By Mr. Peabody
- The smile turned to painful grimace
as the appendage was pulled ever farther
into the wringer.
Over at the Voice of OC(EA) Norberto Santana reports that his uncovering of Dick Ackerman’s billing logs from his days as a lobbyist for the rogue Fair Board has spurred a formal investigation by the State Fair Political Practices Commission.
See, former legislators are prohibited from lobbying their former colleagues for one year after their departure. Ackerman left the State Senate at the end of 2008 and started making those embarrassing calls in the summer of 2009 – in order to facilitate the sale of the Orange County Fair to a secret cabal made up of its own Boardmembers. We first wrote about that a-way back here in the fall of 2009 passing along the excellent work of the OC Progressive and Vern Nelson at the Orange Juice blog.
Read the rest of “The Bad Penny That Keeps Popping Up: Ackerman The Lobbyist”
Dicky boy is under investigation! This will then shed light on the showdy D.A. cover up. This will lead to Platinum Advisers involvement, which will then lead straight to OC GOP leader Scott Baugh! Money corrupts all the way to the top. If your not pissed – you should be! Its time for a major house cleaning at all levels of local government. OJ, keep reporting. People – get involved. Throw these bums out and cut off the gravy train!