Octomom takes over Egypt?




Recent press reports suggest, breathlessly, that President Obama may have talked Egyptian dictator Mubarak into leaving the country, essentially relinquishing power, at least for several months, to his vice president Suleman.

Wait a second – SULEMAN?

Do the Egyptian people have any idea of the irresponsibility, the narcissistic disorders, of La Habra’s fabled Octo-Mom?  Is the nation of Cleopatra prepared to have their nation divided into dynasties of 14 or more, a culture of unbridled birth, of unbridled collagen-filled lips, and to have as chief executive someone who relies on porn producers to cover their financial failings?

Sadly, maybe, yes.

About Miss Info Asperger

Miss Info is just wrong, wrong, wrong. And the similarities in her style and humor to the style and humor of our editor/owner Vern Nelson are especially regrettable, regrettable, regrettable.