Here’s a fun match up between pension watchdog Steven Greenhut and the head of the OCEA public employees’ union, Nick Berardino. The subject of yesterday’s debate was “Can pensions be reformed co-operatively?”
Click here to watch the debate
Who won?
Watch “The Great Pension Debate: Greenhut vs. Berardino” on FFFF
Nick says: “Just drop the layoff notices and then we will talk.”
right … sure Nick ..
This is all about negotiating position – perfectly legit. As soon as the City of Costa Mesa would recind the layoff notices Nick will be glad to talk …. and talk …. and talk … and talk … and talk …. and talk ……. to no or little benefit for the taxpayers of Costa Mesa.
We were born at night Nick – but not last night.
Nick’s too busy watching the roof of Costa Mesa’s City Hall…needs another suicide to blame on somebody.
As soon as Junior and the others (on both sides of the argument) admit that this crisis (and it is a crisis in the making) was the result of upward mobile politicians being greedy and caving in to AGGRESSIVE union negociators, we’ll be able to craft a solution.
The truth is, the union rep’s did their job, which is not to say it was in anyway in the best interest of the people (kind of like buying life insurance for an AIDS Paitent or a person with severe Cancer). The jammed this deal down the throat of the Councils, Supes, and legislators, because they were too weak to challenge them.
As a result, the unions with time on their side but on the long haul. The politico’s knowing they needed the backing of the Firefighters, janitors, cops etc……..were’nt about to say no. The result is: Nicely put “kicking the can down the road”…..The real explaination: BUTT FUCKED by greedy politicians and selfish opportunistic unions.
A long careful look at the past paints a really disapointing picture of our voting habits. Greenhut is part right, but the real blame lies upon the people for allowing our “representitives” to give the keys to the front door to the rapists. Clearly, we are being sodomized by court clerks and county agency workers who have nothing but thier own greedy interests in mind.
“As soon as Junior and the others .. admit that this crisis .. was the result of upward mobile politicians being greedy and caving in to AGGRESSIVE union negociators, we’ll be able to craft a solution.”
Oh really “mr. oh so brilliant” – I have been saying this for 10 years. There is NOTHING in your diatribe with which I disagree.
However, I take exception to your crude language – which BTW I have reported to the Juice’s language cop Larry Gilbert.
Waiting here to craft that solution mr. briliant kenlay ……………..
It’s sad that we need a language cop. Juice contributiors should try using profanity on the Register. While debate is healthy resorting to gutter talk shows me those individuals are losing the argument.
Cities and counties can retrench on public sector wage and benefits at the bargaining table as Beradino says. It takes guts and expertise, and is happening around the state and nation. Places where it is happening include Riverside County where the Supervisors just voted to seek concessions at the bargaining table, Mendocino County where negotiations have resulted in agreement to cut the salaries of attorneys in the DA and Public Defender’s office by 12%, and the City of Los Angeles where 15 of the 19 union bargaining units just agreed to increase worker pension and health care costs and to defer raises. If cities like Costa Mesa lack the negotiating expertise to engage in tough face to face negotiations there are legal and other firms that can be hired to do the job. Chest thumping and posturing in the press is a waste of time – if Costa Mesa really wants reduced employee costs then negotiate for them like many other government entities are doing. It is a no brainer.
Sorry for the bad words.
Junior, you hop around on this issue like a mexican jumping bean, which if there were such a thing, you would certainly be on the horn to George Collins and Julie Stroud to see if that was permitted under Santa Ana code.
Please enlighten us where you have spoken out on this issue against elected politico’s.
Ah… Mexican jumping beans. 🙁
When I was a kid I would create these complicated contraptions (“Rube Goldbergs” my grandpa called them), but they usually relied on a Mexican jumping bean to get started… and the Mexican jumping beans always let me down.
Give me examples of my so-called flip-flopping on this issue. You are so full of shit (sorry Larry) – there aren’t any.
You have also called me a racist. What do you base that statement on? You base it on nothing, absolutely nothing.
asshole …..