Republican Party Central Committee Executive Board election results

At last night’s meeting of the OC GOP Central Committee, Tim Whitacre’s challenge of chairman Scott Baugh to lead the Executive Board was rejected by the voting members in attendance. The final tally was 46 to 23.

There was a very close race for the contested position of First Vice Chair where there were three candidates. Jon Fleischman, Alan Bartlett and Debra Pauly. In the first round of voting Jon received 29 votes. He was followed by Allan Bartlett with 19 and Debra Pauly with 21. However, in the second round, the candidate with the fewest votes is removed from the ballot. Based on the second round voting the Bartlett supporters gave most of their votes to Debra as confirmed by her getting 36 votes to Fleischman’s 33 .

In the 2nd Vice Chair seat Mary Young defeated Craig Alexander in getting 42 votes to Craig’s 27.

Zonya Townsend defeated Ray Grangoff for Secretary where the final count was 37 to 32.

Treasurer Mark Bucher was unopposed and retains his post.
For Assistant Treasurer Pat Shuff squeaked by Jeff Mathews getting 37 votes to his 35.

As Jack Anderson moved out of state Norm Dickinson ran unopposed for Jack’s post of Sgt. at Arms.

The Parliamentarian is an appointed post. As such Kermit Marsh retains that position.

In a local election. The 71st AD caucus selected Mission Viejo resident Greg Woodard to serve the balance of Jack Anderson’s term.

About Larry Gilbert