, regardless of the inappropriate or illegal behavior.
Just talk to SAEA or CSEA on that.
Anything short of a lawsuit, will not force the District to act or remove Dennis Cole.
Remember Al Mijares and what took for him to act?
I spent several years in the district office working hand in hand, I should know.
Dennis Cole along with District support will find a way to continue with his Bible club and jaguars for Jesus clubs.
Dennis Cole will continue his reign of terror on Willard Staff and continue to bully, harass and threaten them.
Dennis Cole will continue to attempt to remove anyone who opposes his religious training of Willard students.
Vern you are wasting your time, the District Office is not close until Jan. 10, 2011.
Your best chance is to stop by Willard and make an appointment with Dennis Cole secretary or just call the school tomorrow. Teachers and most Classified are off until January 10, 2011 but not Admin or their secretaries
714-480-4811 maria gutierrez
714-480-4812 Dennis cole
There are a whole lot of people shirking their responsibilities in avoiding this issue. If a teacher avoided returning a parent phone call, look out. But these people downtown and Cole blow off everyone. It is embarrassing to work in a district that conducts business in such an unprofessional manner.
If you remember the Class Size Reduction falsified rosters fiasco, the only reason the district finally responded was because the husband of one of the teachers involved was an attorney. He took action, got the Register involved, and what do you know – the district responded.
So, any attorneys out there who want to get involved in this Constitutional issue? And where is The Register when we need them?
I honestly didn’t think it could get any worse at Willard then with Storm and then Bishop. Wow. Has SAUSD sunk to new lows!
I would prefer to have 20 Mary Ellen Storm’s back, instead of Dennis Cole. At least when she screwed you, she didn’t have a smirk and she didn’t tell you to say 10 holly mary’s.
With Dennis “the preacher” Cole.
I would hope this new year, brings us together, as a group and as the professionals we are. Willard staff has always come together in the reign of an IMMORAL dictator, such as Dennis Cole. He will only succeed in bringing us closer as a whole and unite against those who wish to do harm against who can not defend themselves, the students.
It is IMMORAL, unethical, illegal and extremely unprofessional for someone who claims to be by the book, to push his religious views onto children.
Listen and listen carefully,
Dennis Cole,
your every move, word and steps will be scrutinize along with your conversations, speeches, recorded to be use against you when deemed necessary, so be careful on how you treat Willard staff this coming year.
It is immoral and unjust that we pay you idiots to teach kids!
Mr. Cole, we congratulate you on trying to keep these idiot teachers under control!
We are behind you 100%
I have never trusted Dennis Cole. I carry a recorder with me, from the minute I come in to the minute I leave the school site. I anticipate conversations with Dennis Cole or any of his Administrators and turn the recorder on. Dennis Cole will not have a chance with me, if he tries anything.
Luckily for us, you can walk into any electronic store such as Fry’s or Best Buy and pick one up for under sixty dollars.
The recorder can run up to 8 hours on a single AAA battery and record up to 16 hours of audio.
Like the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.
catching Dennis Cole in one of his many lies, priceless.
First, I want to congratulate YOU on your brilliant performance as a public school teacher at Willard! NOT!
As I read the posts, from Mr. Coles horrible staff; I can see why he is hard on you all! YOU SUCK! Really it is that simple!
Willard is one of the worst PUBLIC Schools in Santa Ana. And the reason is clear! The teachers are a bunch of useless idiots that go around taping their own collegees, instead of working together to promote an environment of excellence!
FYI: In the state of California it is AGAINST the law to tape someone without their permission!
You really are the reason why public schools throughout this state and beyond are disgraceful!
Public School teachers with their union thugs are moronic!
Truth be said!
Folks! These are the highest paid teachers in the US! This is what we get for that!
They cannot even do their own homework!
Six years late. I have carried one for the past 6 years.
You never know when you will need one. Play it safe and carry one all day long.
I do.
We need to give Principal Cole a taste of his own medicine. Let him walk on egg shells, not knowing whom amongst the staff is recording his every word. I remember when Storm was at Willard. She was so afraid some one was recording her meetings with the staff, she asked me once, “your not recording me are you” I simply smiled and said, nope. Little did she know I was. I never had to use any of the recordings against her because she left me alone.
