(Reprinted with permission in its entirety from Eddie’s Corner, the blog of Eddie Rose at www.eddierose.org
The Stupidest—It’s a landslide for GEORGE “Dubya” BUSH! He couldn’t even find the bathroom in the White House without a GPS. Come to think of it, he probably doesn’t even know how to spell GPS!
The Most Productive—RONALD REAGAN. Put an end to the Cold War. Stopped Communism from taking root in Nicaragua.
The Biggest Bigot—JIMMY CARTER. Vile anti-Semite. Also hates blacks.
The Slickest—BILL “Slick Willie” CLINTON. The Tiger Woods of the White House (and we’re not talking about his golf game).
The Most Honorable—TEDDY ROOSEVELT. A Republican who fought corporate greed and protected the environment. WOW!!
The Biggest Crook—Tioe between Republican RICHARD “Tricky Dick” NIXON and Democrat LYNDON JOHNSON. Proof that corruption knows no political boundaries.
The Most Honest—ABRAHAM LINCOLN—No need to elaborate on this.
The Most Evil—FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. Did nothing to prevent Pearl Harbor. In fact, he wanted it to happen.
The Best—GEORGE WASHINGTON. He’d be turning over in his grave if he knew who some of his successors would be.
The Honorable Eddie Rose
Former Laguna Niguel (CA) City Councilman
“A Voice—Not an Echo”
Well folks, you probably do not know the true story behind the Watergate and “Tricky Dick” NIXON.
Howard Hughes, who lived in a peek of his weirdness in Las Vegas Nevada was terrified every time there was an underground nuclear test explosion. (He had total fit!)
So one day he summon one of his trusted aids and gave him $100,000 with personal letter to “Tricky Dick” asking him to stop these explosions in Nevada’s desert. He also told Dick that he is not the first president receiving money from him.
Dick took the money.
Then, the Watergate erupted.
“Tricky Dick” was paranoid and believed that somehow this pay off by Howard for stopping the nuclear tests in the Nevada will be uncovered so he initiated massive cover up not to protect the burglars but to protect himself from taking 100K from Howard Hughes.
Ironically this historical fact was never held against “Tricky Dick”.
Lesson to learn: Do not let paranoia to kick-in no matter what you are guilty of.
Just sweat it!…… you be a OK.
I like Nixon.
Stan, the next free day you wanta go?
He signed amendments to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which did so, though they were challenged in court and subsequently declared unconstitutional. But that was enough to get the states to ratify the 26th amendment, President Nixon affixed his signature – as the official witness – to the legislation on July 5, 1971.
18, 19, and 20 year old’s now can vote. (to bad they don’t vote)
The last amendment signed off on by a US President.