Public opinion is a hard taskmaker. Watching the carnage in Japan has seemingly redirected the concepts of progress again. It harkens back to the days of the Space Program in January of 1967 when three of our astronauts burned up on the ground, doing some testing in an Apollo Space Capsule. That single event had serious ramifications which tilted the energies of Congress and some people in the country to question the efficacy of the entire Space Program. How we averted the end of the Space Program was purely because of the momentum that had most of the economic determinism going to the Moon. Literally, millions of ongoing jobs were held in the balance.
The horrific onging events in Japan, the tsunami damage to Hawaii, Crescent City, Santa Cruz and all of California have shifted the energy conversation suddenly away from Nuclear Energy, High Speed Rail and has virtually paralyzed financial markets for the time being. As oil prices spike again and again, due to the events in Northern Africa and Arabia……the world is faced with the effects of “Mother Nature”. An 8.9 or 8.4 Earthquake is nothing to sneeze at obviously. Being one of the top five earthquake events in the history of the world has to get ones attention. The uncertainty of where the next one might strike and to what damage could be done will undoubtedly have actuaral tables jumping from Syria to Arkansas. The unknown is a terrible concept to contemplate when you are talking about investing your life savings into something. A good example is that San Onofre Nuclear Facility is earthquake safe up to a 7.0 Earthquake! Not so reassuring.
Just when we thought that the global economy could make a comeback, gas prices surge through the roof. Just when we thought that health insurance cost could be contained…the cost of everything sails through the ionisphere! Food prices, Transportation, Manufacturing Costs, Labor Costs all striving for higher levels. In the middle of this mess stands a bunch of so-called “cost containment bureaucrats”. First off how can costs be contained for instance in California, if the people vote for the Brown Initiative asking for $60 Billion dollars in new debt….paid for through bonds or taxes? We love Downtown Jerry Brown, but we certainly can disagree when as we continue to wonder why Government Officials at every level of Government simply don’t start cutting their budgets by 10 to 20% across the board – rather than just asking for more cash from the taxpayers?
The attacks in this nation against “Organized Labor Contracts” are dispicable. If you don’t like your employees – just fire them! Don’t take away their rights to negotiate, their ability to be represented in collective bargaining, their desire for better working conditions. When Ronald Reagan fired the Air Controllers….he just plain fired them…he didn’t ask them to disband their Union. Tennessee Ernie Ford sang a song that was number one for 45 weeks….16 Tons….back in the 50’s. The key line was “I owe my soul to the Company Store!”…..noting what happens when business or anyone is given unlimited ability to control their own labor markets. “Begging Poor”…has been the prevailing wisdom by the greedy. NFL owners might be a good current example in their dispute with the NFL Players Association…..but we will have to review more of the details before making any further judgments in that regard.
The terrible events in Japan have done more than move mountains of water, kill thousands, destroy homes, businesses or communities or even create years and years or rebuilding. It has sent a message that Nuclear Energy can be more dangerous than what we may have thought…a chilling reality. We have yet to hear what damage was done to the Ja[anese High Speed Rail System…..but we are fairly sure……that comparisons to our San Andreas Fault….be utilized with impunity. The inner-connectability and internet capability of our world has brought the horrors from across the globe to our own doors – unedited. What the future holds will depend of the perceptions we receive and how much they will impact our own desires for progress, for a better quality of life and for own ability to see the future in a positive and caring way.
It only took an earthquake to change history….Krakatoa it was not…..but the effects may be longer lasting for the rest of the world. Our prayers for all those affected in Japan and for all of us here! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1883_eruption_of_Krakatoa
“It only took an earthquake to change history (Winships)”…….. Hmmmm
How much on the rectum scale it would take to create such a changeable earthquake in the socialists’ head?
Would 5 rectums be sufficient?
*Stanley…you are certainly the expert….we of course would rely completely on you opinion!
