Time to move the chains and bring the boys home!




Pretty amazing that even Al Qaeda has admitted the death of Osama Bin Laden.  It was great to see the President visit our troops and their families and the site of 911.  It was even more impressive that he invited Rudy Guiliani to join him.  The recent Predator attacks on various new targets is also a telling tale of the future for our strategy and tactics. 

There have been constant arguments in the last few years regarding virtual government and its possible variations.  In this day of hyper-cyber-cloud-space…is it really nessesary to have walls of cement and brick and mortar?  If you think realistically, the days of governments with walls are soon to disappear within the next five years.  The government cutbacks will be coming with impunity and instead of just outsourcing jobs to India …. those jobs will be provided by virtual robots.  Those of you that are laughing outloud, will soon be laughing out of the other side of your mouths.  Forget those useless digital answering machine today that eventually get you to a real person representative that speaks.   Those days are truly numbered.

War…..you say….will still require people.  No, we also know that not to be the case.  You can watch Terminator or any other future speak movie……..and quickly surmise that the day of Predator drone is simply dawning…..not waning.  MilitaryVideo Machine Operators will quickly take the place of soldiers in the field.   If you think those wonderful Navy Seal Team 6 members can’t be replaced….you will be disappointed to know that the day will shortly be upon us.  The days of legendary acts of heroism will be accomplished by those specially selected and trained soldiers who have a Vulcan Mind Lock with their virtual counterpart.  The famous futurist Ray Kurzweil has been talking this talk for over a decade.  That day is soon here.  Creating robot soldiers will create jobs that will have lapovers into Private Industry and the Civilian sector.  Security Guards of all stripes are an obvious transition to begin with.  Bank Guards, Corporate Body Guards….you name it.

So, let’s bring the boys home.  Afghanistan:  If they won’t give us the oil line through that country now, when will they?  We can keep four battalions of Special Forces in secret locations around the country or in Pakistan with unlimited use of Predator type drones and robots for those pesky gatherings of Taliban and Al Qaeda folks out to do harm to their fellow Afghans or Pakistanis.  Iraq:  Pull everyone out.  Place four battalions of Special Forces folks in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Abu Dabi.  Give those guys unlimited use of Predator drones and robots.  Libya:  Keep the mission concise, short and to the point with unlimited use of US Air Power and NATO joint venture equipment.  The next Target:  Plan today for short term engagements that limits physical personnel exposure to enemy forces. Create a task force to make unmanned robotization and drone aircraft work in the Navy and Marine Corps.

By creating our own robot Army, Navy,  Marine Corps and Drone Air Force…..our reduction in cost will be astronomical.  We can modularize our robot soliders so that upgrades can be accomplished, virtually overnight.  We can sell our robot soldiers to our free trading partners and build robots in 20 countries of the world.  We can stockpile robot soldiers and drones thusly ensuring a ready Army to take the field at any time in the future.  The best part of this concept is that you won’t have to feed soldiers, run them around to training camps, let them off on holidays or inconvenience their families or loved ones when they are killed or captured.

We need to determine the value of each military intervention, the projected cost in lives and the value acheived by our participation.

Al Qaeda is a threat that is a movable feast.  One day in Yemen, one day in the Phillipines, one day in Tibet, one day Ubekistan.  We need mobile forces capable of engaging any group – any where in the world – and be able to respond almost instantaneously.  Our new military will be able to do that.  Our Special Forces, Navy Seals and other specialized troops that are true flesh and blood should be utilized much as we would our celebrities, sports heroes and rock stars – with respect.  Time to move the chains and bring the boys home!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.