If you choose to carry a voice activated recorder and if you are ever asked the question she asked me. Simply say, no! Not Dennis Cole or anyone else can search you or your property.
We need to send Cole a clear message, we will not be harassed, bullied or threatened anymore. Start the new year, by standing up for your constitutional and contractual right.
As for me, I just upgraded.
Sanyo – Digital Voice Recorder
Model: ICR-FP700D
Record class lectures or interviews with this digital voice recorder that features built-in microphones, a voice-activated recording system and hours of recording time with a 1GB Secure Digital memory card (included).
What’s Included
* Sanyo Digital Voice Recorder
* 1 AAA alkaline battery
* 1GB Secure Digital memory card
* USB cable
* Owner’s manual
Product Features
* From our expanded online assortment; not available in all Best Buy stores
* Voice-activated recording
For hands-free recording.
* Designed for use with Secure Digital and Secure Digital High Capacity memory cards up to 8GB (1GB Secure Digital card included)
To store hours of notes or lectures.
* File edit function
Move, erase, cut and lock audio files in MP3 format.
* Timer recording
Lets you record for a predetermined amount of time.
* 50%-200% playback speeds
Allow you to slow down or speed up files while transcribing notes.
* Built-in stereo microphones
For clear and concise sound.
* USB connectivity
Cable included for easy connection to your computer.
* Up to 29-hour battery life
Runs on 1 AAA alkaline battery (included) for long-lasting use.
Happy Holidays!
I am pretty sure this in the 20+ mid 30’s male on the recording next to Anon!
Now we know what you sound like Anon! late 40’s mid 50’s female who sounds like a right cow!
Happy Harassing!
I wonder how long the jail time is for a violation against the recording law?
Please, public listen to this full recording at the end, the teachers (union) discuss using hours outside schools to buffer their paychecks! Very interesting!
Don’t wear out your welcome now, sweetness. That’s four comments this morning, remember you get one more today.
I just bought mine. Check best buy, good after Christmas sales.
from http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2009/07/2009-sausd-corruption-thread/
annon. c
Posted December 29, 2010 at 10:06 AM
Apparently, the who, what, when, where, and why of Willard’s music director is unkown??
Posted December 29, 2010 at 11:14 AM
who cares!
Posted December 29, 2010 at 4:27 PM
annon. c
Posted December 29, 2010 at 5:11 PM
Interesting. Those comments make the musical director far more meaningful than I even considered.
Somehow secrets always have a back story.
First of all, I am not posting this to suggest anyone is a sex offender or anything close to or relating to sexual misconduct.
However, a tax payer and concerned citizen (Posted December 29, 2010 at 6:38 PM) did bring up issues we should always be concerned with.
Willard Intermediate is no stranger when it comes to horrific problems with volunteers.
Just saying, “Who cares?” as anonnnnn (Posted December 29, 2010 at 11:14 AM)
is not indicative of the staff at Willard. We care. That is why it is important to know who the musical director is, what his background is, has he gone through the district checks, what ties to the community he has and, specifically, what religious and/or political ties does he bring to the situation.
On a somber note, not in anyway shape or form relating to the musical director, most of the staff currently at Willard may not remember the following incident:
Mother of 3 Sentenced for Sex With Minor
February 27, 1999
SANTA ANA — A mother of three was sentenced Friday to 89 days in jail after pleading guilty to having sex on three occasions with a 13-year-old boy who attended the Santa Ana school where she coached cheerleading.
Heather Jean Graham, 35, must register as a sex offender and is prohibited from having any contact with minors unless accompanied by another adult, according to the terms of the sentence imposed by Orange County Superior Court Judge Gregory H. Lewis.
So if there’s Jaguars for Jesus, shouldn’t there be equal representation for other clubs like Wicca’s for Willard? Willard’s Wicca’s? And didn’t they do away with any electives during the school day, so whomever is the “choir” teacher, are they certificated? Fingerprinted? Allowed to be on campus and around children? Of course that would assume there is anyone in the front office to notice if anyone is coming on campus that shouldn’t be.
anon c.
