They say never speak ill of the dead…but they didn’t say anything about the undead!
More to come after the Superbowl. In the meantime, “Happy Centennial, Gipper!”
They say never speak ill of the dead…but they didn’t say anything about the undead!
More to come after the Superbowl. In the meantime, “Happy Centennial, Gipper!”
I was sure you were going to post the Onion’s famous Zombie Reagan video when I saw your title. Well, then, I will!
OK, I give up… I guess the Onion has made it impossible to embed their videos. That one probably got extra popular this week. Just go here, it’s hilarious
Fxxx all of you. I’m out of here.
The OJ has had it.
What do they say about crabgrass and setting the dog doo on fire on the front porch? Hmmm.
Maybe just a simple case of “sour grapes” between your stinky cheeks……….
Pappa Ronnie is laughing out loud and so happy that you still have a sense of humor!
100 years from today…….Abe Lincoln and JFK will still be waving their RWR T-Shirts!
In spite of the endorsements of Charles Schulz and James Baker……Ronnie was the best
this nation has ever produced.
James Baker? I just heard Dick Cheney a couple hours ago on C-Span talking about how he took Baker out quail hunting recently. I was waiting for the punch line. There was none. Probably for the best.
Couldn’t agree with you more Winships.
“The Reagan-Bush years have exalted private gain over public obligation, special interests over the common good, wealth and fame over work and family. The 1980s ushered in a Gilded Age of greed and selfishness, of irresponsibility and excess, and of neglect.”
Bill Clinton 1991
Yes, the same Bill Clinton that said “I did not have sex with that young lady!” The same Bill Clinton who could look the camera in the eye and lie with no hesitation or remorse. Great quote source.
No, the Bill Clinton that MATTERED;
Comparing Democrat’s hero-CLINTON—versus Republican’s hero–REAGAN
1.JOBS—grew by 43% more under Clinton.
2.GDP—grew by 57% more under Clinton.
3.DOW—grew by 700% more under Clinton..
4.NASDAQ-grew by 18 times as much under Clinton.
4.SPENDING–grew by 28% under Clinton—80% under Reagan.
5.DEBT—grew by 43% under Clinton—187% under Reagan.
6. DEFICITS—Clinton got a large surplus–grew by 112% under Reagan.
7.NATIONAL INCOME—grew by100% more under Clinton.
8.PERSONAL INCOME—Grew by 110% more under Clinton.
SOURCES—Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.BLS.Gov )–Economic Policy Institute (EPI.org)—Global & World Almanacs from 1980 to 2003 (annual issues)
http://www.the-hamster.com (chart taken from NY Times)
National Archives History on Presidents. http://www.nara.gov
Anonster —
Clinton was a horrible president who passed many domestic policies the Reagan administration would be proud of.
I agree with you, Bill Clinton was no liberal, but his economic record kicks Reagan’s ass.
I also resent right-wingers harping on his personal failings, they didn’t affect us and were none of our business, unlike Reagan’s failings, i.e. the Iran/Contra scandal which was huge and had long term repercussions.
Anonster. President Reagan defeated the Soviet Union without a shot being fired. President Clinton spent his time on a golf course with his buddy Vernon Jordan and at one tournament refused to take a vital call from senior staff causing an airborne Mission in Iraq to be scrubbed at the last minute. I don’t know how many northern Iraqis were killed as a result of his leadership neglect.
While Star Wars/SDI may have been costly, who knowns how many American lives might have been lost if the Soviets and the USA engaged in armed conflict.
” Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” RR
Yes, without moral qualifications — and there certainly are few and far between — Clinton was a better manager of the economy than RR.
And as to the notion that “Ronnie was the best this nation ever produced,” I have to say that Martin Luther King Jr. is more deserving of such a distinction. He led a social movement that made America truer to her documented words.
That is pure caca, Larry, the USSR collapsed of its own weight.
ARCHIE BROWN, BBC, 2001 – The Soviet Union on the eve of Gorbachev’s perestroika (reconstruction) had serious political and economic problems. Technologically, it was falling behind not only Western countries but also the newly industrialized countries of Asia. Its foreign policy evinced a declining capacity to win friends and influence people. Yet there was no political instability within the country, no unrest, and no crisis. This was not a case of economic and political crisis producing liberalization and democratization. Rather, it was liberalization and democratization that brought the regime to crisis point. . .
The Soviet economy was in limbo in the last two years of the Soviet Union’s existence – no longer a command economy but not yet a market system. Significant reforms, such as permitting individual enterprise (1986), devolving more powers to factories (1987), and legalising co-operatives (1988), which were to become thinly disguised private enterprises, had undermined the old institutional structures and produced unintended consequences, but no viable alternative economic system had been put in their place. . .
SOUTH ASIA ANALYST GROUP – The Congressional Quarterly Researcher wrote on December 11,1992: “After the Soviet break-up, economists were amazed at the extent to which the CIA had overestimated the performance of the Soviet economy, leading many to speculate that the numbers were hyped to fuel the arms race.” Mr. Allan Goodman, Dean of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, described the CIA’s economic intelligence performance as “between abysmal and mediocre.” Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, former Vice-Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said after the Soviet break-up: ” For a quarter century, they (the CIA) told the President everything there was to know about the Soviet Union, excepting the fact that it was collapsing (due to a bad economy). They missed that detail.”
Anonster. You are wrong. End of serious debate.
RR forced them to spend themselves into a deep hole. The Soviets were afraid of Star Wars and blinked first.
Star wars was pie-in-the-sky and the Soviets knew it, heck, everybody knew it.
Excerpt from an article by Jonathan Weiler Professor, Global Studies, UNC Chapel Hill;
Why Ronald Reagan Didn’t Really Win the Cold War
“In fact, the first major arms reduction agreement between the two sides — the 1987 treaty eliminating Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) in Europe — became possible once Gorbachev dropped his objection to Reagan’s continued pursuit of SDI. When Gorbachev’s key scientific advisor told him that SDI was not viable, Gorbachev saw no point in making it a bone of contention. So, when the Soviets took SDI seriously, as Reagan had hoped, Gorbachev was more resistant to deal-making. Once Gorbachev stopped worrying about SDI, significant arms reduction ensued.”
For the full article go to;
Anonster – you’re wrong! end of serious debate! (and quit citing stuff too!) haha
From his photo I question if Professor Jonathan Weiler was even born when president Reagan was elected. What source does he have to back up his opinion? Did he interview anyone from the Reagan Administration or former military leaders of either country? Wing it may work for some but I try to “Trust, but verify” my data.
From Foreign Affairs;
“The next key step came, FitzGerald recounts, when Gorbachev met in December 1986 with the dissident physicist Andrei Sakharov, whom he had recently released from exile. Sakharov told the Soviet leader not to worry about Star Wars, predicting that the impracticable technology would eventually “die on its own.” Persuaded, Gorbachev offered in February 1987 to separate the Star Wars negotiations from arms-control talks. The 1987 INF treaty and continued improvement in U.S.-Soviet relations followed apace. Thus, it is fair to note that the United States made a contribution to the Cold War’s end — but in the area of arms control, that contribution was the revival of summitry, not the threat of Star Wars.”
For the full article;
Given his credentials as a professor at a reputable school with a book published in 2004, my overwhelming hunch is YES! haha
Oh and he received his PhD in ’99. Yup. Judging by this photo, he sure does look like a post-Reagan whippersnapper!