Now that mass murderer Osama Bin Laden is finally safely down in Davey Jones’ Locker, it’s high time to bring a quick end to the war in Afghanistan – already the longest war in US history, which has been grinding along pointlessly for a while now.
And chances are you agree with me, as about 70% of Americans do, and even a growing bipartisan coalition of usually war-hungry politicians.
For example just this Thursday, the McGovern-Jones Amendment, calling for an accelerated withdrawal of military forces there by requiring a fixed timetable to turn military operations over to the Kabul government, came very near passing. Authored by great Progressive Democrat Jim McGovern and Tarheel Republican Walter “Freedom Fries” Jones, it was sponsored by libertarian hero Ron Paul and our own Loretta Sanchez among others; 26 Republicans and all but 8 Democrats voted yes on it. [Among the OC’s generally “chickenhawk” Republican reps, kudos to Royce, Campbell and Rohrabacher for voting aye; boos to Ken Calvert and Gary Miller for remaining chickenhawks as usual.]
Meanwhile, word is that we are now secretly negotiating peace with Mullah Omar himself. That will be great news when the deaths, injuries, and astronomical financial costs of this war come to an end.
But now, Memorial Day, is the time to pay our respects to the brave young men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice doing what their nation asked them to do. And so, as we do on the Orange Juice Blog each year, we will tip our hats to each of the OC soldiers and marines who lost their lives in war in the past year…
Since last Memorial Day, Orange County has lost six young men in Afghanistan and Iraq:
[hit play for soundtrack]
Last June 22, Yorba Linda lost 22-year-old Claudio Patino IV in Helmland Province. It was the young man’s third deployment, having previously served in Iraq. Claudio had graduated from El Dorado High in Placentia.
Last July 6, Anaheim lost 30-year-old Marc Arizmendez from of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device in Qalat. On a Facebook memorial page created by his older brother, Arizmendez is remembered by friends as a great husband, father and soldier who was always willing to help a friend. His mother remembers: “As a boy, he was a little fighter, a rabble rouser — and smart. He loved to take apart his toys, especially the trucks, and put them back together again.”
Last July 24, Cypress lost 23-year-old Daniel Lim, also in Qalat, also from insurgents attacking his military vehicle with an improvised explosive device. The last time he was home in Cypress, he told his parents “he should go back early because he wanted to take care of the soldiers in his unit. He wanted to teach them. He wanted them to grow as he had grown.”
On January 15, Garden Grove lost 21-year-old Pacifica High grad Jose Torre in Baghdad, Iraq – from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with a rocket-propelled grenade. His mom reminisced, “It was just amazing to see him transform into the young man he became. He didn’t look like that little punky kid.”
On March 3, Anaheim lost 22-year-old Jason Weaver in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit using an improvised explosive device. Jason was the soldier in the lead when his squad went on foot patrols. “He knew it was a dangerous job” to be the point man on foot patrol, his friend Spc. Brian Gabel said in an Army account. “But that’s the kind of guy he was: the kind who wanted to lead the way for his team and be there to protect them if they were in danger.” Like Claudio above, Jason also graduated from El Dorado High School in Placentia.
And on the next day, March 4, Rancho Santa Margarita (and his fiancee) lost 20-year-old Jordan Stanton “while conducting combat operations in Helmand province.” Hey, maybe he can be the last “wonderful, kind, considerate person” Orange County loses in these Bush Wars. Let’s make that happen!
Previous articles in this series:
“Memorial Day 2010: Orange County’s Losses”
honoring Bryce Gautier, Donald Hogan, Jonathan Welch, Jesus Flores Jr, Justin Swanson, Rick Centanni, and Robert Cottle.)
“Hey, Wasn’t There a War Going On Or Something?”
(late 2008, honoring Brandon Meyer, Armando de la Paz, Cody Legg, Mary Jaenichen, Cherie Morton, and Ivan Merlo)
and of course, 2008’s ever-popular
“Happy Memorial Day OC! Your Chickenhawk Congressman Loves the War and Hates the Troops”
(dishonoring Dana Rohrabacher, Gary Miller, Ed Royce and John Campbell. I forgot Ken Calvert.)
Thanks Vern for putting a face on our local sacrifice. It needs to stop now. If anyone is interested a group of us hold a peace demonstration in Huntington Beach every Sunday from 11:00 AM to12:00 PM at the pier but it’s always the same group of people. We need you to join us. We need to make noise about this.
