Pretty amazing that even Al Qaeda has admitted the death of Osama Bin Laden. It was great to see the President visit our troops and their families and the site of 911. It was even more impressive that he invited Rudy Guiliani to join him. The recent Predator attacks on various new targets is also a telling tale of the future for our strategy and tactics.
There have been constant arguments in the last few years regarding virtual government and its possible variations. In this day of hyper-cyber-cloud-space…is it really nessesary to have walls of cement and brick and mortar? If you think realistically, the days of governments with walls are soon to disappear within the next five years. The government cutbacks will be coming with impunity and instead of just outsourcing jobs to India …. those jobs will be provided by virtual robots. Those of you that are laughing outloud, will soon be laughing out of the other side of your mouths. Forget those useless digital answering machine today that eventually get you to a real person representative that speaks. Those days are truly numbered.
War…..you say….will still require people. No, we also know that not to be the case. You can watch Terminator or any other future speak movie……..and quickly surmise that the day of Predator drone is simply dawning…..not waning. MilitaryVideo Machine Operators will quickly take the place of soldiers in the field. If you think those wonderful Navy Seal Team 6 members can’t be replaced….you will be disappointed to know that the day will shortly be upon us. The days of legendary acts of heroism will be accomplished by those specially selected and trained soldiers who have a Vulcan Mind Lock with their virtual counterpart. The famous futurist Ray Kurzweil has been talking this talk for over a decade. That day is soon here. Creating robot soldiers will create jobs that will have lapovers into Private Industry and the Civilian sector. Security Guards of all stripes are an obvious transition to begin with. Bank Guards, Corporate Body Guards….you name it.
So, let’s bring the boys home. Afghanistan: If they won’t give us the oil line through that country now, when will they? We can keep four battalions of Special Forces in secret locations around the country or in Pakistan with unlimited use of Predator type drones and robots for those pesky gatherings of Taliban and Al Qaeda folks out to do harm to their fellow Afghans or Pakistanis. Iraq: Pull everyone out. Place four battalions of Special Forces folks in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Abu Dabi. Give those guys unlimited use of Predator drones and robots. Libya: Keep the mission concise, short and to the point with unlimited use of US Air Power and NATO joint venture equipment. The next Target: Plan today for short term engagements that limits physical personnel exposure to enemy forces. Create a task force to make unmanned robotization and drone aircraft work in the Navy and Marine Corps.
By creating our own robot Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Drone Air Force…..our reduction in cost will be astronomical. We can modularize our robot soliders so that upgrades can be accomplished, virtually overnight. We can sell our robot soldiers to our free trading partners and build robots in 20 countries of the world. We can stockpile robot soldiers and drones thusly ensuring a ready Army to take the field at any time in the future. The best part of this concept is that you won’t have to feed soldiers, run them around to training camps, let them off on holidays or inconvenience their families or loved ones when they are killed or captured.
We need to determine the value of each military intervention, the projected cost in lives and the value acheived by our participation.
Al Qaeda is a threat that is a movable feast. One day in Yemen, one day in the Phillipines, one day in Tibet, one day Ubekistan. We need mobile forces capable of engaging any group – any where in the world – and be able to respond almost instantaneously. Our new military will be able to do that. Our Special Forces, Navy Seals and other specialized troops that are true flesh and blood should be utilized much as we would our celebrities, sports heroes and rock stars – with respect. Time to move the chains and bring the boys home!
“Time to move the chains and bring the boys home!”…….. Hmmmm
The American stile with “Tail between their legs”?……. “Declare Victory and Go Home”?…… “Peace with Honor”?
Not so fast Winships!……. It ain’t over until it is over.
I can still hear your voices “We are against the war but we support our boys” demonstrating downtown Santa Ana right next to Nelson’s panhandling for beer sign.
Now with Osama dead new young guy will take over!
The stupid Americans, who will prosecute 6 year old kids for sex crime and try them as adults, are always fighting war against a one person so when they kill him new one will take over and war never ends.
Same is with war on drugs so after 40 years we have more drugs than we can ever consume. There is always new drug cartel and new dictator.
Now we have boy Gaddafi to fry.
So maybe next time Winships you should start your Limousine-Democratic-Demonstration by screaming: “We are against the war!…. We do not support our boys who at age 6 engaged in sex games!……. We do not support rapists, pillagers and murderers!”
Maybe you will not have to move the chains next time.
*Nation building is not dealing with terrorism either. Harry Lime, your constant “Halley’s Comet Argument Trail” has nothing to do with saving our country from anything.
The fundamental questions relate to why we should place our troops in harms way and the new changes in technology that will make that type of behavior – not only safer, but more cost effective.
1) “The fundamental questions relate to why we should place our troops in harms way”………
Because that is how you fight the war! It is their job!
2) “the new changes in technology that will make that type of behavior – not only safer, but more cost effective.”……….
