black gold


When will Congress act to enable America to wean itself from our huge dependency on foreign oil?

Talk about “special interests” controlling our destiny. Three years ago Alaska Rep in Congress Don Young pleaded with both sides of the aisle to open access to domestic sources of fossil fuel in this country. In his presentation on the floor of the House Rep. Young reminded us that it took only 38 months to build the 800 mile, 48 inch diameter Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) that he points out is only 74 miles from Anwar. As such we could have oil flowing from ANWR, (Alaska National Wildlife Reserve) in record time if we only gave the green light. I have read federal reports of between 5 and 30 billion barrels of oil at ANWR.

In this You Tube presentation you will hear and see him promote wind and solar as well as acknowledging our vast abundance of fossil fuel including shale in Utah and Colo as well as our huge domestic coal deposits.

Today we import 65 percent of our crude oil. The top three foreign sources being Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia. As we are fighting in Libya, let me point out that Libya is not one of our top 15 foreign sources.

While we will not fully replace imported crude, we can send a message to OPEC and other sources of our imported crude that the US will not longer be held hostage to black gold.

The Congressman’s five minute floor speech can be seen here:

About Larry Gilbert