Vern. This morning I attended our city of Mission Viejo Memorial Day service to honor those who served our country and paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
I am not sure if our readers are familiar with the American Heroes Tribute. That organization’s goal is to have banners flying in memory of every member of our military who died in this war. As part of today’s service they honored Lance Corporal Ralph J. Fabbri, HQ Battalion, 1st Marine Division and Sgt. Jason D. Peto, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Div.
Members of their family were in attendance where, after the ceremony, they were given a banner with the Marines photo and brief information on their service. This year the city unveiled a plaque in memory of Sgt Jason D. Peto in our designated walk of honor that is located between City Hall and our library.
These Marines were 20 and 31 years of age. One was from the state of Washington and the other from Pennsylvania. Anyone can visit our library garden area where a few dozen banners are on display. They contain photos of young men and women from all branches of our military.
The good news is that this was not a political event. There were upwards of five hundered visitors and staff with some having to stand in the back as virtually every seat was occupied.
I must interrupt my self imposed exile from this stupid blog just to respond to Nelson.
“Since last Memorial Day, Orange County has lost six young men in Afghanistan and Iraq”…. Hmmm
That is what happens when you play bad guys/ good guys in country where you do not belong to and natives believe that they are the good guys.
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor
dumb bastard die for his country.
George S. Patton
Back to my self imposed exile from this stupid blog.
I should add that during the same period many young men were killed by SAPD13, bullet in the back of their head, in Santa Ana.
Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away….know when to run.
Kenny Rodgers was right…..and the time leave 3 battalions and hype our Predator presence is just about right.
We need to let Karzai……count his votes in the next election…..by himself.
If we lived in the HOA fantasy world of neo-con chickenhawk Larry Gilbert, we’d believe that these men paid the honorable price for freedom and our way of life. When did imposing our will on other sovereign nations for crony capitalist interests and foreign policy incompetence of career politicians and academic eggheads become an honorable act? Or how about the fact that we placed these young men in harm’s way for this foreign policy incompetence and ended up doing irreparable harm to families and children in our own country? Where does your blind support for foreign intervention and illegal war correlate with your support of “protecting traditional family values?” You know, that BS rhetoric that you were throwing around with your support of Proposition 8 whose passage did more to destroy families and do harm to children who have parents that love one another?
As the son of a career USAF officer, B-52 pilot and Vietnam veteran who spent the first 15 years of life moving from base to base, including going to four different schools in the 4th grade, I say that if you really want to support our troops and their families don’t put our loved ones in harm’s way for your incompetence or use us (I’m including family members here who have to pay a huge price) as pawns for the purposes of satisfying your crony capitalist donors’ interests overseas or justifying the latest taxpayer boondoggle that is part of our overinflated defense budget.
One of the things that made an impact on me was a statement my dad made at his Air Force retirement ceremony. He said that if anyone deserved his pension, it was the members of his family for their sacrifice which was a lot greater than any sacrifice that he made. But the likes of that geriatric fossil Larry Gilbert and his amen corner of chickenhawk jingoistic sidekicks would rather choose to ignore those sacrifices while hiding behind the Stars and Stripes and spewing crap about “traditional family values” out of their anuses.
If anyone should be thanked for my dad’s 20 years of sacrifice to his country, it’s my mother. I believe it’s the military spouses and their families that should be equally honored on this day (yes, even ***GASP*** same sex domestic partners). After all, they are part of the equation too and probably gave up a hell of a lot more than anyone who grew up in the same town for years. My dad may have seen combat, but that is nothing compared to the work that my mom did trying to keep the household together while dad was on TDY or at the officer’s alert quarters with his flight crew. Paying bills, getting the kids ready for school, tending to sick children, cooking, cleaning, going to the PX and Commissary, et al. But in this overly paternalistic society, the neaderthals stuck in the Ozzie and Harriet mindset would just discount that as “woman’s work.” Believe me, ask any man or woman in uniform who should be honored for their sacrifice and I guarantee you that most of them, if they are honest, will say their spouses and their children.
But you and your so called family values cabal choose to ignore that, eh Gilbert?
By the way, my mom gets the entire Air Force pension check per request of my dad. She DESERVES it.
Guy Fawkes.
I intentionally took a low profile and did not draft my own post covering Memorial Day. It is a time of reflection to honor those who did not come home (as well as those who were disrespected by many Americans upon their return from Viet Nam.)
Three of my brothers and myself were each honorably discharged from the US Army. We, like millions before and after us, served our country and do not talk about it.