I would like to know who the choir director is also. I tried to have a conversation with him after the assembly ( service ) but he was very standoffish. I’m sure we can get that info when school starts back up again.
Also, I have always had issue with the lack of security regarding visitors on campus. Anyone can walk into the doors of Willard. Let’s not forget the latest incident this year when an ex student brought a knife on campus!
When exactly was it that asking about someone new to the staff became subversive or political gesturing?
Of course, now, all clubs must be cleared through ASB.
Does this mean it also needs to be cleared through Mr. Cole?
If it is not of Mr. Cole’s persuasion would the club be disallowed by ASB?
It would be kind of intriguing to come up with a few clubs of our own, Anon.
How about Mind Empowerment Over Worship?
Under Ed. Code, what constitutes an elective as opposed to an after school program?
Poor choice of words. I’m sorry.
Under Ed. Code, is there a difference between an elective and an after school program?
Does calling something an elective have any significance on paper when presented to the school board or to the state?
cool!!!! That means I can do Wicca for Willard!
the sad story is that too few people of the district have ever stepped foot into Willard’s doors. All the school board members need to do is spend a week within the walls of Willard; to see what actually goes on there; will they ever dare to do this? NO! A sad fact!!!
What about they don’t care, don’t you understand!
The district hired a bunch of liberal sub-par teachers and then set them to work on killing education!
They like the job you are doing; more federal dollars from the low API’s!
Vern, If you do get an interview with Mr. Cole please don’t forget your recording equipment. That way what the actually the conversation and the facts won’t be in question or slanted. Maybe you can even get statements and videos of the choir director and the choir in action.
The students did a wonderful job of singing and I’m sure the choir director is good at what he does. But what exactly are all of his purposes at Willard?
To survive in this world we need to understand and respect cultures and points of view other than our own.
It is permissible to include some songs based on holidays such as Christmas or Chanukah. However, it is not appropriate for a public school choir to perform a concert DOMINATED by the songs of a SINGLE religious tradition.
What categories did Willard’s playlist fit into?
America The Beautiful
The Star Spangled Banner
Christian Holiday
Silent Night
Jingle Bells
Christian Hymn, Christian Gospel, even Christian funerals
Amazing Grace
Do other cultures have songs that would have fit into a winter themed assembly? Yes.
Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel
Chanukah, Oh Chanukah
Haneirot Halolu (These Candles which we light)
The Garangao Song
Bring Lanterns Children
Ramadan Came
Kwanzaa Song
Kwanzaa’s Here
Sing A Song Of Kwanzaa
Wiccan/Pagan winter celebrations
Hark the New Age Pagans Sing
Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland
Share the light
Annon .C!
This is a nation of Christians and we don’t need to celebrate another holy event except our own!
Because of thick public worker liberal scum like yourself for some reason people appease you lot by not having christmas plays and singing Christmas songs! It has killed a lovely tradition and instead replaced it with political correct bull#$%!
FYI: My friend is from South Africa has never heard of Kwanzaa! Stupid!
From the TSA to Public School Teachers! God you lot are complete wankers!
Liberals should be treated like a bad case of jock itch! Spread the common sense then Ignore the baS*&(!
Well Ms Quinn…For being such an eloquent speaker that backs up the Christian beliefs that are going on in public schools, I love how you so gracefully included profanity in your postings…Did I miss that chapter in the Bible? And as far as all the teachers at Willard being “idiots”, we are the most intelligent and strong staff you will EVER meet…And we don’t allow anyone to come into our school and on to our campus and “bully” us around…Trust me we are a force to be reckoned with!!!!!
I am not religious and I like my profanity! In fact, I would not be me without it!
“We are the most intelligent and strong staff you will EVER meet”
MQ says:
If I met you I would just ask “Why, if you are the most INTELLIGENT and STRONG staff does your API reflect that you are differently not as INTELLIGENT and STRONG as you think!
