Beginning tomorrow, Fullerton School Board member Chris Thompson will be co-hosting a radio show with Martha Montelongo every Saturday night on KRLA 870AM.
You can listen in on AM 870 or at on Saturday night from 11:00 pm to 1:00 am. Montelongo and Thompson will be discussing all things political, including education, unions, taxes, limited government and freedom.
Chris Thompson is a newly elected trustee for the Fullerton School Board, a longtime advocate for education reform as well as a member in good standing of both Friends for Fullerton’s Future and the Fullerton Association of Concerned Taxpayers.
Martha Montelongo is a long-time broadcast and internet radio host, writer, blogger and stay-at-home mom. She describes herself as a former Democrat who has seen the light, and now supports limited government and free enterprise.
The show should be a real kick in the pants, so don’t forget to tune in for the premiere.
Read “Chris Thompson and Martha Montelongo on the Radio” on FFFF
Hola martha. How r u ,I was looking 4 my address & u name got my atention. Cos my wife name is martha montelongo . Well hope u doing ok where ever u r ….take care & keep tha good work!!!!..