Atlas Shrugged Breathtakingly Accurate – Updated With Trailer

Reading George Orwell’s 1984 as a child (which was long before 1984), I was shocked at how prescient the author had been in his insights into life under totalitarianism.  Atlas Shrugged, coming to a theater near you this week, struck me in a similar way when it came to looking into society in a “maturing” democracy.  Written a half-century ago, Rand’s work is every bit as precient as Orwell’s.

Rand’s basic premise is that democracies flourish until enough voters figure out that they can get unearned benefits from government.  Once that happens, the majority will vote for the politician that promises the most free benefits.  When that happens, that society is doomed to collapse from unsustainable fiscal policy.  I wish I wish that I could take credit for the following “cycle of democracy” but someone beat me to it:

From bondage to spiritual faith

From spiritual faith to great courage

From great courage to liberty

From liberty to abundance

From abundance to complacency

From complacency to apathy

From apathy to dependence

From dependence to bondage

Sound eerily familiar?

About Geoff Willis