So you want to fight war as long as technology is used instead of the boys?….. Typical Leftist Limousine Democrats — You can’t stand the blood….. Huh?
FYI, your enemy can, and you can bet that they will spill their blood as well as yours.
Somehow you must understand principles of life: You are fighting ragtag army and you are loosing.
Please notice that I am using “you” instead of “we” not because I am not American but because I am not like you Leftist-Liberals-Stupid-Socialists.
If you want to fight war you must unload everything you have and finish it in 6 days. Take it from the KGB trained X-Warsaw Pact military officer.
Otherwise do not fight any war….. you moron mongoloids.
We are not really waging a traditional war, we are fighting a counter insergency and attempting to build a stable government in place.
In a traditional war it would already be over we would have destroyed the place and left.
SInce we have already made the committment to do this to the people and governments in Iraq and Afganistan we need to keep our word. Not to do so would damage our efforts to combat terrorism.
That said we should in the future consider exactly the proposal the Winships are outlining and work to complete our goals and get our troops home as fast as reasonably possible.
We are trying to install out type of Western centralized government in a place that has never had it and doesn’t want it.
Stay tuned for Rohrbacher.
Everything you mention Jim is what is a problem.
As to Winships outline proposal?……… the freedom fighters (for you terrorists) use it in the 911 and they will use it again.
Do not think that we are so smart.
They are kicking our ass with fear and personally delivered bombs (for you suicide bombs) with better curacy than our smart bombs.
Winships’ proposal is simply moronic.
I wonder Jim, do you use your bran?…….. or just repeat your Bolshevistic crapola.
There is only one war and it is called war!
Name one country where have you successfully established your alleged democracy.
“attempting to build a stable government in place.”………. Hmmmmm
You are unable even to accomplish that in the USA, CALIFORNIA, ORANGE COUNTY, SANTA ANA.
All these governments are gravely unstable.
The WAR on TERROR is not over.
Where should it be fought?
Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda and their minions brought it to the USA in New York and Washington DC and our airports.
President BUSH and our military took the WAR on TERROR back to their homes and Countries.
The WAR on TERROR is not over.
Where should it be fought?
Bush CREATED terrorists in Iraq.
Is this a result of not killing them in Kuwait guarding precious crude oil?
This is the result of invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.
Tony. This is what we were told at the time:
1. Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction
2. Saddam’s regime was a threat to the USA and to world peace
3. Saddam’s regime had links with international terror groups
4. The war on Iraq was part of the war on international terrorism
5. Spreading Democracy in the Middle East
6. Helping the Iraqi people get rid of an oppressive regime.
“What WE were told?” By whom? Did you believe all this? A lot of us didn’t. I didn’t.
1-4. Lies.
5-6. Disingenuous pap to get some liberals on board.
Vern/Tony. We referring to all Americans.
See the following reference which I used in response to Tony:
Vern. As to your question “do I believe it” How sad that you didn’t ask me that question in 2003/04.
I forgot its Monday morning and all the quarterbacks come out to play.
Ask the Lakers about their last series if they would have done anything differently a year from now.
Nope, it’s not Monday morning quarterbacking. I was very vocal about this back in 2002-3. It was one of the main things that got me involved in politics this decade, and fighting against Rohrabacher.
“Did you believe all this? A lot of us didn’t. I didn’t.”……….. Hmmmmm
But you do now because your boy BO is seemingly in charge!
I was thinking of mentioning that as well – a certain young Illinois state senator also could tell this was all bullshit, as evidenced by his fiery speech against the Iraq invasion back when it started.
And you fell for it hook, line and sinker Larry along with the other blind “patriots” from the Center for a New American Century and their know nothing co-dependents in the Lee Greenwood Tiger Beat fan club. BRAVO!!!
And you’re ilk is arresting people who sell weed instead of the people who sold us a bill of goods costing thousands of American and Iraqi lives and billions of dollars? Who are the real criminals here? The person who sells a $50 bag of pot or the politicians that misled an entire nation into going to war adding to our deficit.
But it’s all about “protecting the children” right?
Where and when did I ever discuss “weed” on this blog?
Deciding what, if any, drugs should be legalized is something that the electorate can control directly at the ballot box. You are going off track with that remark.
Me off track? Please! Tell that to your “puritanical” and born again Republican friends that you support and endorse. They are the ones with the whacked out priorities. You know the ones that support overseas wars, nation building and expansionist doctrine while jailing those that speak out against these “overseas contingency excursions” or whatever bat guano type phrase is chic these days that sounds palatble to the ears. (Are you now going to censor the words “bat guano”?) Or jailing people for non-violent crimes.