I can only say that Mr. Cole was given the worst of the worst! Not only our you all obviously incompetent at your job; you are also bunch of up tight cowards who carry around tape recorders instead of just leaving your job, if it is that bad!
“Trust me we are a force to be reckoned with!!!!!”
MQ says:
Really! I would say you are a bunch of idiots that needs to be fired and the force to be reckoned with is Mr. Cole… Why else would you be sneaking around with tape recorders?
When there was a choir at Willard they did have a nice assembly, and they did do an assortment of all the songs you mentioned. When there was a choir and a choir director at Willard.
You have to remember on important factor!
Dennis Cole is a control freak, and a micromanaging bigot. He is the typical Administrator who feels, thinks, and believes he is protected by D.O Administration; Jane Russo, Dawn Miller and Cathie Olsky.
Why? You might ask!
He is a friend of Dawn; appointed by Jane and placed at Willard Cathie for one specific mission, break the will, turn employees against each other, reprimand, remove or terminate any employee who does not “obey” his directives. All this, sanctioned by the D.O, approved by Jane Russo.
You might not remember the press release from Angela Burrell
Public Information Officer. You need only read the section under Dennis Cole and the brief description of his background and why he was placed at Willard to start to understand his mission objective and the support he has from the D.O. You might also not remember how the D.O described Willard staff; IMPLANTED, DEEP ROOTED.
D.O Administration place him at you school for one specific mission, I can highly assure you, it is not to raise test scores or improve the quality of education there at Willard. D.O, along with Jane Russo does not care of or about Willard Staff or Students alike. If they did, they would have never placed an Administrator with little to no background or experience in Administration.
Your best chances of getting rid of your Principal Mr. Dennis Cole are the same directives he received from the D.O themselves. They gave him such large room for error, and at the same time gave him unrestrictive access and unquestioned support.
The D.O was blind with their objective, they neglected to set guidelines to avoid the pitfall that all new power hungry, micromanaging unprofessional immoral Administrators fall into. The D.O did not anticipate your Principals fanatical religious believes. The D.O can not protect or support his fanatical religious believes him much longer. He is his worst enemy. Dennis will hand you all you need to file a complaint against him, not only with the D.O, but the State Dept of Labor, Cal/Osha and EEOC.
Regardless, of what your Principal does this new calendar year or what new directives Jane Russo gives him, he will always revert back to his religion for direction. You all have what he does not, decency and common sense.
And foremost, always carry a voice activated recorder. He can not repeal his own verbiage or say you are lying or misinterpreted his verbiage.
I see your Principal here all the time, there are many here who support Willard Staff.
Happy New Year.
Soooo—what happened to Cole?
To see the level of Dennis Cole fanatical religious believes you only need to look at his son’s name, Phineas.
Phineas, Son of Agenor
Some ancient writers recognize two Thracian kings by the name of Phineas/Phineus/Phinehas. The first was a son of Agenor who, like his brothers Phoenix, Cadmus, Thasus and Cilix, departed his Phoenician homeland in search of his sister Europa, who had been abducted by the god Zeus. Phineas gave up his search in Thrace, and settled on the western shores of the Black Sea, in eastern Thrace. This Phineas was the father of Thynus, Bithynus, Mariandynus and Paphlagonus, although the first two were his sons by adoption, their father being a certain Odrysus. These four men founded four kingdoms along the shores of the Black Sea – Thynia, Bithynia, Mariandyne, and Paphlagonia – but are otherwise unheard of.
Phineas was also the uncle of Andromeda, who was at first engaged to her. However, when Perseus saved her from sacrifice, Perseus became her wife. Phineas was so outraged that he stormed into the wedding hall with his followers and demanded Andromeda to be wed to him. That was when Perseus pulled out Medusa’s head for Phineas and his followers to see and become stone.