When wearing that uniform I did not have the power to call my commander-in-chief to task for decisions made above my pay grade. There is a difference between the private sector where you can tell your boss how you feel about how he does his job, and I have done it, but the same powers do not exist in the military, without consequences.
As an aside. I don’t know if you saw the Register coverage of Walt Ehlers. It was an honor for Ron & Anna Winship and myself to interview Walter Ehlers at his Buena Park home discussing his service and receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor after D-Day. You can still see that interview in the http://www.CuttingEdge-atalkshow.com Archives. Walt enlisted and so did I.
You are clueless as to my position on our involvement in any combat be it Viet Nam, Iraq or Afghanistan
And you bet I support traditional family values. The good news is that we can have different opinions on fiscal AND social issues on this blog. Mark me down as conservative on both.
I commend your dad for his service.
If Brother Larry was indeed in the army, we cannot call him a chickenhawk. Add to the fact that I don’t specifically seem to remember him cheering on any wars, as rightwing as he is.
So I think you may have had him confused with someone else, Guy Fawkes.
Thank you Vern. The word is not “if”. I will gladly show you my Honorable Discharge.
So who is the clueless one here, Gilbert? You commend my dad on his service and you leave out my mother and trivalize her contributions? How “patriotic” and sexist of you! You are the clueless one who didn’t have to get up and move from base to base and had to make new friends at the snap of a finger. Did you? My mother and I did. Talk to me about sacrifice when you had to go to four (4) different schools in the 4th grade. Talk to me about sacrifice when my mother who sacrificed her career as a beautician to keep the household together while we moved from base to base and dad was away on alert or TDY to fly into the eye of a typhoon or toting nukes around US airspace via a B-52. If anyone is deserving of that pension, it’s her. And by God, that Air Force pension isn’t nearly enough to compensate her for her many years of tireless sacrifices and her hard work to keep our family together. But to neaderthal neo-cons like you, you’d rather ignore the sacrifices of her and other servicemember family members during your dog and pony shows. Because after all, that’s “women’s work” or “children should be seen and not heard” **grunt, grunt*** Or as you and your amen corner like to call it “traditional family values.”
And you want to lecture me on sacrifice about how you interviewed some guy who fought at D-Day? Spare me your myopic lectures, please! I’ve heard enough of them at the geriatric dog and pony veteran shows that you attend. Our family has said enough for a long time now. But I guess that makes us “subversives” and ingrates in your eyes because we don’t support the foreign policy and lies from academic eggheads and career politicians that have been used to put people like my dad in harm’s way for over 100 years. But for you to ignore the sacrifices that military families make while the warrior is away is deplorable and un-American. What a great “family values” advocate you are! We should all just shut up, be subservient pawns to the whims of the DoD and say “yes, massa!”
So I take it “traditional family values” to you also includes the following:
1) Killing innocent women and children (or as you neo-cons like to call it “collateral damage) in other sovereign nations.
2) Using our loved ones as sacrificial pawns to carry out the biddings of corporatists interests overseas. Ever hear of Halliburton, Dole, et al?
Smedley Butler is right. War is definitely a racket. But I suppose that doesn’t weigh on your conscience (if you have one) because these people who countries we are occupying, according to the neo-cons you lick the boots of, “hate us for our freedom?” Maybe they hate us because we are infringing on their freedom? Did that ever sink in that senile pea brain of yours? You really want to “support our troops”? Don’t put them in situations where they will get harmed.
Yeah, celebrating and waging endless wars is a wise use of tax dollars and a great way to keep families together and strong. Which is more of a waste than the high speed rail that you rant about.
Go back to your HOA fantasyland and moralize to the mindless minions there. I’m sure the more you wave Old Glory and tell us stories about other people’s sacrifice for misguided US foreigh policy, the more you’ll believe the lies that come out of the mouths of the likes of career politicians like Gates, Obama, Rumsfeld, Cheney and your favorite George W. Bush.
As for myself, I sacrificed enough for my dad’s military career. Sacrificed a childhood where I did not have any childhood friends. Sacrificed a childhood where I had to move every two to three years. All of this without so much as a “THANK YOU” from the likes of flag waving jingoists like you and the amen corner of the US Congress who exalt these soldiers’ accomplishments to the statuses of Greek gods. But our accomplishments get thrown under the rug? I don’t need the lectures from the likes of you on what “sacrifice” is. But you know who does acknowledge it and is f’n grateful for that sacrifice? My dad and the many officers and airmen who had the privlege of being under his command. Men and women who went around and shook the hands of my mother and I during his retirement ceremony. Which is more than I can say for the flag waving mindless minions that cheer on these stupid and inane wars!
