Yesterday one of our blog readers expressed disbelief that any Fullerton teacher made over 80 grand a year. That’s a lot of money for a part time job, and our poor school teachers are supposed to be underpaid, right?
Well, take a look at this list of 84 FSD teachers who made over $90,000 in the 2009-2010 school year.
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But the real kicker is that these folks only had to work for 182 days a year to earn these salaries, while the rest of us slog it out for about 240 days.
Read the rest of “Eighty-Four Underpaid Teachers Who Make Over $90k”
This is made even worse by the fact that their pensions are usually calculated by taking the highest 3 of their last five years of salary FOR LIFE.
how many FSD teachers are there in the entirety of the system?
There are between 600-700 teachers.
The AVERAGE total compensation (salary + benefits) for all FSD teachers is $90,054.
So how much do you make Travis?
I thought you were going to look at my form 700?
Hey, give the teachers a break ! Like in Spring Break which is coming up fast and long overdue. It has been three months since winter break and only a few single holidays in February. And if you can read this, thank a teacher.
DWM, I’d love to see you in the classroom. Do understand that many teachers spend time working outside of it…
Travis, subtract the benefits, and give the base median salary. As it stands, according to your figures, those highlighted in the post above represent 12% of the total pool.
You’re right that some teachers spend time outside of the classroom working. And some don’t. But why should Travis subtract the benefits from his analysis? He’s just stated that the average TOTAL compensation (the benefits are what’s killing city budgets all over the state) is $90,000+. If that’s true, it’s just another example of the need for pension reform.
Why not? In fact, I’m being quite generous in taking Travis’ numbers at his word. So I will ask again, what’s the median average teacher salary minus benefits? (and this time please add a source citation)
While I’m probably over my head let me report that I just spoke to a retired MV teacher who informs me that the District takes 8% of their wages, before taxes, which goes into their CalSters account. As such teachers pay state and federal taxes on their pension funds. Once you start taking money from pensions it becomes taxable income.
They do not receive any additional money from the district without a golden handshake
We discussed the differences between elementary and secondary school teachers where your number of students can range from 35 to 160-200 including P.E.
Time spent grading papers etc as well as being one day off out of every 20 which is set aside for grading papers.
COLA’s are negotiated.
Teachers also receive an increase on tenure as well as a bonus for Masters or Doctorate degrees.
So to ww., the person asking me how much should teachers make, my earlier point is valid. There are too many variabels to give a quick figure and wing it.
What should teachers make? How much should they be compensated?
I’m not sure, but it should be based on performance, not length of tenure. Seniority is the third rail of the educrat lobby. Don’t touch it.
TB —
And what would be the measure of performance? Test scores? “Value-added” trinkets? Please don’t do an imitation of the Los Angeles Times.
While I have not been following this post our daughter was a “special ed” teacher.
Before she entered the profession she did her homework and recognized that the wages were not comparable to many other fields for college grads.
Ask another question that relates to your “calling.”
How much do missionaires make as they work in harms way in third world countries?
It is a simple question. How much SHOULD teachers make?
Respectfully, it is not a simple question nor can I provide a simple answer.
Let’s begin with tenure. The ability to fire incompetent teachers while rewarding the good ones. Another challenge would be whether or not the pay scale should be the same in all 50 states or should there be an adjustment based on the cost of living in each state or school district.
Let’s also consider how the $$ pie is sliced. are we top heavy with administration?
As I am very involved in lobbying the budget negotiations relating to redevelopment agencies let me get back to you with more specifics on your challenge. Thank you.
Respectfully, it is a simple question. How do you know that teachers are overpaid, if you don’t know how much they ought to be paid?
Where did you find my writing anything about teacher compensation?
Catch your breath. Right now I’m working to kill redevelopment agencies which may relate to the number of teachers getting pink slips.
How many teachers would keep their jobs if we save $1.7 billion next year? THAT MY FRIEND IS REAL MONEY.
Here’s a bonus for you. If we cut enrollments we may not need college teachers.
“California State University campuses may cut enrollment by 10,000 students for the 2011-12 year as part of a larger plan for dealing with budget cuts, officials told trustees during a board meeting today in Long Beach.”
Read more:
@ Larry
“Where did you find my writing anything about teacher compensation”?
. . . um, you responded to my comment that said “What should teachers make? How much should they be compensated?”
I suggest you focus on your own ability to track a conversation before telling me to “catch my breath.” If you don’t want to talk about teacher compensation, in blog entry about teacher compensation, then don’t reply to a post about teacher compensation.
If you thinking teaching is a part time job, maybe the teachers you know aren’t doing their jobs.
My wife has been teaching for 13 years, has a Bachelors, a teaching credential and a Masters degree. She works, on average, 60 to 80 hours a week, leaving in the morning at 6:30 a.m. and getting home after 5 p.m. When she isn’t at the school, she is grading papers (you know how much work is involved in grading 150, 3-page essays, every two months?), planning her lessons, writing letters of recommendation, answering emails, and spending money, out of pocket, on her classroom supplies.
And, she doesn’t make 90 grand a year (yet).
It is so easy to beat up on teachers, but I wouldn’t do her job. I make the same amount of money as she does in the private sector, with less education, and only have to work 40 hours a week and have a generous amount of time off.
But, I don’t think the problem is how much teachers make, it is whether they are doing their job and a good teacher is priceless.
Even if all teachers made 90K including benifits which they do not, the cost of there schooling far exceeds a lot of much better paying professions.
Many prison guards in Ca make over 100K per year, what is wrong with this picture?
BTW- Prison Gaurd Training is short, provided by the state and cheap.
Jim! The unofficial slogan of California is “Incarcerate, not educate!”
Well for one thing California has 999 School Districts (as of 2009) and only 58 counties. Thats 999 superintendents, assistants and support staff.
As a person who spent a few years in the classroom I can tell you that this a BRUTAL job, if you are a lightweight mom. who expects things to work one way and then complains when it doesn’t.
I wish I would have had the temerity to start this job at 21 and ride. Teaching is a rewarding manageable career. It can be an easy ride. Or it can be a hard one. It’s up to the teacher.
To hear the CTA ilk cry is a joke. Ride baby, you have a good gig. roll with it. But, don’t pretend like you are: A) Deserving of it or B) working hard enough to earn it.
For me it was’nt worth it and I went into business. If I had a rich Wife (or husband) who could have supported me through the lean years, I would have stayed and surfed. but I started a family and needed to support them. Plus I couldn’t stand the whiney bitch parents!! Let alone the other teachers.
Teacher’s are not part time employees and it’s getting old that teaching is the new punching bag profession of the right.
You’d cut off your nose to spite your face and this idea that teachers should be happy to have jobs, they should know that getting into it it’s not about the money.
But hey, CEO’s that’s another matter, they deserve the big pay.
You do realize that teacher’s create those CEO’s, they create the workforce and they are what makes our Country competitive and that as we continue to denigrate and demonize on this profession, less and less competent and talented people will want to go into it?
Other Countries know that you want high achievers to teach their kids, so they pay to attract those who do well in school. What we do is we say, those who can’t do, teach.
You get what you pay for, and in this case, we get this. And because we thought it was okay to attack the profession of teaching we got Unions. The more you attack, the more they will dig in their heels.
You just don’t get it.
If teachers are part-time employees, then a simple halving of the state 90K in salary/benefits would make for a simple equation, no? Come teach for 45k in salary/benefits! Yeah right…