Where is a reliable Imam when you need one?




Libya…Yemen…Syria…Egypt….Tunisia…Saudi Arabia….Iran…Somalia….Qatar…Bahrain…Dubai…Kuwait…oh heck…there are just so many to choose from when you are trying to change the world and making a big difference to the freedom and quality of life of so many.  As the conditions of man continue to change…..which include limited water, food, energy or even the growth of Corporate Farms using Bi0-Engineered  Crops….that produce indigestible food products and create the demise of the pollenating bee populations of the world….where is the wisdom going to come from to save our planet and the lives of those that are just plain tired of being pushed around by dynastic regimes that all think they are perpetual Fidel Castro look-a-likes.

The fact of the matter is that as governments change around us, so must governments of the west.  This is obviously a very great opportunity to change the dynamics of Geo-Politics not only throughout the Middle East but in Asia, India and even China.  Remember that old mantra: “Power to the people!”?  Hey, light up those old Village People records…Y…M…C….A….and so it goes.  We liked the Spinners and the Motown sound better….but that was all just personal choice like loving Marvin Gaye – when half the folks never even knew who he was at the time.  The concept is: The answers are there…if we can just look in the right places.

For those that follow this train of thought…..we are grateful that the “the few, the proud and the intelligent” can grasp the modern concepts which have created this Brave New World.  Without the Internet, we believe there would have been no Middle East Revolution.  Without the Internet that includes Facebook and Twitter and the rest……maybe would we all just be stuck in the 1990’s!  What seems  interesting is that the American Muslim Community is not being covered by the press in any respect.  Where and what is their Geo-Political position on Libya, Syria and Iran?  Where is their program to send cash and supplies to the Japanese?  What might they do if  in fact,  Mount Fuji erupts?  How about that Iman and great businessman in New York that wants to build a mosque a couple of blocks from the sight of the World Trade Center attack?  Come on now…..let’s bring something to the party Iman’s around the United States.  Let’s bring your best bets, your best ideas and your best plans to save your fellow brothers and sisters in their homes throughout the Middle East.  Hopefully, you are very busy e-mailing your friends and relatives back home – giving them all your support; while Qaddafi fiddles!

The talk on the street is that we don’t know who might replace the present despots in the Middle East.  Hey, they might in fact be our present enemies.  So, as you watch the Sunday talk shows….everyone is waffling around.  Could the new powers in Egypt be this or that?  Could the powers behind the Revolutionary movement in Libya be pals of General Manual Noreiga?  Hmmm…just kidding but the realities are that the day that Generlissimo Battista was removed by Fidel Castro….we had several months to make nice nice and failed miserably.  Castro wanted the Mafia out of his country.  He wanted Bell Telephone to take less off the top.  He wanted more exports from Cuba and less imports.  The truth of the matter is:  The United States refused to any of his demands and offered him instead….a Lincoln towncar without the bubble top!  All in all, we made some very serious mistakes during that Revolutionary takeover.

We were greatly impressed with the words of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Bob Gates today on the Sunday talk shows.  Even Rumsfeld had to give them the benefit of the doubt on Libya.  His new book has been panned by the Washington Press Corps leader Bernstein.  We can’t wait to get a copy.  How the Libya deal will work out is yet to be seen.  Two main questions remain at the top of the leader board: (1)  Will this Global Revolutionary Movement finally be able to remove the Saudi Princes too! and…(2) Will this Revolutionary movement once installed be friends or foe to the United States?  Guess the State Department will be looking for some new employees to help out in that regard!  Been to Tripoli or Al Khums lately anyone?

Where is that reliable Imam when you need one?  Isn’t it about time we heard from those so-called reliable  sources…..in the flesh?  Perhaps President Obama can ask the Muslim Community at-large  to come out of their shells and finally into the spotlight!  After all, it has been 10 years soon since 911…don’t they think it is safe to state their minds yet?

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.