The following is from an e-mail report issued by the Orange County Employees Association. It was sent to me by a friend. And, yes, that Association is a union. I pass it along as an information item:
The Conference Committee concluded its business today and took a key step to enact Governor Jerry Brown’s budget plan. The actions included the elimination of redevelopment agencies. While talks are ongoing, the chances for an alternative proposal that would save RDAs from elimination are all but gone. The package sent to the floor contains the extension of the 2009 tax increases that are set to expire at the end of the fiscal year, however, getting them on the ballot will require a 2/3 vote of the Legislature.
So to recap, The Conference Committee actions include $12.5 billion in cuts, $12 billion in revenue, $3 billion in transfers and leave an $840 million reserve. The conference committee action sets up floor votes in the Assembly and Senate for next week (Tuesday or Wednesday).
Based on this information it looks like the various legislative committees have pretty much adopted Governor Brown’s proposed budget. Now it moves to the floors of both houses for a full vote.
While this budget can be adopted by only Democrat votes, the consensus seems to be that a few Republican votes are needed to make it work by authorizing a June election on the tax extensions. There have been some statements that there may be a way for the tax extension to be placed on the ballot without Republican votes, but it sounds like if that is attempted it will result in one or more lawsuits challenging the legality of such a move and to try and stop it.
Like it or hate it this proposed budget, this is looking like an important week for California.
We’ll find out next week how many lying Republicans we have — of both the Assembly and State Senate, only Sam Blakeslee did not vote for Grover Norquist’s ATR Tax Pledge, and that includes putting anything on a ballot to cause them to be increased.
We should be very suspicious of both Huff and Harmon who represent Orange County constiutents as they would not join Strickland’s/Wagner’s tax caucus.
How to get the Republican votes – find some State legislators who are in their last term, being termed out, and who likely need a job of some kind once there term ends. Offer them a 6 figure appointment to a State Commission or Board when their term ends, if only they will vote for this budget package now. This kind of quid-pro-quo has gone on for decades, by both parties, and should be expected this time too. Even Schwarzenegger, who originally pledged to elimate many of these Boards and Commissions abandoned that effort once in office and instead used these appointments in this manner. Look for it to hapen again. It’s a fact of life.
Or maybe there’ll be some termed-out Reeps who can just be convinced to do the right thing. (That is, allow us citizens to decide if we want to continue these revenues or go all-cuts.) I gotta talk to my guys Silva (who signed on to this anti-democracy caucus) and Harman (who hasn’t.)
“That is, allow us citizens to decide if we want to continue these revenues or go all-cuts.”……. Hmmmmm
I was under the impression that citizens already decided by defeating the proposition which would gave automatic extension for same taxes. The number escaped me.
The moron mongoloid Brown wants second bite from the apple.
And next time Nelson, do not propagandize your destructive taxation if you do not understand the money.
I was under the impression that citizens already decided by defeating the proposition which would gave automatic extension for same taxes.
THAT was in 2009. Things are different now. The people have seen what all-cuts budgets look like, and we can see how much worse another all-cuts budget will be. And I think more people are waking up to how voraciously the billionaires intend to keep fleecing us.
“THAT was in 2009″….. Hmmmm
How come that I knew that we are in serious problem during my debate speeches as candidate for the city council in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008. See the video tapes.
Gave me break Nelson!
Your socialism is black hole for money.
If I gave you 1 million you will spend it and budget will be 1 million short.
If I gave you 100 millions you will spend it and budget will be 100 million short.
If I gave you 1 billion you will spend it and budget will be 1 billion short.
If I gave you 100 billions you will spend it and budget will be 100 billion short.
You socialists deserve no money to handle. [Emphases added]
Stop lying to people Nelson!!!
I should add that the reason why there was an automatic extension proposition on the ballot in 2009 was because the socialists knew that we will be in trouble in 2011.
Any retard should know that, especially one with the Santa Ana Mater Dei diploma.
Ok, am I the only one who is frightened that Mr. Star is starting to make sense?
Newbie. Don’t underestimate Stan the man.
He will be happy to learn that like myself you also live in a Mission Viejo HOA .
The elected representatives were elected to do the hard job required of them, putting a tax extension on the ballot is NOT DOING the hard job they were elected to do.
The right thing, would be for them to resign!!!
Vern, this is a Republic, the voters elect representatives to deal with this stuff.
If everything is to be dealt with by a vote of the people, then we do not need a representative government and the assembly and senate member should resign, as being an unnecessary expense.
They were elected, partly, to balance the budget.
That can be done with a balance of cuts and extended revenue, as Gov. Brown would prefer, or by an insanely cruel all-cuts budget. (Or else just keep kicking the can like Arnold.)
The half-cuts-half-revenue option Brown & Dems prefer can’t be done without a 2/3 vote and some Reeps joining on, and that won’t happen. It can only be done with a popular vote.
So Brown and the Dems are doing their job as well as they can under the circumstances. It hasn’t yet been determined if we also need 2/3 (& some Reeps) to put the measure on the ballot, and if we will get those 4-5 Republicans to do that.
The truth is that Brown’s proposed cuts are not cuts but kicking the can this time Brown stile.
Vern, we just finished 7 years of “give me more and then push the problem to next year” with Arnold.
Just because the governor has changed doesn’t mean the problem in Sacramento has changed.
It has not.
The guys and gals in Sacramento DO NOT want to fix the states spending problem, they make a good living selling out to the special interests.
The legislators needs to do the job they were elected to do or resign and let someone else do the job.
Someone like me!….. Huh Cook?
Vern will play piano, I will sing and girls will dance can-can.
The happy state capitol.
Fool: There oughta’ be a law…
“Or maybe there’ll be some termed-out Reeps who can just be convinced to do the right thing.”
Vern sees the world through rose colored glasses. Or he doesn’t have a firm grip on reality.
Or he could just be full of BS.
“Vern sees the world through rose colored glasses.”…… correction junior
The socialism is a mental disorder based to euphoric phobia and Munchausen by proxy syndrome (MBPS) . In other words socialists must hurt you first and then rescue you to feel socially euphoric.
However, it usually gets out of the hand and you end up with a holocaust. See Stalin, Mao, Hitler etc. etc. etc.
Vern said: “people are waking up to how voraciously the billionaires intend to keep fleecing us.”
Uh Vern …. didn’t anyone ever tell you that the sales tax is the most effen regressive tax ever?
Uh Vern …. didn’t anyone ever tell you that California’s taxes (all types) are hugest in the union?…. Huh
Truth – there is a law. It is known as term limits.
A second, non-statutory law also applies – the law of unintended consequences that we voters so often energize.
Yes, let us face reality. With the tax extentions we avoid some cuts.
What would those cuts have to be? Likely an end to an services to seniors and disabled now paid for in part by the state. Severe reductions in the highway patrol, releases of up to 50,000 prisoners not all of them non-violent. Cal trans would end all state funded projects. All state parks could be closed. These minor items would get us 3 to 6 billion closer.
Most will come out of Schools, class size requirements would be suspended. Expect sizes up to 50 or more in some schools. Busing of students within 2 miles would likely end, sports could be ended in many districts, libraries will close. These are some of the likley results of only cutting spending. Community Colleges may have to cut classes and restrict access.
This is not the path I want to take. I would really like to see the alternate budget the Republicans are proposing so we can see exactly where the cut will come from. We probally will not since they know what I am saying above is a fact.
As you know Jim socialists (your friends) will always try to cut where it hurts most and never touch the pork.
I want to see the proposed cuts that the Republicans plan to make without any extention of the current tax rates. Perhaps we will like it. Perhaps not. Just say no is not an alternate policy