Phineas, Husband of Cleopatra
The second (and much more famous) Phineas lived several generations later, although his genealogical connection to the first Phineas is unclear. This second Phineas features in the story of Jason and the Argonauts, and was married to Cleopatra, daughter of Boreas. Phineas and Cleopatra had two sons, named Plexippus and Pandion, who were mistreated by their stepmother, Idaea, who Phineas married after the death of Cleopatra. His residence was the city of Salmydessus on the Black Sea. This Phineas was said to be a son of Poseidon, or of Phoenix, and had the gift of prophecy. Zeus, angry that Phineas revealed too much of the plans of the gods, punished him by blinding him and setting him on an island with a buffet of food. However, he could eat none of it because the harpies, vicious, winged women, stole the food out of his hands right before he could eat.[1] This continued until the arrival of Jason and the Argonauts. They sent the winged heroes, the Boreads, after the harpies. They succeeded in driving the monsters away but did not kill them, as a request from the goddess of the rainbow, Iris, who promised that Phineas would not be bothered by the harpies again. It is said that the Boreads were turned back by Iris at the Strophades.[2] As thanks, Phineas told the Argonauts how to pass the Symplegades.
Then you can start to understand his fascination for religion and his push to convert Willard students.
I don’t agree with what’s going on at my school at all! However, please anon, leave Mr. Cole’s son out of it. It only makes us all look bad!
Still, “Phineas?” Sounds kind of like a gland.
You can recognize a complete bas^%$ when they bring a person’s child into their hate fest!
You are exactly the reason half of SAUSD kids are failing and failing miserably
I send your way an Irish blessing and hope it comes true for ya!
I love the name phineas! What you called Anon: Lucifer?
“I don’t agree with what’s going on at my school at all! However, please anon, leave Mr. Cole’s son out of it. It only makes us all look bad!”
MQ says:
You already look bad! Unprofessional and a perfect example of public education with the finest at the helm!
MQ~ I am far from the helm of education. That is the issue! I think you might have a break through….. I won’t hold my breath though.
I bought my recorder on Ebay, received it an hour ago.
I hope Dennis Cole recognizes the damage he has done, not only to his reputation as an Administrator, but as a human being and a Leader of a K-12 school in a Title 1 district.
This blog is not only read by Willard Staff or Santa Ana Unified School District Employees, it has a wide following of professionals from all walks of life. It is rated as one of
the most popular political blogs in O.C and the state.
Willard already has a bad reputation, district and county wide. Why would any Administrator be appointed to any school, not just Willard and go in with his personal or
religious agenda and not put all his best effort into educating, building trust and true leadership among the Staff.
I have known and befriended many good Assistant Administrators and School Principals in the past 20 years. All of my 4 kids attended S.A schools, just like I did, my
parent and their parents did. Through, talking to many Administrators, being in their homes and having them over to my home for B.B.Q’s. I know for a fact the discretion
Administrators are given by their bosses. It is ultimately up to the individual him/her to make the right, not the best, but the right decision to not bring shame or embarrassment
to themselves, the school or the district.
There are no guidelines, manuals or “Administration for Dummies books” to buy and read to prepare you for what to expect ones you set foot at the school site. But, one
thing I know for sure; the district tells or in Dennis Cole’s case they should have told him, not to take his personal life or personal beliefs into the school itself. From, my
experience and being in the inner circle of Administrators, the best and the fastest way for an Administrator to fail is to invoke his or her personal life’s beliefs and take a
personal stand against any employee at his or her school site.
I have not known, nor my friends have ever met and Administrator who is successful once he or she invokes a personal stand in the school. You can not let your personal
life, beliefs or in this case, religion and become vindictive to others based on their lack of or opposition to your personal beliefs.
That’s the start to the end.
I am sure no other Administrator will let or for Dennis sake tell Dennis himself what his peers think of him during the Administrator meetings. No Administrator will step
on another Administrator’s toes. This goes for the District Office also. The District Office will not intervene because it is as much their fault as it is Dennis. District Office
personnel will not admit to their mistake of placing Dennis at your school.
For Dennis Cole’s sake, I hope he sees his micromanaging and way of Administrating ways are only causing an uproar and will not work, not only at Willard, but anywhere
else and starts 2011 with a different view and way of doing business.
Best Of Luck!
