Protesters Shout Down Santora Arts Building During Artwalk


As people strolled down Sycamore Street for Saturday’s Santa Ana Artists Village Artwalk, they were greeted by the spectacle of a squared circle and Lucha Libre. After 8 p.m. on Broadway in front of the Santora Arts Building, onlookers happened upon a much different scene of la lucha social. After assembling at Birch Park for a short march, activists lined the sidewalk, shoulder to shoulder, to protest the continued presence in the building of a gallery tenant whom they say sexually harassed and groped numerous women, including an underage minor, during this year’s Grrl Fair musical festival, which was hosted there.

Making good on their promise to protest, more than 20 supporters came armed with signs, chants and bullhorns to sound their very loud message for the hour-long demonstration. The coordinated chants could be heard from more than a block away; with it being the first Saturday of the month, the Artists Village was populated by people taking in the activities of the Artwalk.

Read the rest of the article and view video from the protest

About Gabriel San Roman