Stanislav is right. You are a f’n moron! No DD214 can compensate for that.
Hey be nice to your Juice Brother… you built up this rage against Larry out of nothing.
While I do respect you and share most, if not all, of your views on civil liberties and non-interventionist foreign policy, I have to disagree with your assessment that this is “out of nothing.” Let me jog your memory and take you back to three years ago. Please tell me how someone who wants to preach rhetoric about “sacrifice,” “freedom” and “traditional family values” can endorse something like this which seeks to take away freedoms and restrict rights from other people in our own country and send a message to CHILDREN that their families who consist of two moms or dads are mere second class citizens in the eyes of the government. This was “ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN,” right? (Not directed at Vern…I know where he clearly stands on this issue)
My dad didn’t serve 20 years in the Air Force and put his life on the line so the likes of this kind of paranoia and bigotry can be instituted into the fabric of our country. Our family didn’t sacrifice a secure and stable home life for this kind of bigotry either. Nor do we appreciate that our military is being used as pawns for overseas corporatist interests, an increasing police state with a total disregard for the Constitutional rights of ALL people, instutionalized racism and bigotry and illegal, pre-emptive wars whose case has not been presented to Congress for the purposes of issuing a formal declaration of war.
Personally, I’ve had enough of the uber-patriotism that is being displayed by hypocrites who only recognize the accomplishments of the warriors but have no regard for the Constitutional freedoms that they help protect. Or the total disregard and disrespect for the the actual families (yes, we are real people too!) that share in these sacrifices with the servicemember by uprooting our homes, changing schools and moving from base to base. And yes, that includes same sex couples and their families as well! The message from the hypocrites is that they are good enough to serve and fight, but not be with the one that they love or have the same rights afforded to married heterosexual couples. In the eyes of these neo-cons, the religious socialists and their enablers in the amen corners of fundmentalist Christian megachurches and neo-conservative think tanks nationwide (i.e The Heritage Foundation), it is so much easier to sing patriotic hymns and wrap ourselves in Old Glory to see how we can one up one another in the jingoism game. I’m done playing the jingoism game because it is nothing more than a mere smokescreen to avoid any kind of intelligent discussion on why we should continue to be the world’s policeman when we can’t clean up our own messes in our own backyard.
Well, there you got me. That was the one thing about Larry I could never wrap my head around and can’t defend – his Prop. 8 advocacy.
Brother Vern. From day one we acknowledged that there will be issues in which we simply will not agree. Prop 8 being one example. That is what sets the Juice apart from most of the other political blogs.
High Speed Rail is one thing we can disagree on.
Obamacare is one thing we can disagree on.
Proposition 8 … just makes me mad to think about.
Guy. Who is the hypocrate/bigot you refer to in your commentary?
Guy. I am not trivalizing your Mother. Did she serve in the military?
So you were a military brat. That was a choice your parents made to serve our country. Are you bitter? Looking for someone else to blame for changing classes every other month?
I was not responsible for the many moves you had to endure while growing up. Find someone else to lash out at.
Don’t question my patriotism. I wore the olive drab uniform with the American flag, did you?
Several years ago I stood with other members for hours behind our library reading the names of over 50,000 fallen troops in a Mission Viejo Rotary ceremony honoring American losses in the Viet Nam war. You do not have to stand on a soap box on the street corners of Santa Ana or Mission Viejo to say look at me. Not everything we do needs to be put on a blog.
Do we need one day a year to acknowledge all that our mothers have done in raising us or supporting our fathers or grandparents? Mothers Day should be 365 every year not just Memorial Day (or Mother’s Day to sell Hallmark greeting cards.)
Wow, Larry. Your paternalistic and sexist attitudes about women are evident of a mindset that is stuck in the Ossie and Harriet eras. Did my mother serve? You bet our family DID serve! We were there for every single fXXXXg move so in essence yes, we wore the Air Force blue and the flag that you wrap yourself around while justifying our overseas interventions and bigotry that you defend stateside. Why does she or any military brat/dependent need a uniform to justify any sort of gratitude or thanks? If there is anyone that’s an ingrate, it’s neo-con geriatrics like you!