Finally got a call back – not from Russo or Cole, but from Dawn Miller. Not a whole lot of news, she’s pretty smooth. The controversy over the Jaguars made them realize they needed “bylaws” for all their clubs; she said that up to recently they hadn’t had any clubs – is that true? The ASB will be working on approving new bylaws and getting the old clubs back up and running. She says Jaguars For Jesus will henceforth be student-led; her friend Cole didn’t realize there were any problems with it; and also that yes, the same stuff probably IS happening at other SAUSD schools.
I should put all this into a new story, this one’s gone on too long…
You got a call from someone, pressure and the power of the media does work!
I highly doubt, Jaguars For Jesus will be student led, but will give the benefit of doubt. Rest assure, we will be monitoring for any staff involvement.
Dennis Cole and D.O, will realized that it is not a one person campaign, there are many of us. One thing, will be different this calendar year, at least a dozen or so, will be carrying recorders from now on and the rest will use their cell phones to record Administrative conversations.
Thanks you Vern for all you hard work.
Hope your principal Dennis Cole has a new years resolution, and starts treating the Willard staff with the respect they deserve. If Dennis has learned anything this past year, hope it was, do onto others, as other will do onto you!
True respect with dignity comes back in the way of karma.
Hope your principal has learned this.
For being such a religious person, he sure, mistreated, disrespect, abused and harassed a lot of staff members this past year.
I don’t ever recall reading 4 different blog threads dealing with the same individual and his abuse of authority.
One thing is for sure,
blogging is here and not going any where anytime soon.
Thanks Vern and the rest of your team for giving Willard staff a voice and making this a headline. Lets keep up the pressure this coming calendar year and demand respect with dignity for all working professionals.
You don’t get respect by sneaking around like snakes!
“Thanks Vern and the rest of your team for giving Willard staff a voice and making this a headline. Lets keep up the pressure this coming calendar year and demand respect with dignity for all working professionals.”
MQ says:
Yes, thank’s Vern for allowing us taxpayers to once and for all to see public school teacher’s for what they really, really are “overpaid and unprofessional morons!”
Mr. Cole is now assigned to Mendez for the 2011-2012 school year. Lots of happy folks at Willard and the best of luck to all at Mendez.
And what happens to all the really good teachers he (messed) over and got removed from the school for their beliefs?
And so Willard will continue to be a ridiculously low preforming school because the system is run by union thugs like Annon C. who pumps out failing kids to pay for that million dollar house in an all white neighborhood! When are people going to realize that these so called Willard happy people are left wing parasites feeding off the taxpayer and using hispanic poor kids to do it! They don’t what any one like Mr. Cole telling them what to do. Horrible classless people, without an ounce of compassion of legitimacy!
Annon C. is not a union thug. Annon C. is a union member and a supporter of unions.
Annon C. lives modestly in a racially mixed neighborhood by choice.
Annon C. holds the Constitution of the U.S. in high regard.
Upholding the Constitution is not a political slant. As an educator it is my sworn duty to uphold the Constitution.
My questions were directed towards SAUSD and their policies and their lack of written policy, not an individual.
Those in power who felt attacked knew that what they were trying to do was against the law.
As I told Mr. Cole, I would not hesitate to do it again.
The struggle continues. It is important to separate out religious practices in public schools.
The Orange County Board of Education’s practice of opening its meetings with invocations must end. FFRF is asking local members to protest the practice at the next school board meeting on Oct. 5.
The tradition the California school board has set up allows for interested people to request to deliver the invocation, with formal guidelines instituted for the practice. In a press release, FFRF asserts that “it is beyond the scope of a public school board to schedule or conduct prayer as part of its meetings.” Another school board in California has already witnessed the consequences of ignoring the Constitution. February of this year, FFRF won a victory in California in a similar case (FFRF et al v. Chino Valley School District Board of Education). A federal court declared the practice unconstitutional and the district is now on the hook for $200,000 because it refused to stop praying at meetings.
– See more at: https://ffrf.org/news/action/item/27579-orange-county-board-of-education-needs-to-stop-prayer-immediately#sthash.RIrhjGmY.dpuf