Tan Nguyen Going to Prison – My friend participated in investigation of this & other Unethical Campaigning




“In October 2006, members of the California Department of Justice confiscated computers in the Garden Grove Campaign office of Tan D. Nguyen.   Congressional candidate Nguyen was suspected of sending a threatening letter to Latino voters.” per OCR.


CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE ON TAN NGUYEN – Going to Prison – (Contra Costa Times article).

3) CLICK HERE For Comments by Assemblyman Solorio & CA State Senator Lou Corrrea – during original indictment.

  • The female CA DOJ Special Agent who is pictured above processing evidence is my best friend’s wife.
  • My best friend is also a CA DOJ Special Agent who together with another CA DOJ Special Agent and a CHP Officer (also a good friend of ours) arrested Scott Peterson down in San Diego. (Scott Peterson murdered his wife Lacy Rocha Peterson).  My friends also testified at the trial of Scott Peterson.

I see the odd and long hours that my law enforcement buddies work, specially when they are working special cases or when they are involved with counter-terrorism task forces, or in special personal protective details, and I have a deep admiration for their work.

I am glad to know that the lying about this dirty tactics letter and its contents resulted in an indictment and prison time.

Separately, we must always ensure a fair election free of unfair political practices as we have seen recently – such what I and many others consider recent unfair and unethical involvement by SAPD Chief Paul Walters.

  • Very Likely Violation of CA Fair Political Practices Commission; California Political Reform Act of 2006; The 2009 California Government Code; CA Police Chief’s Association “Code of Ethics”; and City’s Code of Conduct / Conflict of Interest policy;
  • This is also a breach of the Highest Ethical and Professional Standards.

CLICK HERE for Speech to SA City Council on SAPD Chief Walters Unethical campaigning


About Francisco Barragan