The Mexican O.C. Thursday night in Fullerton!


The Fullerton Public Library and the Cal State Fullerton Chicano Studies Department have allowed OC Weekly Managing Editor Gustavo Arellano to create a “lecture series” for 2011. It follows up on successful events late last year featuring cartoonista Lalo Alcaraz and the Fullerton civil rights housing case of Alex Bernal. Given that, the award-winning Breath of Fire Latina Theater Company is happy to be the first installment in what Arellano’s Facebook minions have declared by vote to be titled “Gustavo’s Awesome Lecture Series.”

This Thursday, there will be an excerpt reading from the company’s seminal work “The Mexican OC” which charts in a hilarious and enlightening way the hidden history of Mexican people and their contributions in our County. The first staging of the play took place in 2006, so this event also begins the celebration of “The Mexican OC’s” fifth anniversary. Following the reading, folks will hear a Q&A between Breath of Fire members and Cal State Fullerton’s Drama Professor Melissa Hidalgo.

Oh and did I mention all of this is for FREE! The date is this Thursday. The time is 6:30 p.m. The place is the Fullerton Public Library’s Hunt Branch. Why the Hunt? FPL’s main branch is being demolished, remodeled and expanded as we speak, so this event will be the only one in the lecture series to take place away from there for the time being. It can be a bit tricky to get to, but I provide a snap shot of this map (courtesy of the Fullerton Observer)

To learn more about “Gustavo’s Awesome Lecture Series” and the events to come, check out his blog post over at the OC Weekly:

About Gabriel San Roman