I know you must be in denial of the latter so let me spare you the embarrassment of exposing the hypocrisy that you affiliate yourself with. However, you don’t think people are being jailed for their antiwar activism? Let me introduce you to some friends of mine from the Twin Cites who your Republican friends think are worse than Al-Qaeda: http://rnc8.org
The Republicans and their aiding and abeting Democratic Party colleagues are the real criminals that should be thrown in prison for fraud and coercion for leading us into these wars in the Middle East while squandering billions of dollars. Not antiwar activists and people who possess a bag of weed.
Actually, the creation of bin Laden could be linked to Zbigniew Brzezinski when we decided to fund the Afghan insurgents against the Soviets in the late 1970s. Probably further back to Rumsfeld’s first go around as Defense Secretary, but it does seem that no matter which political party is in power, our country has this pattern of financing despots or terrorists only to have them turn on us. Then we make them into the bogeyman of the week in order to justify our bloated defense spending and our presence overseas.
Remember in the 1970s when we supported Saddam Hussein and Iraq in their war against Iran? How about Noreiga against communist insurgents in Panama and Central America? What are we going to do when the soon to be new Libyan regime turns on us and says “we don’t want your presence here?” Build more drones and fighter/bombers?
Bush took the War on Terror to the USA and declared war on us all making us One Paranoid Nation Under Surveillance. But it must be OK because we’re all chanting “U-S-A! U-S-A!”
You are absolutely correct Guy Fawkes!.
It is called boomerang effect, or chickens come home to roost, or the golden rule!
That and Zbigniew Brzezinski can be clearly observed on the spiral of the life……… same bullshit 360 degrees around but on the higher level.
It is called “Blowback.”
I was hoping that you are getting more intellectualized by my comments comrade Vern.
Everywhere where Zbigniew Brzezinski and his cronies have their fingers attached to, like Trilateral commission, Builder-burgers etc. etc. etc. you can bet it is a conspiracy.
“President BUSH and our military took the WAR on TERROR back to their homes and Countries.”…….. Hmmmmm
He forgot to take with him Department of Homeland security and the patriot act.
Cook stop repeating what you read in the liberal press!
War on terror will stop when we will stop participating in it.
There always was and will be a lunatic with homemade bomb.
Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Live by wisdom of smart people and discard politics of idiots you are voting for.
If you would compare total annual death as result of traffic accidents and common influenza you would find the 3,500 dead in these stupid NY buildings laughable figure.
Look how many died in Katrina or Japan.
It is grave mistake to react to these superficial casualties…… the death is liability of living.
So keep on living for purpose to maintain your unalienable rights.
That will end all wars including the drug and poverty wars.
Stan I agree, I do not support restricting the liberty of our people to prevent terror.
But I also support going after those who attack us, perferrably with targeted attacks not invading the whole country.
I never supported going into Iraq, I did support Afganistan and we must leave both with a stable government of thier choosing, not one of ours.
We did not fight a real war in either Iraq or Afganistan in the traditional sense. We have also engaged in nation building. Perhaps that is a wrong choice but we have made the committment
to do so and we need to do so and get out as fast as possible.
“But I also support going after those who attack us, perferrably with targeted attacks not invading the whole country.”………. Hmmmmm
No one attacked us!
We have attacked us!
It was Pearl Harbor déjà vu allover again.
The 50 years from now you will learn real truth as you did about the Pearl Harbor.
Just think!…… For God’s sake!
New material released from the Osama’s compound shows that, notwithstanding physical terrorism, comrade Vern’s ideology is remarkably similar to Osama’s.
They both hate American capitalism and corporations.
The only difference is that Osama would like to destroy American capitalism and corporations by use of the al-Queda and comrade Vern by use of the Unions.
Harry Lime is Alan Dershowiz in drag. Along with Michael Moore….who all believe that terrorists should all be provided a Nurnberg Trial to protect their civil rights. Bull. First of all, and pointed out by many on this blog – we are not fighting soldiers with uniforms representing any specific country or region or outer planet of our universe. The rules of war do no apply except as spys and saboteurs did in WWII. How did we handle those folks again? They stood in front of military tribunals and were hung directly.
Let’s put it this way: When there is a Clear and Present Danger to our Country….it is the responsibility of the President to protect our country. How he does that we can argue about.
Obviously you have a hard time to read my ESL comments.
FYI, Alan Dershowiz in drag. Along with Michael Moore are Ultra-Left-Liberal-Limousine-Democrats like you Winships.
“The rules of war do no apply except as spys and saboteurs did in WWII. How did we handle those folks again? They stood in front of military tribunals and were hung directly.”…….. Hmmmm
That is what your boy Obama said about Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld…….
“That is what your boy Obama said about Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld…” … Hmmmmm
In some of our fevered dreams of justice, maybe.
Sorry, Larry, no sale.
Some of us refused to believe a word spoken by Bush.
