Blingriches, Sarah’s Rat Patrol and Mike Brown?


Being disappointed can start easily with say: Dancing with the Stars….because we thought that Chelsea should have won or Kirstie rather than Hines.  There always seems to be events that sort of put you off…from time to time.  Phil Jackson was Yoda……for the Lakers…..and even if you didn’t like the individual players, you had to love a consistent winner…running the glorious Lakers.  Even when Phil said…his day was done with the Lakers…..there was always that one last hope that he might change his mind and stay just one more year.  Things change however and since Jerry Buss has determined that his daughter Jeannie is just too tied to Phil….he put control of the Lakers in the hands of his son Jim.  Well, Jim immediately brings in Mike Brown….Lebron James’ mentor at Cleveland.  What’s up with that?  We don’t want Lebron in LA……EVER! There is nothing about Lebron that does anything for Laker fans.   Lebron and Wade and Bosh are all frontrunner slime that make the Celtics look like nice folks.  The thought of pulling for Dallas in this series is shocking, but true!  Go Mavs…..kick their butts in four games please.  Meanwhile back at the Lakers…we might remind Jim Buss that Pat Reilly, Karem, Magic Johnson and Jerry West are true Laker lore.  Phil Jackson fit that mold as the same quiet force for good, an elegance, a brilliance of mind, an inspiring leadership…..yes someone that Chick Hearn could be so proud.  Mike Brown is coming from the Blue Collar town of Cleveland, Ohio.  Mid-west ethics, hard work and persistence.  Hardly anything a self-respecting LA fan can relate to in any regard.  Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen might have been the better roll models for our Laker team.  Individual choice, action and deeds have seemed to play a more dominant role in years past.  If teamwork played a large part from time to time….it was purely to show…..the Lakers could do that too!

Fast forward to Republican candidates for President and you have to bend over laughing in tears….when you think of Sarah Palin, moving her brood and several 4-wheel drive vehicles into McCain Country.  Maybe she can set up shop in Tucson and join the Minutemen guarding the border from illegal aliens.  Our bet is, Sarah will be closer to Scottsdale where her fund raising events and botox injections will be easier to get to.   The rumor of the day is that she will be running for U.S. Senate in 2012 and then march on in 2016 for the Republican Presdiential nomination.  Good luck with that!

Meanwhile, Newt “the loot” Gingrinch, has recently been renamed by The Today Show on….NBC this morning  as the “Blingriches” due to his $500,000 line of credit at Tiffany’s of NYC along with identifying a $46,000 necklace his wife was wearing recently.  But you have to remember that Newt is a frugal fiscal conservative….that certainly doesn’t want those in need to get too many freebies from the federal government.  Hey, ya think Newt really wants to run with Sarah?  Palin-Blingrich 2016….better start printing those bumper stickers now.

Meanwhile, DSK….Dominique Strass-Kahn is spending $50,000 a month on rent in downtown Manhattan while he spends in total an estimated $250,000 a month for all his security, blindfolds for his wife and Elliot Spitzer referral calls.  Good luck DSK…….hopefully you will have adequate medical advice all along the way.  DSK may be starting a reality TV show called:  “Be a Maid for the Day”!  Undoubtedly, the Pizza Man deliveries will be extra!

Arnold Schwarzenegger meanwhile is busy keeping a low profile…… riding someplace special….while an  untold new list of females  come out of the woodwork to keep the media all charged up over Memorial Day!  Don’t worry Arnold….this current little outing shouldn’t cost you more than say……… $300 milion bucks before it is over!

Finally, wishing all our readers and those  concerned a wonderful Memorial Day.  Find a fun event to go to and make it a safe one!  We may be seeing many of you at the San Clemente Polynesian Festival on Saturday!  The Strawberry Festival in Garden Grove…also starts tomorrow at 11am.



About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.