How about a simple “THANK YOU” for our sacrifices that we made? No, that would be too HARD for you to accept because we didn’t wear the uniform. Just like accepting the fact that same sex couples should be entitled to the same marriage rights that heterosexual couples like you and I have. Oh no, we didn’t wear the fXXXXg olive drab or blues so our gripes don’t mean shit and we should just shut up? Is that what you really believe Larry? We should just be subservient to our overlords and sing Lee Greenwood songs without for once questioning what our country is doing in our names and putting our loved ones through. No, we didn’t get shot at but I guaran-dame-tee you that the airmen and officers that my dad commanded have more respect for our sacrifices than the likes of a short timer like yourself.
And we didn’t sacrifice our lives and livliehoods to have the bigotry that you continue to endorse and perpetuate be prevelant in our country. Bigotry and paranoia that you endorsed for everyone to see. Is that what you “fought” for? Is that patriotic? I dare say that’s abhorrant and I don’t need a uniform to justify my existence or my ability and right to question your twisted motivation to impose your twisted sense of morality on the rest of our country.
The truth hurts, doesn’t it old man? I touched a nerve and have you backpeddling like the coward that you are.
You know what? You’re absolutely right. Your wearing of the Army uniform completely absolves you of anyone questioning your patriotism or calling you out on your 1950s mindset and your lack of acknowledgment and trivializing the sacrifices military families like mine have made for this country. Go back to your HOA fantasyland and continue to believe the lies that you continue to perpetuate about people who don’t measure up to your sense of morality (whatever that seems to be).
But no, you’d rather hide behind your uniform and wave your pathetic flag than look at the hard truths I exposed about you. You blantent sexism and bigotry is there for all to see.
Guy. Put down the blow torch and answer the question.
Did YOU serve in our military? From your remark you have not. Did your mother serve as you only listed your father’s service?
Yesterday was set aside to honor those who wore a uniform of the United States. We already have a day set aside to honor our mothers. This post is not about Mothers Day.Make your case without the use of profanity. By using profanity it shows you are losing the debate which you started.
Obviously, the Army didn’t do anything for your literacy skills. What part of this sentence did you fail to comprehend? “in essence yes, we wore the Air Force blue and the flag that you wrap yourself “
Now that I answered your question…what about the bigotry and sexism you continue to defend while wrapping yourself around a flag and uniform, old man?
Keep backpeddling because that is what you neo-cons are good at.
Guy. Bigot? I’m tolerant of your unwarranted personal attacks. As to my being a bigot perhaps you might contact Art and ask for his opinion.
Sexist? Perhaps you should visit our church and ask all the ladies whose friendship we share. And let me add they are not all Anglo’s. Or the women from Teen Challenge that we recently hosted at our home.
By the way, have you received any sexist jokes from me attacking woman? Just curious.
Before attacking me let me suggest you put your money where your mouth is if you plan to call me a sexist or a bigot. Show me something I have said or done to back up your allegations. We disagree. That’s fine.
Let me remind you that the Orange Juice has a long standing policy that personal attacks are not acceptable.
Fawkes you got lot of XXXXXXXXXXXXX from social psychopath.
What are you gone do about it on the spiral of life?…. Huh?
That speaks about NELSON’S weakens when we celebrate heroes!
Nelson, do you want to be a hero?…….. take Gibert’s moderator’s privileges away.
Stanley. I thought you cancelled your membership to the Juice. You are an addict. Have you registered?
I was under the impression that you read my posts with sweat and foaming mouth so you can do your exes like good Nazi apparatchik would.
There is my disclaimer above for this post!…… you moron mongoloid.
He’s back! Stanley cannot get enough daily Orange Juice. He’s addicted. We can do that to some readers as evidenced by our 80,000 plus story comments.
Walter Jones is from North Carolina and Ft. Bragg is in his district.
Check. Right, I’ll fix that state, which I think I spaced out as Virginia.
Jones is fun, he was such a war hawk at the beginning of Iraqi Fiefdom, he’s the one who had the silly idea of re-naming the French fries in the Capitol cafeteria “Freedom Fries” – because of anger with France for not joining us in that bloody and stupid crusade. And then to his credit, when he saw over the next couple years how unnecessary, destructive and wasteful that war was he became a real war skeptic, and you generally see him – just him and Ron Paul – as the lone Republican anti-war votes.
To his chagrin, he’ll never live down the Freedom Fries.
Jones should have saved his ire for the Belgains instead. I take it he did not know about the origins of the french fries. Got to give him props for his turnaround. Now if only some politicians would get a clue and quit sounding like Dick Cheney from the Senate and House podium (**Harry Reid**).