*For Vern….we love the press…..keep our name up there!
“we of course would rely completely on you opinion”……. Hmmmm
Unfortunately Winships, I do not believe that it only took an earthquake to change history.
However, rectums a.k.a. assholes did.
So, in my humble opinion, it takes one rectum on the scale to change history.
Sure, such dramatic events catch our attention for a time. But what amazes me more is how ephemeral such awakenings always turn out to be. Watch us learn nothing, again.
*Sometimes it take a village of say 2000 dead people for people to get it. In many cases
if they don’t know each person by name ……they never get it.
“Get” what? That nuclear plants are dangerous?
And yet, 9 minutes later you talk about “fully supporting” Chuck DeVore, whose #1 issue over the years has been more nuclear plants. Color me confused!
“Color me confused!”…… Hmmm
I believe that you want to say: Color me pinko! …… Huh?
“Sometimes it take a village of say 2000 dead people for people to get it.”………. Hmmm
Interesting socialists’ observation Winships.
Socialists tried various villages dead counts like 6,000,000, however, the villagers still didn’t got it.
Now what?
I just found this web site today, very interesting. I just moved back to OC from Colorado, having lived there for 13 years. My family goes back to living in OC since 1902.
In reading this blog, I am not sure I am really getting the author’s point. Is the point that we have catastrophe’s? Is the point that nuclear energy is not safe? Is the point that Organized Labor is good, not matter what they do (or don’t do?) And how does the internet bring the horror’s to our doors? I just looked outside and I don’t see any Tsunami damage. It may have brought the PICTURES to us, but Television has been doing that for many decades, nothing new there. So instead of Walter Kronkite, we have You Tube and Facebook. It is still just pictures of the catastrophe.
So while Liberals sit around, wringing their hands and saying “Don’t let a disaster go to waste”, Conservatives take off their jackets, put on their work gloves, and start helping those in need. Liberals talk and Conservatives do!
I think Just Mike is calling you guys liberals, R&A. I guess if the message of a post is mystifying enough, it can be a sort of Rorschach test.
I am not calling anybody anything. I am trying to get at the heart of the blogger’s intentions. The blog seems to wonder around without really addressing any one thing. Space Exploration, earthquakes, organized labor, Tennessee Ernie Ford, High Speed Rail and the NFL. Some of it is liberal leaning and some of it is conservative leaning, without really making a point.
One thing I would make a bet on, I bet Japan will rebuild faster than Haiti!
*For Stan…Pinko Thinko! For Vern: It takes a Pinto to blow up a gas tank in a Nuclear Facitlity! For Just Mike…..Welcome to the Funny Farm! Independent Thought is allowed.
Your guesses are just as good as ours. America is a funny place that offers lots of options
unless of course you are Sarah Palin, Huckabee, Glen Beck, Pat Buchanan or Newt Gingrich!
A Conservative just ain’t what it used to be! Conservatives thought Lt. Calley was framed. Conservatives thought Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan were pasty’s! Liberal thought that the Space Program was a terrible waste of money.
We are Independent thinking Conservatives….that greatly appreciate others than can do the same thing. We try not to name call and but we do try to be realistic to the human condition.
Like…..no jobs, Outsourcing, Rip-off Hedge Funds, Real Estate Developers and Derivative Fund Managers. People like Fanny Mae, Bernie Maddoff, Ken Lay and Jeff Skillings all make us wonder where our country failed.
Pinko Thinko!…….. Hmmmm
So that is what you are calling your “little sheriff”?…….
*In Case you never met Fanny Mae…..we can introduce you! America also has a Veterans Administration and a Social Security System that all need some help….right now.
*Stan….what is your real name? Harry Lime?
