Over the years we’ve learned that boldfaced spin and self-serving regurgitation of misinformation is a regular indulgence for those union mouthpieces over at the Liberal OC. Like most, we quickly grew tired trying to make sense of the noise emerging from the OCEA’s propaganda machine and so we’ve learned to ignore it. But every once in a while someone new comes along and gets sucked right into the blue vortex.
A few weeks ago, Chris Prevatt wrote this blurb supposedly “Busting the Myths” about how public employee pensions don’t cost us hardly anything and the real problem is… well something somewhere else. He backed that up with the audacious claim that public employee compensation only sucks up about 10% of California’s budget, a dubious statement which was then re-quoted by OCEA booster Nick Berardino in this letter to the OC Register.
Well somehow our perplexed new Friends over at UnionWatch.com stumbled upon Prevatt’s steaming pile and decided to break down this mythbuster’s logic.
I am shocked that an award winning journalist such as Chris Prevatt could get his facts so wrong. Does the Orange County Press Club know about this? Will they take their award back from God’s gift to blogging?
Or is this just another spiteful post from a fringe blogger and “unqualified” planning commissioner?
How dare you Travis!!! Just wait until Dan and Chris get ahold of your Form 700. They’ll make you pay for this!!!
Sean. I want my Green Bay Packers jersey back. How is your battle with obesity going? About as well as Sal’s. Why don’t you guys go polish off some more fatty food
Hey come on, Sean has been running marathons. Sal, probably not.
You do realize that the poster is not the actual “DKMFN” right?
I had been starting to suspect that. Hey real DKM Fan, where are you?