Freedom isn’t free….it’s full of saturated fats and carbohydrates too!
“I take it he did not know about the origins of the french fries”……… Hmmmm
As i recall the controversy was about the french toast not french fries and the word “French” was last name of the inventor of the toaster.
In any event it shows that the socialists and liberals are moron mongoloids.
Wonder if Denny’s has a sale on Grand Slams with Freedom Toast?
Only as a French Benefit.
Where should the War on Terror be fought?
If I had a vote or a choice, I would vote for somewhere other than US soil.
It’s done well with good intelligence, and kickass well-trained Navy Seals.
It is not done well with sending thousands of our kids into fratricidal hellholes like Afghanistan and Iraq, and neither is it done well with billion-dollar bombers and nukes.
Or maintaining military bases in places like Japan, Korea and Germany.
The “War on Terror” is done well when we don’t finance future despots to protect corporatist interests overseas and domestic defense interests. It’s also done well when we don’t impose our will upon other sovereign nations like we have been doing for hundreds of years.
We’ve been waging the “War on Terror” on US soil for 10 years now. See the USA PATRIOT Act for reference.
To be thorough, let me add that it’s not done well with torture, indefinite imprisonment of unaccused people, and the rest of the unconstitutional travesties we’ve become accustomed to under Bush and Obama.
Sounds like what we’ve been doing in America’s other longest running war: The War on Drugs.
“Where should the War on Terror be fought?”……… Hmmmm
Cook, only in your dreams because it does not exists.
All you see is a conspiracy to scare you!…… are you scared?….. Huh?
Trust me, I know because I am protected against it with my tinfoil hat….. get one it works.
An interesting take from Andrew Bacevich (conservative, former military) on how the kind of “support” we give to our troops is actually doing them a disservice.
“It’s also done well when we don’t impose our will upon other sovereign nations like we have been doing for hundreds of years. “ Guy Fawkes
I hear what you are saying, but it is the American Way, to butt into everyone else’s business.
“are you scared?….. Huh?” Stanislav Star
No, not scared, I just like the fact the brainless foreigners’ who want to pick a fight with Americans, get their ass kicked over there and not here.
“I just like the fact the brainless foreigners’ who want to pick a fight with Americans”……. Hmmmmm
You have already lost to Mexico and you are speaking fluently Spanish……. Good Cook.
Now, start learning the Chines.
Point of view, Mexico is being absorbed into main steam Americana, most likely a win – win situation.
Being a linguist is a good thing and Chinese and Spanish are two of the top three world languages, you can’t go wrong learning to speak, read and write those along with English.
“Mexico is being absorbed into main steam Americana”………. Hmmmm
So were Germans in Sudetenland…… Learn about what happened then.
All these Germans start screaming we want to go home!…… Learn about what happened then.
What do you gone do when Mexicans will start screening we want to go home?……. Huh?
“most likely a win – win situation.”……… Hmmmm
Would you say that main steam Americana has higher living standard then it had before Mexico has being absorbed?
Are you wearing safety helmet while driving your tricycle?
Lately you are exhibiting serious symptoms caused by head injury.
The following is from the latest Patriotic Post:
“Among my colleagues is a man who emigrated from the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. He grew up in Bratislava, on the border with Austria. His family garden had a backdrop of high-voltage barbed wire guarded by sentinels in sniper towers every few hundred meters, and sentries with dogs walking the fence line. He tells stories of those who attempted to reach freedom on the outside, most of whom did not make it and many of whom were shot.
He had always dreamed of fleeing socialism and finding the “freedom land.” After the “fall of the wall,” he applied for a work visa in the U.S., and after those extensions expired, he received a tourist visa for an additional six months, determined to stay as long as legally allowable in the U.S.
Upon the expiration of his visa, he returned to Slovakia. Later, he met an American exchange student at his college, “a gal from the South.” She was part of a college student exchange program. He and she courted and later married in Slovakia, and after an interview with the American embassy in Prague, they moved back to her hometown in the U.S. He left a teaching position in Slovakia to push a broom on construction sites here, but their marriage was priceless. After two years on a temporary green card, he was eligible to apply for a permanent green card, which involved legal fees, reams of applications, and endless commutes to INS offices. A couple of years later, he was eligible to apply for citizenship, which meant more fees, more applications and more commutes, as well as an immersion into the real meaning of American citizenship.
*As you can see….this is not our own dear Harry Lime………but you can see that
Harry is trying to fake it. The KGB knew him well and now he is in “Deep Cover”.