The terrorists started showing up in Iraq after we took it over. Calling home grown folks terrorists for attacking outside occupiers seemed a stretch even to the neocon clowns who run our foreign policy so they were labeled “insurgents” as opposed to the outside terrorists who popped up to disrupt our attempt at puppet governmentry.
Tony. Looking out my rear view mirror re Iraq forces me to go to the Internet.
“Background on Saddam – Al Qaeda Links
On March 17, 2003, in a speech announcing a 48-hour deadline for Saddam
Hussein and his sons to leave Iraq in order to avoid war, President Bush said:
…the [Iraqi] regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has
a deep hatred of America and our friends. And it has aided, trained, and harbored
terrorists, including operatives of Al Qaeda.”4The Administration argument for an Iraq-Al Qaeda linkage had a few major
themes: (1) that there were contacts between Iraqi intelligence and Al Qaeda in
Sudan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan dating from the early 1990s, including Iraq’s
assistance to Al Qaeda in deployment of chemical weapons; (2) that an Islamist
faction called Ansar al-Islam (The Partisans of Islam) in northern Iraq, had ties to
Iraq’s regime; and (3) that Iraq might have been involved in the September 11, 2001
plot itself. Of these themes, the September 11 allegations are the most widely
disputed by outside experts and by some officials within the Administration itself.
Some Administration officials, including President Bush, have virtually ruled out
Iraqi involvement in the September 11 attacks while others, including Vice President
Cheney, have maintained that the issue is still open.5
Secretary of State Powell presented the Administration view in greater public
detail than any other official when he briefed the United Nations Security Council on
Iraq on February 5, 2003, although most of that presentation was devoted to Iraq’s
alleged violations of U.N. requirements that it dismantle its weapons of mass
destruction (WMD) programs. According to the presentation:6
Iraq and terrorism go back decades…. But what I want to bring to your attention
today is the potentially more sinister nexus between Iraq and the Al Qaeda
terrorist network, a nexus that combines classic terrorist organizations and
modern methods of murder. Iraq today harbors a deadly terrorist network headed
by Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, an associate and collaborator of Osama bin Laden
and his Al Qaeda lieutenants. Going back to the early and mid-1990s, when bin
Laden was based in Sudan, an Al Qaeda source tells us that Saddam and bin
Laden reached an understanding that Al Qaeda would no longer support
activities against Baghdad…. We know members of both organizations met
repeatedly and have met at least eight times at very senior levels since the early
1990s…. Iraqis continued to visit bin Laden in his new home in Afghanistan.”
And who funded the Iraqis, Saddam and Osama bin Laden, Larry?
We did. Remember the Iran/Iraq War and the 1979 Soviet Invasion?
Blowback is in the house
Would that be the same Colin Powell who resigned as soon as Bush was safely re-elected?
Yes, goddamned soldier loyal to a fault. And NOT to his nation or the truth, but to his President.
Thank God for his right-hand man Lawrence Wilkerson, who’s been out there speaking the truth for years now.
*Harry Lime, you said it…..Alan and Michael are defintely “your people” not ours! Darth Vader and the Death Star had uniforms…..and even the Free Aliance and Princess Laia….had uniforms…….
Osama’s boyz dress up as pregnant teenage girls and blow people up in discotechs….
We suppose if they all dressed like that…..you could consider it – a uniform! Even the Red Faction Army Group wore black!
No……we are not buying your commie-pinko liberal trash Harry Lime……you are a strict sell out to other side…..
Ron, I strongly recommend that Anna stops giving you that summer wine.
Otherwise, you may wake up one morning without the silver spurs, dollar and dime.
*Harry Lime…..just don’t try and sell that shipment of antibiotics to anyone but the government.
Not to wary Ron,
Antibiotics sold to California Beaujolais nouveau a.k.a. summer wine
*Harry Lime…..you really aren’t a Foster Farms Chicken! You know nothing about wine or
cheese – even though you maybe a professional cheese cutter……..otherwise, you would’nt be talking about cheap wine so much! Meanwhile Halley’s Comet comes around every 88 years….and this s certainly not the year of its return! By the way….your 14 step program begins with a single step…..and we would advise you to seek professional help in that regard.
FYI, I am waiting for Hale Bopp Comet eclipsing spaceship which will pick me up so I can avoid the Obama care.
“you would’nt be talking about cheap wine so much!”…….. Hmmmm
I do understand that Beaujolais may be cheap wine for a Left-Wing-Ultra-Liberal-Limousine-Democrat.
However, some of you Left-Wing-Ultra-Liberal-Limousine-Democrats end up switching to the Aftershave or Lysol seeking refuge in the Betty Ford Center.
Now say: “cheese!”
Thought so…….. missing front teeth.
Thanks for your photo:
*Harry Lime…….we’d ask you to take a number ….but then you really aren’t that important!
Listen to your theme song again. It will help in your therapy sessions.