As people strolled down Sycamore Street for Saturday’s Santa Ana Artists Village Artwalk, they were greeted by the spectacle of a squared circle and Lucha Libre. After 8 p.m. on Broadway in front of the Santora Arts Building, onlookers happened upon a much different scene of la lucha social. After assembling at Birch Park for a short march, activists lined the sidewalk, shoulder to shoulder, to protest the continued presence in the building of a gallery tenant whom they say sexually harassed and groped numerous women, including an underage minor, during this year’s Grrl Fair musical festival, which was hosted there.
Making good on their promise to protest, more than 20 supporters came armed with signs, chants and bullhorns to sound their very loud message for the hour-long demonstration. The coordinated chants could be heard from more than a block away; with it being the first Saturday of the month, the Artists Village was populated by people taking in the activities of the Artwalk.
“a gallery tenant whom they say sexually harassed and groped numerous women”……… Hmmmmm
They should not allow Schwarzenegger in.
The recently divorced Governator?
Schwarzy loves the Santora. He just can’t get enough.
“Be careful, you might hear something that you don’t want to hear.
Be careful you might feel something that you don’t want to feel.
Be careful you might learn something that you don’t want to know.
The selfish gene in me has finally come into being.
He’s teaching me how to be MEAN.
stop yawning, start yearning and WAKE UP! What you want to do is Wake Up!”
Ode to my repressed, confused, and misguided catholic friends!
The Pope is a Whore. Man is Woman. What will become of Santa Ana’s Shaman? The truth is to not to be feared. or is it?
Gustavo is not the Pope! Gabriel has no trumpet! The Santora is still El Corazon!
Why won’t you name the person we are supposed to avoid? Why protect him?
I agree with CSUF Student. If this is serious then give us a description of who we are supposed to look out for.
most likely the santora arists will not warn anyone about the man in question. keep it silent. it’s what you do best
I told you, look for the Shaman, avoid illusions. and delusions. “You might feel something that you do not want to feel”
Is that Susan Sarandon? I hear she likes younger men, I mean much younger.