Damn Assembly Republicans save Redevelopment. Our Norby only GOP vote to kill it! Profile-in-courage Mansoor doesn’t even vote.




Chris Norby (Fullerton) – the ONLY Republican Assemblyman
to vote to end the waste and abuse of Redevelopment Agencies.

Just now, up in Sacramento, Jerry Brown’s proposal to eliminate roughly 400 “Redevelopment Agencies” failed by only one vote.  All Democrats voted to end these wasteful agencies which divert billions of dollars from schools, counties and public safety to local development projects,  but the measure needed two Republican votes, and sadly it only got one – North OC’s Chris Norby.

Sadly?  No, outrageously!  For a Party which flounces about wearing the mantle of fiscal responsibility, you’d think they’d cough up more than one vote to end a boondoggle like this.  We’ll be drilling Don Wagner, Diane Harkey, Jim Silva and Jeff Miller for their pretexts tomorrow.  All we can guess for now is 1) they want to fuck up anything that happens to be Jerry Brown’s idea (much like Washington Repuglicans do to Obama) and/or 2) they got their hands in the cookie jar, or their friends do, or they hope to soon.

I can tell you my Republican Juice brothers Larry Gilbert and Tony Bushala are mighty disappointed in their Party right now.  But at least our Norby looks good here;  let me quote him from a recent Register article, responding to some apologist who claimed the issue of redevelopment is a very complex issue:

“Redevelopment is not a complex topic.  It is very simple. Redevelopment proponents like to present it as something complex because that way the public has a hard time understanding it. Redevelopment is based on the notion that you can take public money, tax dollars, in this case 12 percent of all property taxes in the state annually, $6 billion a year, and with that subsidize private development in the hopes that it results in some kind of economic development. …

“The State Legislature and the voters created redevelopment over 60 years ago to end urban blight in California. It was a temporary fix to a temporary problem. It was never intended to be a permenant drain on the budget.  That’s essentially why Governor Brown has proposed eliminating redevelopment agencies. He believes that the 12 percent of property tax revenue that’s currently diverted to redevelopment would be better spent on services like police protection and education.”

Best of all was Allan Mansoor (Costa Mesa) who’s always front and center when it’s time to decry the plague of Mexican immigration.  Me and Bushala were glued to our computers watching the proceedings, wondering when is Allan gonna vote, and how?

He could have, would have been the deciding vote.  I predicted to Tony that he’d vote NO, as, generally lacking much brain function, he jumps to lobbyist Scott Baugh’s commands … but secretly I hoped he would do the right thing.

As it turns out, he didn’t even bother voting.  I wonder what his excuse will be.

A real profile in courage, that Allan.  Go for it, girls

Maybe more of you Republicans should have voted for Phu.  And Melissa.

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.