CA Senate passes AB 98. Budget Act of 2011

CA's bogus budget deal

The CA. Senate has just passed the Budget Act of 2011 by a vote of 23 AYE and 15 NO. There are 40 members of this House which includes 15 Republicans and 25 Democrats. All of the GOP members voted NO except Senator Runner who may not have been present. S.F. Democrat Leland Yee joined the Republicans casting a No vote.

  The next step will be to follow the budget voting in the Assembly. Prior to Prop 25 any votes impacting finance required a 2/3rds majority.

If there is no approval after today, based on Prop 25, legislators will forfeit their compensation and per-diem.

In his remarks Sen. Mark Leno stated that “I’m very confidant that in the next few weeks pension reform will be passed” but I will wait to see exactly what appears in the fine print. He did acknowledge that “we can’t afford the level of government” we have realized in the past.

About Larry Gilbert