By Grover Cleveland
Ed Royce, in his dreams.
Update: the video has been removed from use by youtube due to copyright claims by author George Collins. I do not know who George Collins is, nor why he would make this unavailable. That might be just as interesting a story as the post. Maybe I can find the clip on Rutube.
It’s time to share a video that’s gotten quite a bit of attention lately. Apparently some Islamic organization or other put on a benefit in Yorba Linda to raise funds for women’s shelters, hungry people, and dirty bombs.
Oops! No, the dirty bomb part didn’t make it into the press release, but you wouldn’t know it by the reaction of the spittle-fleck mob of know-nothings and uber-patriots who showed up to shower abuse on little kids with epithets against their heritage and their religion. Of course the real reason we are sharing this is that our own congresscreature, Ed Royce, was at the event to lend legitimacy to the goings on and help whip up the rubes.
I’m not a fan of this knid of protesting but this wasn’t about hate, it was about anti-terrorism. Clever writing but way off base.
So perennial right-wing Republican Santa Ana Mayoral candidate and prolific videographer George Collins doesn’t want us to see what Pauly, Royce and Miller had to say? Why is that, Mr. Collins? Can we see your unedited version instead, would that be more fair?
Most of us here have already seen this video over the last couple weeks. One high point was the crazed Deborah Pauly (Villa Park Councilwoman) shrieking:
“Let me tell you what’s going on over there right now… make no bones about it, that is pure unadulterated evil, I don’t even care.. I don’t even care if you think I’m crazy any more .. because I have…..I have a beautiful daughter ….I have a wonderful nineteen year old son that is a United States Marine… as a matter of fact I know quite a few marines who will be very happy to help these terrorists to an early meeting in paradise”
Ed Royce decried tolerance and multi-culturalism (and later put out a statement praising and thanking Pauly) and all we saw of Gary Miller was a stupid comment that we need to continue to protect America from “those who disagree with us.”
And we’ll never forget the screaming drooling harridans and scumbags in the crowd and the poisonous insults, taunts and threats they shouted at the peaceful Muslim men, women and children.
I think Collins’ footage was of the politicians. He should allow us to see their unedited speeches, unless he finds them shameful AND also wants to cover for them.
(Lots of updates to this, and continuing controversy, on the FFFF page – make sure to click above on “Read the Rest…”)
“So perennial right-wing Republican Santa Ana Mayoral candidate and prolific videographer George Collins doesn’t want us to see what Pauly, Royce and Miller had to say? Why is that, Mr. Collins? Can we see your unedited version instead, would that be more fair?”
I’m surprised that George won’t allow you to show the video. I’m sure he will explain himself soon.
Oh for criminy sakes Vern – come down off the ceiling.
No. 1 – I would not categorize George as a rightwinger, .. hardly. And I don’t think that he would appreciate that very much.
No. 2 – The whole damn video is on George’s website – sheesh! Relax man – don’t blow a gasket.
PS Vern: I am pretty sure that George is going to be pretty pissed off that you would insinuate that he would censor, edit or hold back anything. George is all about open government and open everything else. I think that you owe him an apology.
Deborah Pauly:
“Go to 41:30 minutes to see the full content of my speech and not the 10 second blurbs the “editors” wanted you to see in that highly misleading 5 minute clip sent out. They are manipulating the minds of our young people by controlling the i…nformation they can or cannot see. You will also note that our stage is NO WHERE near the actual community center while the attendees are entering. Our event started at 4 p.m. Theirs started at 5:30 p.m. We allow you to see the full hour UNEDITED, if you want. We believe in COMPLETE freedom of speech and YOUR right to see ALL of what happened and decide for yourself what is the truth.”
One more time this “blog” showing its true colors. accusing people with false adjetives full of bias.
Not informing with facts.
If there is any trace of decency at leat apologize to Mr. Collins for your false accusasions mister Nelson.
You and everybody can watch the video un-edited on the link the Junior just posted and make your own coclusion based on fact not on lies.
Tony should come clean about his identity as Grover Cleveland
Actually, faux-DKMfan, Tony is ALL of those people at that blog. I’ve seen him putting on and taking off his Travis costume, and sawing wood like an idiot.
If we are to believe Danny C. I am “dkmfan”. Now they are saying that Tony is this person or that person over at FFFF. I guess he thinks Tony and I are the only people that scoff at he and the rest of his crew. Maybe because of his gastric bypass surgery he can’t stomach the truth that he and his cronies are disdained by a good number of folks.
Pinche retards can’t tell people’s style for shit… They think everybody at FFFF (except Travis) is Bushala. My friend Guy Fawkes seems to think anonster is Dan C just because anonster is liberal and calls him on shit. (For the record anonster is a lot smarter than Dan C, and I know it’s not him.) Some dipshit who loves the Liberal OC liked to come on here and trash me and Guy for petty personal reasons till I started deleting him; people thought THAT was Dan C but I could tell it wasn’t. (Now Dan likes to bitch that “FIVE” of his friends get deleted on this blog; LOL, he doesn’t have that many friends. It’s just one asshole.)
There are a lot of folks out there, not just the same 3 usual suspects everyone likes to think about.
No I am not Grover. But I can tell you one thing: there has been more than one Grover over the past several years.
What a stupid post. The rally was put together to protest the terror-support Imams, not the fundraiser itself. The idiots yelling at the event attendees were not part of the original rally. Two different groups entirely withe Ed Royce and Deborah Pauly being part of the rally. That assclown Miller, …well he’s an assclown.
“Hate Comes to Orange County” — the FACTS