Here’s something unexpected: the progressive collective of California voters appears to be sick and tired of supporting the exorbitant retirement schemes of our public servants.
A new poll by the Los Angeles Times and the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences found that pension reform is supported in this state by a wide margin. Specifically…
- 70% want to cap pensions for current and future public employees;
- 68% say public workers must contribute more to their own retirement funds;
- 52% support hiking the retirement age of government workers.
Read the rest of “Those Nutty Californians Want to Roll Back Public Pensions”
Come on TK, 70% is hardly a majority – or the poll was flawed – or they don’t really want to cap benefits, they actually want to increase them – or the public union benefits aren’t a financial problem, it’s only a small part of spending — I’m just trying to guess how the libs on here will spin the poll results. Hard to argue with those numbers, though I’m sure they will.
Big deal. So people want pension reform. Of course they need to be reformed. People also want corporations to pay more taxes.
When it comes to balancing a budget, I’d say that 70% cited in the poll are smart enough to know that there’s more than one way to skin a cat. Only the most ideologically rigid choose to emphasize just one approach.
And what is your definition of “pension reform”? For the 70% in the poll it meant at least capping pensions for both current and future employees.
I have no problem with capping pensions…but of course to be fair, it has to be tied to things like real world cost of living increases.
But you know as well as I do…asking a general question like “Do you favor capping pensions for current and future employees?”, you can get strong support. Start talking about the details, and support can waver.
Well it looks like the Costa Mesa City Council majority was right, and all the liberal flamethrowers on here were wrong – the City’s public pension problem is even worse than thought:–.html
This is part of the reason pension reform is supported by so many. I just hope the City continues its good fight. That’s the only way the politicians will finally take notice.
There’s one thing this liberal can predict with certainty…Republicans will overreach on this issue and lose public support. They just can’t help themselves.
Our Quimby is all over it.