Actually Ron and Anna, Barrack Hussein Obama is the one that makes me wonder where did our country fail?! Along with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barney Frank! I wouldn’t trust Mr. Hussein Obama to run a Cub Scout Den or a Lemonade Stand, the guy has the experience of a McDonald’s intern. The Liberals electing Obama over Hillary Clinton just shows how unintelligent the Left really is. Obama got elected for just ONE reason, his race. What does that say about our electorate? It says the dumbing down of American is working. When I graduated from Kindergarten, I had to know how to read a book, write a short essay and know addition and subtraction up to ten. Today, to graduate from Kindergarten, all a kid needs to do is say his ABCs and count to ten.
Independent thinking? Heck, I would be happy with just thinking at this point. I will never forget over hearing two soccer mom’s talking at the Riverside Soccer Complex, back in the early 1990s. Here is the exact quote, “I am voting for Bill Clinton, he is so good looking!” My jaw just dropped. Fast forward to 2008 and watch interviews of people asked, “Why did you vote for Obama?” You got answers like, “He gives good speeches,” or “He is so handsome,” or “He is so intelligent” (compared to the interviewee, Obama is intelligent), or “I just like him”. You never heard things about his experience, his ability, his skill or his knowledge. As a side note, how is he intelligent when he says he has visited all 57 states?
The problem we had in 2008 was the Leftist McCain and the far Leftist Obama. It was like voting for either Stalin or Lenin. I only voted for McCain because of Palin. The Socialist media attacked Palin and her family, the VP candidate, more than they did Obama, the Presidential Candidate. When the national media attacks someone that vehemently, that tells me something.
As a final thought and question, how do you feel about 38% of ALL AMERICANS getting monthly financial assistance from the Federal Government? To me, it is an embarassment.
*Just Mike,
You think much as we do. Sadly, as a prior service Army guy….the unspoken rule is: If you are ever captured….YOU NEVER…we repeat NEVER admit that you were broken. McCain broke that rule at the Republican convention….thinking people would pity him. Wrong. That
one isoltated act may have been responsible for losing the veteran vote….current and prior service folks. The Republican continue to think they can play it cute: Say they are Conservative and then vote Liberally for higher taxes and go along with Social Liberalism. The best example is the current Republican Assembly voting for the Redevelopment Agency. Sadly, it is not something that just happens in the People’s Republic of California. Jerry Brown is in fact doing a great job compared to both Grey Davis and Arnold. Obviously, we will be voting against the tax hikes…..but had Meg been at the helm…..the situation would have been even worse…..and outright anarchy in streets may have prevailed. Attacking the Public Employee Unions is certainly one of the dumbest things ever attempted. How about these wonderful electeds…refusing to take their salaries, perks, insurance and pensions until be get a balanced budget first…before going after hourly wage people…including Police and Fire and Trash truck drivers. How about a 20% across the board cuts for everyone? Then restore the Police, Fire and Trash people first as we can afford it.
When Reagan fired the Air Controllers…..he didn’t ask to disenfranchise their Union….he just plain fired people. This is what needs to be done now – not what Scott Walker is doing in Madison. Republicans better figure it out….that they need “real candidates”….not just appointed legacy nodding doggies in the window. Palin and Michelle Brachman are cute….
just not too smart. Anyway, thanks so much for your thoughtful input. Honorable people can certainly disagree with decorum and respect.
“Attacking the Public Employee Unions is certainly one of the dumbest things ever attempted.”…. Hmmm
So why do we need to even vote?
Just Mike thinks a lot like you two, huh? Funny, thought I remembered you guys voting for that radical Kenyan-born Muslim socialist Barack HUSSEIN IDI AMIN Obama. How things change…
I hope that you are not referring to me comrade Vern.
*Vern boy, you are quite correct and exhibit the reasoning why our Republican Conservative brethern need to find some actual viable Conservative voices to run for each and every office.
Just to remind you….we were even willing to go with Rudy……America’s Mayor..you know? But even Rudy was too Conservative for the powers that be at the top of the Republican Party. So, no one can complain when we refuse to hold our nose …..too long or loudly.